Monday, October 21, 2024

Early Voted Against Murdering Children

 Concerned Citizens,

  Jenny is a School Librarian and her book Fair started today. We were both up and coffeed and out well before dawn this morning, as she went to engage kids and parents all week, and I rode a couple of miles to the early voting site, wearing my "Palestine" bike jersey, and sporting front and rear flashing lights.
  There was a pretty long line at 6:50, when I arrived, and it got longer. They had to redirect the tail of the snake all over to the other side of the door, due to blocking entrances to businesses. It was fairly quiet and reserved outside, with light conversation, nothing partisan, but I felt the tension when I stepped through the door. I wasn't expecting that, and it didn't feel like "me" to me... Maybe it was. I doubt it.
  Everything proceeded normally, with wait lines at each step, and I forgot to read the fine print on my ballot-printout, even though I brought reading glasses, because everybody was waiting for everybody else to move-along. Maybe my Jill Stein vote got flipped to Harris or Trump... 
..Oh, well.
  As I exited the door a lade smiled in my face and gave the "power fist" or "solidarity sign", with a meaningful look. I guess she noticed my Palestine jersey. 
I smiled back automatically. That's me...
  The eastern sky had brightened up and the sun rose over the horizon as I rode home. None of that was unexpected, though.
Who knows what's going to go down by Valentine's Day?

  Israeli Military Bulldozer Demolishes UN Watchtower, Fence in Southern Lebanon
UNIFIL statement reiterates intention to remain in area despite Israeli demands
  The growing chorus of international voices calling for Israel to stop hassling the UNIFIL peacekeepers in southern Lebanon appears to be falling on deaf ears, and a new statement from UNIFIL reports that an IDF bulldozer demolished their perimeter fence and a watchtower in Marwahin.
  Israel has not commented on this specific incident yet, and it is unclear why they destroyed that particular watchtower, and in so deliberate a manner. It is worth noting that just a few days ago Israeli tanks attacked a damaged a similar UNIFIL watchtower and cameras in Kfar Kela, which is only 5 km from the site of today’s demolition.

  Patients, medics trapped as Israeli tanks shell North Gaza hospitals
Three partially functioning hospitals in the Northern Gaza Strip, which treats severely wounded Palestinians, have now been surrounded and shelled by Israel’s military tanks, according to health authorities.

  Israeli forces bomb Kamal Adwan Hospital in northern Gaza
  Hossam Abu Safiya, the hospital’s director, confirmed in a statement that Israeli strikes have damaged the hospital’s water tanks and electricity grid, severely disrupting medical services.
  The area surrounding the hospital has been subjected to intense bombing and gunfire for several hours, placing patients and medical staff in grave danger, he added.
This assault on the hospital is part of a broader campaign of relentless air and artillery strikes that have pummeled northern Gaza for 16 days.
  The Jabalia refugee camp and surrounding areas have also been hit particularly hard, with witnesses reporting plumes of thick smoke rising from the devastated neighborhoods.

  UN chief 'unequivocally condemns' loss of life in northern Gaza after deadly Israel strike
Last Saturday, an Israeli air strike targeted Kamal Adwan Hospital in northern Gaza, killing at least 87 people and injuring dozens, including children. The Israeli strike also destroyed an entire residential block in Beit Lahia in northern Gaza, according to witnesses.

   After Israel Killed Hamas Leader, D.C. Pushes to Hand Palestine to Saudi Arabia
  “An independent sovereign nation called ‘Palestine’ with security guarantees for Israel to make sure there’s no future October 7ths,” Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., said in a recent interview. “It will be more like an emirate than it will be a democracy. MBS and MBZ at the UAE will come in and rebuild Gaza … create an enclave in the Palestine” — referring to Mohammed bin Salman, the crown prince of Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates President Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan.
  Graham, one of the biggest hawks in Congress, also praised Blumenthal for being “a Democrat trying to get the votes” for a deal requiring the U.S. to “go to war for Saudi Arabia.”
  Despite claims of wanting justice for Palestinians or supporting a two-state solution, American officials make little mention of Palestinian self-determination. None of the post-war plans offered have involved an election or process that would allow Palestinians to have a say in their future after enduring the humanitarian emergency of the Israeli war against them.

  Scott Ritter seems to be one step behind events, but maybe he just can't acknowledge the seismographic data.  SCOTT RITTER: Iran’s Bomb Is Real — And It’s Here 
This is the situation confronting Israel and the United States as they decide on an Israeli retaliation against Iran for the Oct. 1 missile attack.
  Iran has indicated that any attack against its nuclear or oil and gas production capabilities would be viewed as existential in nature. That could trigger the reversal of the fatwa and the deployment of nuclear weapons within days of such a decision being made.
  President Joe Biden told reporters on Friday that he knows when and where Israel will strike but refused to say. Leaked U.S. intelligence documents in recent days showed the limits of U.S. knowledge of exactly what Israel plans to do.
  The United States and nuclear-power Israel have long said that a nuclear-armed Iran was a red line which could not be crossed without severe consequences, namely massive military intervention designed to destroy Iran’s nuclear infrastructure.
  That line has been crossed — Iran is a de facto nuclear power, even if it hasn’t taken the final steps to complete the construction of a nuclear bomb.
The consequences of attacking Iran could prove fatal to the attackers and possibly the whole region.

  The October 5 Seismic event in Iran had no pre-tremors, just a huge shock with decaying echoes, like an underground explosion, not like an earthquake.  
Iran earthquake sparks speculation of covert nuclear weapons test
  The possibility that Iran carried out a nuclear test is being discussed at high levels in Tehran amid Israeli threats to bomb the Islamic Republic's nuclear infrastructure

Bannon Prison Statement – ‘Biden-Harris Are Illegally Holding Me Past My Release Date’

I'd like an order of "Make America Healthy Again", please, not French fries from a vat of overcooked seed-oil!  Left McTriggered After Trump Does Fun Publicity Stunt

  Damn! It was like move-along, move-along, people are waiting... I didn't check the printout, even though I brought reading glasses.  
Voters in Georgia, Texas & Tennessee Report Voting Machines Flipping Their Selections

  The Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi was murdered on October 20, 2011, and to mark the thirteenth anniversary of his death, the Russian Foreign Ministry received Qaddafi’s daughter, Aisha Qaddafi, in Moscow on Friday. This is the first open meeting in Russia between high-ranking Russian officials and the Qaddafi family...
..The official reason for Aisha Qaddafi’s visit to Moscow to open the exhibition of her paintings omitted that the paintings are in memory of her father, brother and other members of her family assassinated by the US and its proxies in Libya. “I show these works for the first time to honour my father and my brother on the anniversary of their deaths,” Qaddafi said in Moscow. “I can tell you that these pictures are painted not with my hand but with my heart.”  
  Assassination of Qaddafi had been a secret US Government policy during the Carter Administration and then an open policy of the Reagan Administration.  Assassination of  the Arabs of Palestine, including the leaders of Hamas and Hezbollah, is the open policy of the current US and Israeli governments.
  In this context, the unofficial reason for Aisha Qaddafi’s visit to Moscow is that the Russian Foreign Ministry is signaling its opposition to this decades-old US and Israeli policyThe signal also hints through several years of rumour and disinformation  at fresh Russian support – that means armed protection – for Saif Qaddafi’s campaign to become the end-of-civil war president of Libya.

This had seemed really odd to me. The IDF supposedly tracked these drones from launch to target, but did not activate any warnings for Israelis near Netanyahu's empty house.   FALSE FLAG? Drone Strike on Netanyahu Home Came From Area in Lebanon Controlled by IDF

  How long would you live without a power grid and internet in the US? Would it just be determined by how long your stored water lasted? It probably would for me.   
Paul Craig Roberts, “Nuclear High-Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse”: The United States Has Zero National Security

  Will Zoll looks at the arising of the totalitarian-flavors of Bolshevism, National Socialism, and their variants in Southern Europe. When societal problems are complex, and all power is given to a central power, things can happen more quickly, but they tend to happen in the interests of the centralized power, and it's financiers, always the financiers.   
  When Decades Happen – Part VI ,  Romancing the Reds  
  When Stalin seized power in 1924, he wanted to better understand why the Soviet Union was not economically performing as predicted. He assigned a brilliant economist and statistician to the task of analyzing the Soviet economy. Nikolai Kondratieff developed a compelling hypothesis to describe the long economic cycle of modernized economies; today this is known as the Kondratieff Cycle:   

  What this meant for Stalin was disastrous. Nikolai postulated that modern industrial economies go through long, natural cycles. The supply and demand of commodities are affected by these cycles, and therefore their prices will be determined by the resulting market forces. Centralized command economies can do nothing meaningful to control prices or alter the economic cycle without causing massive disruptions to supply chains in the future.
  Stalin was not impressed. The dire economic situation of the Soviet Union needed to be able to control commodity prices to stabilize the economy and engineer the Russian people toward a socialist utopia. Nikolai Kondratieff outlined why this was not possible and provided numerous data points to support his case. Stalin was pissed, and Nikolai was sent to the gulags for his research. After several years in a slave labor camp, Nikolai was retried and sentenced to death in 1938. He was executed by firing squad on the same day he received his guilty verdict.
  However, Stalin was no idiot. While he did not appreciate Nikolai’s truth bomb, he knew that the Soviet Union was on the brink of collapse. The gold they were exporting to the West was not enough to keep the communist economy from falling apart. At the same time, Western journalists were continually praising the Soviet Union as the future model for all of humanity. Stalin realized he needed to export more than just gold to continue his industrialization program.
  He decided to export as much grain as possible from the Ukraine in order to continue purchasing equipment for factories. This not only provided the desperately needed hard currency to pay for imports, but it also fed the Western propaganda machine. The grain exports were lauded as a fantastic example of the excess productivity coming out of the Soviet Union.11
  The grain sales caused prices to fall precipitously throughout the world. This further exacerbated the deflating prices created by the Great Depression and forced many farmers in the West into bankruptcy:  

Secondly, Stalin did not actually have any excess grain; far from it. He squeezed the grain from the Ukrainian people, which caused one of the worst genocidal famines in world history.

The tremendous front-loaded ecological damage already baked-in at time of initial EV purchase is not calculated here, just the overall burn rate through the electric utility.    “Environmentally conscious” electric cars found to produce a BIGGER carbon footprint than gas guzzlers

  Professor Eleftherios Gkioulekas, The impact of vaccine mandates to healthcare workers in Canada.
  A recent paper by Professor Claudia Chaufan and colleagues reported the results of a cross-sectional survey of 468 Canadian healthcare workers examining the impact of COVID-19 vaccination decisions and the impacts of vaccine mandates...
..Here are some highlights: 75% of respondents that received the COVID-19 vaccine reported that the reason for taking the injectable product was employer vaccine mandatesOnly 22% of vaccinated respondents reported no adverse eventsModerate adverse events were reported by 35.6% of respondents and severe adverse reactions were reported by 29.8% of respondents. Out of the 87 respondents that received the COVID-19 vaccine, 1 reported a life-threatening adverse reaction. Interestingly, only 4.3% of respondents were trained on how to report post-vaccination adverse events and only 4.5% of respondents reported that they were encouraged to report adverse events after vaccination.
  From the entire sample of both vaccinated and unvaccinated healthcare workers, 74.6% reported anxiety and/or depression and 18.3% the reported experiencing suicidal thoughts due to employer vaccination requirements (agree and strongly agree responses). Although 40% reported willingness to return to their previous role if vaccine mandates were dropped, another 42.5% reported an intention to leave their occupation or the healthcare industry as a result of their experience with vaccine mandates (agree and strongly agree responses)85% reported that employers did not offer alternatives to vaccination to satisfy their vaccine mandate, with only 1 out of 468 respondents reporting that their employer was willing to accept proof of natural immunity, even though 75% of respondents reported that they worked with COVID-19 patients prior to the availability of the COVID-19 vaccines. Only 9.5% reported being offered regular testing as an alternative to vaccination.
  59% of respondents reported that they were not provided by anyone with any written information about the vaccines, necessary for informed consent, and only 2.4% of respondents were provided with the package insert from the vaccine manufacturer.
  Finally, only 16.1% of vaccinated respondents reported being happy with their choice to get vaccinated, whereas 92.6% of unvaccinated respondents reported being happy with their decision to not get vaccinated (agree and strongly agree).

​  A Critical Analysis of All-Cause Deaths during COVID-19 Vaccination in an Italian Province
​  Immortal time bias (ITB) is common in cohort studies and distorts the association estimates between the treated and untreatedWe used data from an Italian study on COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness, with a large cohort, long follow-up, and adjustment for confounding factors, affected by ITB, with the aim to verify the real impact of the vaccination campaign by comparing the risk of all-cause death between the vaccinated population and the unvaccinated population. We aligned all subjects on a single index date and considered the “all-cause deaths” outcome to compare the survival distributions of the unvaccinated group versus various vaccination statuses. The all-cause-death hazard ratios in univariate analysis for vaccinated people with 1, 2, and 3/4 doses versus unvaccinated people were 0.88, 1.23, and 1.21, respectively...
​  The correction of ITB has allowed us to eliminate remarkable distortions due to this bias from the original study about the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines, carried out in the province of Pescara, Italy. Moreover, the original study showed that the group who received at least a booster dose had an unlikely significantly lower risk of all-cause death versus the unvaccinated, unlike those vaccinated with one or two doses who had significantly higher risks than the unvaccinated.
We found all-cause death risks to be even higher for those vaccinated with one and two doses compared to the unvaccinated and that the booster doses were ineffective. We also found a slight but statistically significant loss of life expectancy for those vaccinated with 2 or 3/4 doses.​

​  COVID vaccine doesn't reduce risk of infection... but it will prolong the length of time you can spread COVID
There is no mechanism of action that would enable the COVID vaccine to reduce your risk of getting infected. But it will prolong the time you can spread it to others!​

U​nvaccinated Citizen  (pictured going out with bike this morning to vote against murdering children)

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Preparing To Negotiate

 Reasonable People,

  Jim Kunstler looks at the negotiations necessary for a mostly-peaceful transition of power in Washington's Imperial Court. This is all up in the air. The current criminal cabal controls and includes much of the military, security/spy apparatus, many state and regional officials, and big city political machines. It has invisible funds for assassins.
​  The Three Layers of Culpability
​  The Great Fright among the elite of the party ruling our country steals across the land chillingly now from sea to shining sea — as if all those ghouls, werewolves, zombies, and tormented wraiths assembled in the front yard Halloween displays send up one mighty wail of despair: Donald Trump will seek revenge against his enemies if you elect him! they scream into the pale moonlight.
  Well, he ought to, of course, and remember: they are your enemies, too
 — the FBI thugs battering down your doors at five in the morning, the malicious US attorneys manufacturing phony felonies, the Soros-owned DAs and party-owned judges, and the thousands of spooks from agencies both known and unheard-of surveilling your every move, every purchase, every journey, every thought. Consider that it is not whether Mr. Trump might seek revenge but whether justice, and the mental health of the nation, require an accounting for the real crimes of actual persons against the people of America lo these years of the Woke Jacobin Inquisition.
  Finally, as the days dwindle down to November 5, you understand exactly what motivates the three layers of evil heaping America with malice and punishment. Layer one: the officers of the political establishment, a.k.a., “the blob” or Deep State, both current and emeritus. You know now that they are motivated to stay out of courts-of-law (and, ultimately, prison)Figures such as John Brennan, Merrick Garland, Lisa Monaco, Chris Wray, Anthony Fauci, Alejandro Mayorkas, Barack Obama, and many more, exude culpability for doing real harm to US citizens. They do not want to do time... They see Donald Trump’s poll number go hockey stick and they tremble in their Beltway mansionsOn the Kubler-Ross transect of grief, they are just now wavering between the stages of anger and bargaining...
​..Second layer: the lawfare lawyer gang deployed to keep the blob safe from investigation and prosecution...
..Third Layer: the news media. The motives of these birds are the flimsiest: social status and professional stature. They operate within a self-referential reward bubble that provides psychological nourishment as long as they go along with the murmurations of their flock...
​  Now, whether Mr. Trump would actively seek revenge is a thing apart from the paranoia of his adversaries. On the one hand, he seems aware that his own place in history will rest not on looking backward to the harms inflicted on him as the sacrificial goat for the sins of “the deplorables” — the many Lawfare cases against him will likely be reversed in higher courts, or just dropped — but on attending to and fixing the many obvious, reality-based problems afflicting the nationinflation, the horrendous debt, the libido for war induced by military contractors and neocons, the return of productive industry and jobs that pay living wages, sealing the border and expelling dangerous aliens, and stopping the race-and-gender hustles, to name a few things.​..
​..In 2016, Mr. Trump floated the idea of defaulting on US debt, or negotiating its terms. Sounded outrageous to some at the time. Now, with the BRICs org meeting to de-dollarize their trade arrangements, might be a ripe time to make such a move. He can reverse “Joe Biden’s” 2021 reversal of his border policies by executive order on day one... He knows (and you know) that there is a huge agenda of practical problems to face. Mr. Trump does not need the aggravation of stirring up further grievance and resentment among the defeated Wokesters...
..Since Mr. Trump is best known as a deal-maker, I believe he will seek to make a deal with the blobThe deal will be for them to cooperate in the prosecution of certain key figures in exchange for not demolishing their agencies altogether. Some of these people — Garland, Mayorkas, Fauci, Brennan, and Wray, for examples — really do need to do some ‘splainin’ in front of juries... We can’t pretend that nothing happened. Most of all, Mr. Trump has to defeat the sick belief that anything goes and nothing matters.​

​Where's Diddy? Clinton Foundation links?  How high does this go?   Disney Employee Among 150 Arrested In Major Human Trafficking Bust

  It's not new, and in my opinion it is not Jeffrey Epstein, but somebody unlucky enough to look a lot like him who was garroted with a wire or nylon rope, and is only shown from upper lip to upper chest, notably not his ear.  “New Jeffrey Epstein Autopsy Photo proves he didn’t Kill Himself” his Brother said.

All #1971 names from Jeffrey Epstein's black book are here:

  The Pentagon Wants to Use AI to Create deepfake internet users
The Department of Defense wants technology so it can fabricate online personas that are indistinguishable from real people.
​  The offensive use of this technology by the U.S. would, naturally, spur its proliferation and normalize it as a tool for all governments. “What’s notable about this technology is that it is purely of a deceptive nature,” said Heidy Khlaaf, chief AI scientist at the AI Now Institute. “There are no legitimate use cases besides deception, and it is concerning to see the U.S. military lean into a use of a technology they have themselves warned against. This will only embolden other militaries or adversaries to do the same, leading to a society where it is increasingly difficult to ascertain truth from fiction and muddling the geopolitical sphere.” ​

  Trump: Biden is Too Tough on Netanyahu
The Republican presidential candidate ridiculously claimed that Biden is "trying to hold" Bibi back, as the Israeli prime minister continued to ruthlessly bomb Lebanon and Gaza.​

​  Israel shoots, kills Palestinian woman during olive harvest in West Bank
​  A Palestinian woman was shot dead by Israeli occupation forces yesterday while harvesting olives in the northern occupied West Bank.
The Ibn Sina Specialised Hospital in Jenin announced the woman’s death, stating she had succumbed to her injuries in the town of Faqqu’a, north of Jenin.
​  Earlier, the Palestinian Red Crescent Society said in a statement that its teams in Jenin had been called out to treat a 59-year-old woman from Faqqu’a who had been shot in the back, adding that they tried to resuscitate her, but she later died.
​  Eyewitnesses reported that the woman was shot while working in an olive field near the illegal Israeli Separation Wall.
Also yesterday, Israeli settlers yesterday fired at Palestinian olive pickers in the town of Kafr Al-Labad, in Tulkarm.
​  Ayman Gharib, an anti-settlement activist, stated that Israeli forces arrived at the scene following the shooting and fired tear gas at the Palestinian farmers, causing several of them to suffer from suffocation.​

​  The ‘General’s Plan’ in Gaza: A genocide by starvation
​  Netanyahu’s war success can be only measured by Israel’s scale of vengeance, as the toll of the murdered and injured has reached 150,000. Gaza has been turned into a living hell. A war that pervasively and systematically diminished Gaza’s economic capacity, following an 18-year blockade that crippled the economy and forced upon it an ever-increasing sense of dependency.
​  Yet, Israel failed to bring any part of Gaza into submission. As a result, several Israeli generals, led by former national security adviser Israeli Maj-General Giora Eiland, contrived a new approach, the “General’s Plan”, to ethnically cleanse northern Gaza.
​  The General’s Plan is not exclusively a military strategy but rather an orchestrated noncombatant action, euphemistically termed to mask its true intention: genocide and ethnic cleansing through starvation. It calls first for the complete isolation of northern Gaza from the rest of the Gaza Strip. Second: compartmentalise northern Gaza into separate quarters and declare each section a war zone, forcing civilians to leave or become legitimate military targets.
​  The initial phase, which began in early October, blocked aid trucks from reaching the north and then segregated the Jabalia camp from its surroundings. In other words, genocide by attrition, one quarter at a time, in a slow motion.​

​  Caitlin Johnstone:  What's Happening In Northern Gaza Proves Israel Lied About Everything
  Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar has been killed. He died not hiding behind civilians or disguised as a woman as Israel apologists have been claiming for a year, but alone and in uniform, fighting Israeli forces with one arm blown off by tank fire.
  Sinwar’s death will have no meaningful bearing on how Hamas or Israel conduct themselves, so it’s funny to see Israel supporters puffing their chests like this was some kind of achievement. Israel is going to keep bombing hospitals, shooting kids in the head, intentionally starving civilians, and working to steal Palestinian land just like it was doing yesterday, and Palestinians are going to keep resisting this just like they were doing yesterday.
  Nothing about anything has changed. If Israel were actually killing all these people with the goal of destroying Hamas then Sinwar’s death might be significant, but Israel’s goal is not destroying Hamas. Israel’s goal is the ethnic cleansing and annexation of Gaza. This is public knowledge at this point, and is not seriously debatable. The only victory Israel’s supporters can claim to have secured here is one of revenge...
​..Someone filming from their window in northern Gaza captured the moment when Israeli forces who had injured a child with a sniper drone launched an airstrike on the site after people ran to his rescueImagine being scared to run to the rescue of an injured child because you could be killed for it.
​  That’s the kind of nightmare Palestinians are facing in Gaza. One where a child injured by a flying robot could be being used as bait to draw rescuers to the scene in order to bomb them. One where people have to watch their family members burn alive right in front of them. One where they have to listen to their disabled loved one get ripped apart by dogs in the next room while they’re held at gunpoint by Israeli soldiers.​

‘There is no day after’: What US, Israel want for Gaza after Sinwar’s death
Analysts say US push for Gaza post-war phase is ‘unrealistic’ as Israel vows to continue fighting in besieged territory
​  .Within moments of the confirmation that Israeli forces had killed Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar, officials in the United States hailed the killing as an “opportunity” to turn the page on the war and move on to a “day after” for Gaza.
​  While offering no clear vision of what the future of the ravaged territory might look like, White House national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, described Sinwar’s killing on Thursday as a chance to “bring about a better day for the people of Gaza, the people of Israel, the people of the whole region”.
President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala ​  Harris echoed that assertion in their own statements.
​  Israeli leaders, however, had a drastically different message. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the war is “not over” and pledged that Israeli forces would operate in Gaza for “years to come”.​

​  At Least 31 Israeli Soldiers Wounded in Hezbollah Drone Strike Near Lebanon Border​,  Hezbollah says war entering new ‘escalatory phase’
On the Israel-Lebanon border, another overnight drone strike was carried out by Hezbollah against a gathering of Israeli troops in the border area.
​  Details are still scant, and so far, Israeli media has not published any stories on the matter. The reports coming from elsewhere indicate that at least 31 Israeli soldiers were wounded in this latest incident, which is being described as a “difficult incident.”
​  This is the second substantial incident of Israeli troop casualties resulting from a Hezbollah drone this week. Previously on Sunday evening, a drone strike hit the Israeli military base in Binyamina, killing four soldiers and wounding over 60 others.​

​  Iranian Proxies 'Tried To Assassinate Me & My Wife', Netanyahu Says After Drone Struck His Residence​                                                                                                    "The attempt by Iran’s proxy Hezbollah to assassinate me and my wife today was a grave mistake," he said in an English statement on social media.
​  "This is the first time since the beginning of the war that a target affiliated directly with Netanyahu has been hit," Axios reported, though details of the extent of damage have been scantNeither he nor his wife or family had been present at the residence when the attack on the upscale Caesarea neighborhood occurred. Israel's military appeared to be tracking the drone, which traveled some 70km from Lebanon, but anti-air defenses appeared to have failed, with not so much as warning sirens going off.​  [Wait, if they were "tracking" the drone​s, they could have set off sirens. What was really going on?]​

​  America’s ​'Most Dangerous Bomb​' May Have Just Seen its First Combat Use in Yemen: GBU-57 Built to Strike Deep Underground
​  On the night of October 17 the U.S. Air Force deployed B-2 intercontinental range stealth bombers to launch large scale strikes against five targets in Yemen using bunker-buster bombs. The attack follows over a year of hostilities between Yemeni Ansurullah Coalition forces and the United States, United Kingdom and Israel, with a consensus having formed that efforts led by the U.S. Navy to cripple Yemeni fighting capabilities have fallen very far short of success. U.S. Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin referred to the attack as "a unique demonstration of the United States' ability to target facilities that our adversaries seek to keep out of reach, no matter how deeply buried underground, hardened or fortified.” While the Navy’s Tomahawk cruise missiles, and air launched missiles deployed by carrier based F-18 fighters, are all not well optimised to penetrating hardened fortifications, the B-2 is considered the best optimised asset in the Western world for such operations. Previously during hostilities between the Ansurullah Coalition and a Saudi Arabian led coalition from 2015, the Royal Saudi Air Force failed to neutralise military facilities in deeply buried and well hardened fortifications, despite repeated efforts to target them. The use of the B-2 thus represents the culmination of close to a decade of efforts by multiple states using Western weaponry to neutralise key Yemeni arms storage and basing sites.  
​  Targets of the B-2 attacks include three barrack areas and associated deep bunkers, each of which originally housed a Soviet Scud missile brigade from the 1980s onwards, and in the 2000s were equipped with North Korean Hwasong-5/6 missiles. The Ansurullah Coalition has since re-equipped with considerable numbers of entirely unique ballistic missiles, which are thought to have been developed with Iranian and possibly North Korean support. Each B-2 can carry up to 18,000 kilograms of ordinance, and has an intercontinental range allowing it to strike targets globally from bases in Missouri and on Guam. The nature of the target of the latest attacks, however, have raised considerable speculation that the bombers were equipped with GBU-57 Massive Ordnance Penetrators, which are too heavy for almost any other combat aircraft to carry...
​..The GBU-57’s ability to penetrate some of the best hardened and most sensitive military sites across the world without crossing the nuclear threshold, thus giving the B-2 a particularly deep reach, makes them arguably the most dangerous bombs in the Western world. Their ‘usability’ as non-nuclear weapons is a key part of this.​

​  They need to drag the ​US into war with Iran:  Israel says attack on Iran's nuclear sites still on the table
  A senior Israeli cabinet minister revived the prospect of an attack on Iranian nuclear sites after media reports had suggested the United States had convinced its ally to focus its fire on Iranian military infrastructure.
​  Energy minister Eli Cohen, a former foreign minister, said on Friday Israel was "committed to preventing the Iranians from acquiring nuclear weapons, and therefore, all options are on the table, including attacking nuclear facilities".
​  He made the remarks in an interview with Israeli news website Walla News three days after a CNN report said Israeli officials, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, had assured the US that any retaliatory strike on Iran would be confined to military targets

​  Leaked US Intelligence Documents Related To Israel's Attack Preparations On Iran Appear Online​  [Who leaked, with what intentions, and is it "real"?]
​  A major leak of US classified documents has appeared online Saturday... or we should qualify alleged leaks of at least two TOP SECRET documents, with both marked NOFORN - which is among the highest classifications - given it indicates the specific intelligence cannot be shared with allied foreign intelligence agencies.
​  A breaking Axios report suggests their authenticity.​..
..The docs first appeared online Friday, but the Axios report has strongly pointed to the authenticity of leak.
​  The region has remained on edge as Israel prepares to retaliate against Iran for its Oct.1st ballistic missile attack which saw some 200 projectiles pummel various sites in central Israel, some of which were said to be Iranian hypersonics. Axios has noted that "The leak could be an attempt to disrupt the Israeli operation."​ 
[Attempt by who?]
​  A US official told Axios that the alleged leak is "extremely concerning" - again implying authenticity. The leak is also being described as potential very serious breach within the US intelligence community...
..Israeli media has also begun to spotlight the leak.
Did Iran just hack and breach restricted US intelligence community servers?​   
[Or did the Pentagon leak to rein-in Israeli zealots?]
​  As for content of the documents, they contain information on Israel's military transferring advanced munitions, possibly readying them for a planned attack on the Islamic Republic. One of the classified docs has the following header:
​  Defense Forces Continue Key Munitions Preparations and Covert UAV Activity Almost Certainly for a Strike on Iran, 16 October 2024
Axios has further commented on the top secret documents as follows:
​  It also states that according to U.S. signals intelligence, the Israeli Air Force conducted a large exercise this week involving intelligence planes and likely fighter jets trained for a possible attack against Iran.
The alleged intelligence report also detailed preparations in Israeli drone units for an attack against Iran.
​  The Washington think tank community is outraged over the apparent major breach.​

​  Greek dockworkers block ammunition shipment to Israel
Late last night a group of dock workers and union members at the Port of Piraeus stopped a container filled with bullets bound for Israel from being loaded onto a vessel. The action, led by the ENEDEP union and supported by other groups, was a stand against arms shipments fuelling Israel’s war on Gaza.​

​  Putin says Gaza war must end with establishment of Palestinian State
​  Russian President, Vladimir Putin, said on Friday that the war in the Gaza Strip must end with the establishment of a “full-fledged” Palestinian State, urging the Middle East Quartet to be reactivated in order to resume mediation efforts in the region, Anadolu Agency reports.​ “The primary solution to the Palestinian problem is the establishment of a fully-fledged Palestinian State. The Russian side has upheld this position since the Soviet era,” he remarked during a meeting with BRICS media managers in Moscow.​

  ​Simplicius points out that Ukraine's former and acting President Zelensky has stated that "Ukraine" needs either nuclear weapons or NATO Membership to be "secure", which ignores the "security" available through friendship with Russia, the usual arrangement. There is speculation that Ukraine infers a potential nuclear threat against Western Europe here, more than against Russia, which will nip-it-in-the-bud. Anyway, they "don't have such a program right now". It has been rumored that Ukraine DID have such a program at the Zaporizhia nuclear plant, which made it an immediate objective for Russian forces in 2021. 
  Something is making Ukraine rush, maybe the "certainty" of another Trump Presidency in 3 months, maybe more than that. Hints are dropped in and outside of Ukraine.
Zelensky Once More Puts Allies Under Nuclear Shadow
​  A new central flashpoint around the issue of Ukraine obtaining nuclear weapons has suddenly taken hold of the narrative after Zelensky appeared to imply that Ukraine’s future can only be secured either via NATO or nuclear weapons. In fact, he said that’s what he explained to Trump and may be the real root kernel of his ‘Victory Plan’.​..
..A UK advisor named John Bew has played a kind of eminence grise or ‘oracle’ role in the Ukrainian war, giving citations for that claim. But here’s the big kicker. According to him, the Kursk operation was entirely a British one—which does accord with facts—and:
​  Starmer planned a major international charm offensive to get allies on board with Ukraine striking Russia, increased arms shipments, increased defence spending, the works. And Bew was central to this strategy. He was dispatched to Kiev personally to coordinate with Zelensky et al
​  In short, it was the UK’s last-ditch effort to compound some Ukrainian consensus and get a critical mass of support going, riding the ‘victory wave’ of what was to be a huge triumph. But the massive failure of Kursk appears to have unleashed the opposite, with the “oracle” John Bew abruptly but quietly resigning means—akin to Nuland’s foreboding departure—the whole British effort has collapsed...​  Now the UK won't endorse Zelensky's 'victory plan'.
​  So, putting the pieces together. With Zelensky’s sudden “three month” urgency, his desperate threats of obtaining nukes, a schizo psyop about North Korean troops to drum up panic, Robert Fico’s ‘mysterious’ intimations of something big coming that will end the war, and many other small crumbs like the John Bew bailing bellwether—what do you get?
​  What the potpourri of intel seems to suggest to me, is everyone is sensing an end to the conflict, and Zelensky must have advanced warning that “support” could collapse even further—for instance with Trump now certain to win. As such, Zelensky could be on his last leg in designing a threat to change the calculus.
​  But here’s the angle most casual observers will miss: the nuclear threat is not toward Russia.​ You see, Russia isn’t worried about any low-grade, small yield dirty bomb. Why? Because if Ukraine dared use anything of the sort, Russia could nuke Ukraine to the stone age with impunity—meaning: no ally would come to Ukraine’s defense given the knowledge Ukraine used a nuke first. As such, this threat is meaningless toward Russia.
​  No, the threat is against Ukraine’s allies. It’s Zelensky’s long-awaited blackmail of his own “partners” with the message effectively being: “If you don’t save us, we’ll use nukes to force a confrontation between you and Russia, and burn the whole world down with us.”​ ...
​..In another heated conversation laid out in Woodward’s book, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin confronted his Russian counterpart, Sergei Shoigu, in October 2022.
​  “We know you are contemplating the use of tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine,” Austin said, according to Woodward. “Any use of nuclear weapons on any scale against anybody would be seen by the United States and the world as a world-changing event. There is no scale of nuclear weapons that we could overlook or that the world could overlook.”
​  As Shoigu listened, Austin pressed on, noting that the U.S. had not given Ukraine certain weapons and had restricted the use of some of those it had provided. He warned that those constraints would be reconsidered. He also noted that China, India, Turkey and Israel would isolate Russia if it used nuclear weapons.
​  “I don’t take kindly to being threatened,” Shoigu responded, the book says.
“Mr. Minister,” Austin said. “I am the leader of the most powerful military in the history of the world. I don’t make threats.”
​  The point is that the US was apparently extremely spooked and took the threat of nuclear use very seriously. This is now being used as explanation for why, precisely, Biden has been so careful of Russia’s red lines since that time, and has refused to allow Ukraine to strike deep into Russian territory.​

  ​He seems deadly-serious:  Russia will not let Ukraine obtain nuclear weapons under any circumstances, Russian President Vladimir Putin said speaking at a meeting with media representatives of the BRICS states.

​  Zelensky's Plan Sells Ukraine to West, Turns Army Into Private Military Company - Lavrov
​  Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky's so-called victory plan suggests that Ukraine will hand over its natural resources to Western allies in exchange for weapons and turn the Ukrainian army into a private military company, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Friday.
​  "Zelensky, in these points of his, spoke so veiledly about the economic side of the issue. According to the leaks, the secret annexes... stipulate that he is ready to place all of Ukrainian natural resources under the management of his Western masters, hand over controls over them, effectively to sell Ukraine," Lavrov told reporters after a foreign ministers' meeting on the South Caucasus.
​  Some leaks suggest that Zelensky's main purpose is to get weapons no matter what, Lavrov added. He said that Western countries had already made it clear this was an "unacceptable scenario" that increased risks for the West.​..
​..Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova brushed off Zelensky's "victory plan" as a set of incoherent slogans that would push NATO into a direct conflict with Russia. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Wednesday that the conflict would end when Kiev realized the futility of its policy.
​  Zelensky presented the three-point plan, which also includes three secret additions, in parliament on Wednesday. He proposed that allies invite Ukraine to join NATO, lift restrictions on strikes deep into Russia and deploy a "comprehensive non-nuclear deterrence package" on Ukrainian soil to contain Russia. The plan envisions an end to the conflict no later than 2025.​

​  The US will support Ukraine within the framework that corresponds to Washington's strategic interests – Pentagon chief
The head of the Pentagon said that Washington will continue to support Kyiv, but only to the extent that "corresponds to strategic goals."​

​  More collateral for loans to the west, which are going bad:  Russia Poised To Cripple Ukraine Steel Industry By Seizing Vital Coal Mine
​  In what promises to be a major milestone in more than two-and-a-half years of war, Russia is closing in on the capture of a vital industrial asset: a Ukrainian coal mine that's a cornerstone of the country's steel industry.
​  Owned by Ukrainian firm Metinvest, the modern facility -- opened in 1990 -- is Ukraine's largest mine for producing coking-coal, a specific grade used to fuel blast furnaces. It's near the village of Udachne, about 10 kilometers west of the city of Pokvrosk, which is itself a key supply hub in Ukraine's Donetsk oblast. Per the latest reports, the Russian army is reportedly just 8 to 12 kilometers east of Pokrovsk...
..Steel is one of Ukraine's principal industries, accounting for about a third of exports before Russia's invasion. At that time, Ukraine ranked 14th in global steel production; by last year, it had fallen to 24th place. This year, Metinvest expected to unearth 5.3 million metric tons of coal in the mine near Pokrovsk.
​  Oleksandr Kalenkov, the head of Ukraine's metals and mining industry lobbying group, explained the implications for the country's steel industry when the mine falls under Russian control, telling Reuters it could slash projected 2025 steel production by upwards of 80%​.

​  Anti-drone buckshot (needs a close-range optical computer targeting system to hit anything coming close):  Russia unveiled IGLA anti-drone cartridges for serial guns  
Russia introduced the IGLA anti-drone cartridges, designed specifically for use with the LEX series rifles. These cartridges represent a new approach to combatting small  unmanned aerial vehicles [UAVs]

No ​automatic turret​-shotgun to go on top of a truck or tank to rapidly detect and shoot​-down drones, yet:  9 Types of Anti Drone Weapons​

​  New Claims That 10,000 North Korean Troops Are Being Sent To Fight Ukraine
Thursday, Zelensky was in Brussels where he informed EU officials that North Korea is amassing a large amount of troops in Russia, readying them to fight in Ukraine.
​  "We know that there are 10,000 soldiers of North Korea, that they are preparing to send, fight against us," he said in a briefing. This includes "land forces, other tactical personnel" and framed it as "the first step to a world war."..
..On Friday, South Korean intelligence (the NIS) sought to vouch for Zelensky's claims, saying it believes up to 12,000 North Korean troops are mustering in Russia, and that at least 1,500 have already arrived.​

​  North Korean troops seen being equipped in Russia ahead of likely deployment to Ukraine
​  The North Korean troops are thought to be receiving training before being sent to the frontline in Ukraine, in what is thought to be a clear sign of the ever warming relations between Moscow and Pyongyang.
​  In a video shared with CNN by Ukrainian government organization, the Ukrainian Center for Strategic Communication and Information Security, a long line of soldiers can be seen queuing up to receive their uniforms. The soldiers are thought to be speaking in Korean although the low quality audio prevented their discussions from being fully understood.
​  Upon arriving in Russia, the North Korean recruits have been asked to fill out a questionnaire providing their sizing for hats, headgear, uniforms, and shoes. In a copy of the questionnaire shared with CNN, the top of the form is written in Russian whilst the various size options are written in Korean.​

​  Dima at Military Summary covers, in the first 3 minutes, the Koreans arriving to help rid Russia of Ukrainian soldiers by the end of the year.  
Korean Troops Heading To Kursk Fierce Fighting Along The Oskol River Military Summary 2024.10.19​

​  Dima at Military Summary follows up in the first 2 minutes of this video, explaining that if North Korean troops only help rid Russia of Ukrainian troops in the Kursk Oblast, then they are only operating in what every country recognizes as "Russia" and are completely within all interpretations of international law.   
Zoriane Captured Selydove On The Brink Kupiansk Frontline Splits Military Summary For 2024.10.20​

​  We take it for granted:  DEVELOPING: Over 10 million people left in the dark from power grid failure in Cuba
The electricity went out Friday in  Cuba, affecting the entire island’s population of 10 million after one of its main power plants failed, according to  Cuba’s energy ministry.​ The government had tried to keep the lights on earlier in the day by closing schools and having most state workers stay home in an effort to conserve energy. But it wasn’t enough, and by 11 a.m. the largest power plant went offline, causing a grid failure.​

​  Egypt is going to get badly hurt by reallocations of Nile River water:  The colonial legacy of this vital river threatens peace in Africa and beyond
New agreements reached in the decades-long dispute over the Nile could change the water allocation of countries in its basin​.

Trump Vows Education Overhaul: ‘Let the States Run the Schools’​

​  UK Police Raid Home, Seize Devices of Pro-Palestine Journalist Asa Winstanley Under 'Terrorism Act'
UK counterterrorism police on Thursday raided the home of Electronic Intifada associate editor Asa Winstanley under the Terrorism Act for what appears to be the suspected "crime" of vocally supporting Palestinian liberation.
​  Winstanley has been a pro-Palestine activist for ages and has done invaluable work exposing the lies, hoaxes and disinformation the Israeli government spread about October 7th.​

Election Interference: Meta Admits Facebook Censors Anti-Kamala Posts​

​  Florida authorities on Oct. 16 sued the U.S. government, alleging that U.S. officials are illegally refusing to cooperate with Florida’s effort to remove noncitizens from its voter rolls.​

​Why would our government lie to us about this?  Inflation Is Really 40%, Not 21 % Since 2022

​  5-Year-Old Develops Autism After Being Forced to Get 18 Vaccines in 1 Day
As part of a custody battle, a Tennessee judge ordered a family to vaccinate all three of their children, all of whom had never been vaccinated. Five-year-old Isaac immediately became ill and was eventually diagnosed with severe regressive autism.​..                                                                                                                              ..
According to Ihben, Burnett told the couple that it was his “personal opinion that not vaccinating your children is child abuse.” He then told the couple that whichever parent would be willing to vaccinate the children that same day would leave the courthouse with custody.​                                                                                     “I said, ‘Your Honor, we have rights. It’s between the mom and their father,’” Ihben recalled. “Her attorney whispered to her, and she goes, ‘I’ll take them down and vaccinate them today.’”​                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  “I was so surprised, because me and my ex-wife didn’t agree on much, but we did agree on that,” Ihben said, referring to their views on vaccination.​                                                 After the hearing, Ihben and his wife were granted joint custody of the children, with their mother as their primary guardian. Later that day, the children received their childhood vaccines — and Isaac immediately became sick.                                                                                                                                                                                        “My daughter had previous allergies … so the doctor refused to give her all in one day. They split those … She didn’t have any side effects from what I can see,” Ihben said. “[Joseph] was in the ICU for a couple of days but seems to be okayBut [Isaac] spent 12 days in the ICU, eight days with a 106-degree fever.”​                        Isaac, who was 5 years old at the time, was “just a normal happy kid,” Ihben said.​  Today, Isaac has severe regressive autism. Ihben told The Defender:​                           “He doesn’t talk. He wears a diaper. He eats out of a baby bottle 20-30 times a day, he has speech therapy and will require 24-hour care and supervision for the rest of his life.

​  Big Food Gets Kids Addicted to Food Laced With Ingredients Banned by Other Countries
​  “Right now, American food companies are using toxic ingredients that [in other countries] are either banned or regulated differently, in the same products that they serve American citizens,” Hari added.
​  According to her, McDonald’s French fries contain 11 ingredients in the U.S., but only three in other countriesSkittles also uses 10 different artificial food dyes in the U.S., as well as titanium dioxide, which is “banned in Europe because it can cause DNA damage.”
​  Hari also noted that Kellogg’s pledge in 2015 to remove artificial food dyes from its cereal products by 2018 didn’t materialize.​

​  This is the modern-day story of David and Goliath​  
The Port Hedland story​:  Councilors from a small mining community called Port Hedland in Western Australia recently convened at a special council meeting to bring a Motion forward with evidence of DNA in the COVID-19 vials. It contained 3 exhibits including a report by David Speicher, a letter by The Honorable Russell Broadbent MP, Federal Member for Monash, dated 20 September 2024, and follow-up letter by The Honorable Russell Broadbent MP, Federal Member for Monash, dated 25 September 2024.
​  In summary,
Dr. Speicher's testing revealed DNA contamination levels between 7 to 145 times higher than Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) limit of 10ng per dose
​  Mr. Broadbent has called upon the Prime Minister to suspend the use of Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines due to the alarming findings contained in Dr. Speicher’s report. Mr. Broadbent has urged an immediate investigation and suspension of these products, pointing out that DNA contamination levels vastly exceed regulatory limits and that the Australian population must be protected.
​  Over 50 co-signatories from around the world explain in layman's terms the adverse health effects caused by synthetic DNA contamination, emphasizing the risk of genomic integration, increased cancer risk, immune system disruption, and potential hereditary effects.​..
​..The motion was passed 5-2 on October 11, 2024.
On October 13, 2024, it was announced that 537 additional Australian Councils were to receive the DNA contamination report.
​  On October 15, 2024, a Daily Mail Australia Reporter wrote and published an article online that reports that on October 14, 2024, Western Australia’s Premier Roger Cook said that “the Covid vaccines [are] not dangerous” and said the Port Hedland council had “gone completely off the rails”. He also said that the Port Hedland council should “stick to their knitting”.
​  On October 18, 2024, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (the FDA of Australia) have publicly called this report ‘misinformation’ without bringing evidence forth to counter the evidences in the report, nor acknowledging the public statements made by Health Canada or the EMA on the SV40 subject matter. They did not present any new data to support their statements. In short, they reverted and referred to outdated information, and did not address this newly-raised issue.​

  Neocolonialism:  Over half of African nations spend more on interest rates to creditors than public health: Report
Data from World Bank shows that debt owed by the continent to private bondholders rose to $187 billion in 2022 from $25 billion in 2008​

​  Viva Italia Tomato Plant Review: I think this is the first time that I am writing a review of a specific garden vegetable variety, but I have been very impressed with the Viva Italia tomato plants in both Austin and Yoakum, which I purchased and planted in late February, since I always push my luck on late freezes. The plants have dealt very well with heat and humidity, and have been the most disease resistant and vigorous of all of the tomato varieties I have grown. There are some browned out leaves low to the ground that I have not trimmed off. That's all. Most of the other tomato plants have died, except Juliets, and Sungolds, both small tomato types, and both with a lot of browning and dying. One volunteer Sungold seedling from last year's tomato-drops is doing better than most, and I will save seeds from that.
  We essentially have 3 tomato seasons in central Texas:
  Spring, where early production and canning are important in May, June and early July. These Viva Italias are not quite as early as Early Girl and Black Krim, in that order, but they are juicy tomatoes for canning, compared to most Roma types. Production is heavy by late spring.
  Summer Heat, where the usual goal is to keep the plants alive and await September and October rejuvenation and resumed production. We always notice what makes tomatoes in August, and this August was unusually mild, so we got some Juliets and Sungolds, as expected, but we also got Viva Italias, a medium tomato in August, and with a very nice flavor for general use. This was the Big News!
  Fall Rejuvenation, is the current season, and a bigger surprise, in a way, than getting some nice medium tomatoes in a mild August. These plants are kicking ass in production, which is very unusual for fall here, and they are the same plants that went into the ground in late February, showing excellent vigor and excellent disease resistance in this late season.
  General: Viva Italia is a large bush, not a vine, "determinate", but I always cage even determinate types for a long growing season. Viva Italia makes a big plant and does not sprawl into a tangle of dying vines, as most of my other types do. It is almost the only determinate type plant with any life at all in mid October, and it is thriving. 
  Here is one of the better reviews I found, but I ordered seeds elsewhere, and will buy some potted starts in early spring again if I find them.
Optimizing Outcomes (pictured with bowl of medium Viva Italia and small Juliet tomatoes from fall garden)