Friday, March 14, 2025

The Other Interpretation


  The question is again forced, what is going on in world events, which seem chaotic and nonsensical? What it seems like is that there is no narrative which adequately serves the interests of the "Owners" and their political and business "elites", and that there are two divergent camps, with divergent interests and control-narratives, the globalists, and the nationalists. Globalists are tied to supra-national lending at interest to national governments, to fund wars. Lending at interest leads to economic crises, as debts outgrow productive economies at all scales. Economic crises lead to wars, which must be funded... 
  Populist nationalists seek to increase real-economy, to the benefit of their nations, workers, families, communities and long-term infrastructure viability.
  Globalists seek to extract the abstracted "capital" from nations in the form of money, which is a conceptual agreement, not a farm, factory or oil well. Money is highly fungible, and can travel from New York to Bangladesh in an instant. This is convenient for those who have agreed ownership rights to productive properties and to the debt payments of individuals, companies and nations. They can lend at low rates, engineer crises, then demand higher rates or full repayment, obtaining either higher rates of return, or asset liquidations, as in the Asian Financial Crisis, where factories and businesses were bought very cheaply by global financiers.
  Populist nationalists may shelter their countries from such extraction-cycles of free-flowing "financial capital" by introducing "capital controls", such as China has, which tie the money to the place, the nation. 
  Nationalists may also fund their nations through tariffs, which make their national products less expensive at home, and increase the costs of foreign products. Retaliation is usual, so imports become more expensive in all countries. Countries which depend heavily on imports may be hit harder, especially if they can't replace them, as might be the case if their is not enough farmland to replace food imports. Nations that are more self-sufficient will fare better, especially if others depend upon their exports, such as oil and grains.
  Autarky is the state of self sufficiency. No modern nation is truly autarkic, but Russia has been pushed hard in that direction by sanctions since 2014, and has the most natural resources per capita of any country. A system of tariffs, which makes imports expensive, nudges a country towards autarky, and it takes the money from trade to run governments. This is bad for globalists who favor a free-trade system where they collect the skim from trade between nations. The more trade the better. The more a nation depends upon trade to survive, the more the globalists who control the channels and finances of trade are able to extract wealth from that nation through their manipulations of price and availability.
  Global trade has been facilitated by diesel fuel, and massive ships to carry standardized containers, which can transfer directly to trucks and rail cars.
  Global trade has certain advantages, because some places can make some things more efficiently than other places can, and if they ship cheaply, then there are practical benefits, but also the risk of dependency. This vulnerability to an embargo was impressed upon the US in 1973, two years after the US had peak domestic oil production, by the Arab Oil Embargo, which was retaliation for the US supporting Israel in the 1973 war. 
  My best assessment is that we are in a jagged plateau of global industrial output, which is poised for terminal decline, because it is 90% correlated with net oil + natural gas condensates production, and that peaked at the end of 2018. The "Repo Crisis" of big banks not trusting each other on overnight loans, backed by T-bills, happened the next August, and the "Going Direct Bailout" happened during COVID lockdowns in Spring of 2020. 
  If my assessment is correct, the debts-at-interest that are the foundation of our current money are mostly bad-debts.  The cookie jar has mostly IOUs, not cookies. Who will get the remaining cookies? How will this be managed? Those are political questions which societies must agree upon, or they will break apart and not produce the necessities of life for their members.
  The first question is how to manage the defaults. Global ownership elites prefer that claims upon the remaining wealth be nullified. If a claimant dies, then that is one less claim upon real wealth to compete with theirs. Destruction of competing claims through war has often been employed in the service of old-wealth.   Sometimes broad societal negotiations, to reach a new Social-Contract are engaged over a period of years, and a society is able to reorganize functionally and move forward in a better-adapted arrangement to provide for its human needs at scale. 
  We are now approaching such a moment of societal realization, I think.

​  Thanks Eleni.  Is Donald Trump managing the possible collapse of the “American empire”?​  by Thierry Meyssan
​  For a month, the accumulation of critical events around the United States, Ukraine and the European Union has been difficult to interpret because each power has been advancing in disguise. European leaders assume a stupid air by assuring that they continue to support the Ukrainian integral nationalists while Washington and Moscow have already agreed on a peace agreement. However, it is possible that the diplomatic summits are hiding another issue: the prevention of a major economic crisis in the West. In this case, Washington must terrorize its allies to force them to pay off its debts. ​ 
​  It was in the kitsch decor of his Mar-a-Lago residence that Donald Trump convinced allied central bankers and finance ministers that he was going to make them pay the United States’ debts...
..A videoconference by analyst Jim Bianco, taken up by the Bloomberg agency, rekindled concerns. According to this analyst, the Trump administration is following a plan, the "Mar-a-Lago Agreement". It intends to radically restructure the US debt burden by reorganizing world trade through tariffs, devaluing the dollar and, ultimately, reducing the cost of borrowing, all with the aim of putting US industry on an equal footing with its competitors in the rest of the world.​..
..On January 21 and 22, Donald Trump had gathered the central bankers and finance ministers of the G7 in his Mar-a-Lago residence. He is said to have welcomed them by telling them: "No one will leave this room until we have found an agreement on the dollar". The agreement in question would therefore have been approved by the allies.
​  The main idea would be for the US Treasury to issue government bonds that do not pay interest (what are called "zero coupons") and that would not mature for a century (that is, could not be exchanged for cash for 100 years). Washington would therefore have to force its allies to convert their debts into "zero coupons".
​  If we accept this analysis, we must reinterpret various actions of President Trump, in terms of customs duties or the creation of a sovereign wealth fund. They no longer seem as erratic as the international press describes them, but on the contrary very logical.
​  We must therefore consider that Donald Trump is trying to manage the possible economic collapse of Joe Biden’s "American empire" as Yuri Andropov, Konstantin Chernenko and Mikhail Gorbachev tried to manage that of Leonid Brezhnev’s "Soviet empire".
​  I am all the more attentive to this hypothesis because, in my opinion, the coup of September 11, 2001 had no other goal than to postpone the foreseeable collapse of the “American empire”.​..
..This is probably what we are witnessing today: Donald Trump, President of the United States, is dissolving the “American empire” as he had tried to undo it in 2017...
..If my hypothesis is correct, we must not believe a word of the threats of annexation of new territories, such as Canada, and not imagine that the United States is withdrawing militarily from Europe to confront China, but admit that it is militarily abandoning its European alliesWe see that it is abandoning Germany and relying on Poland to organize Central Europe, even if it means letting Warsaw annex Eastern Galicia (currently Ukrainian). Similarly, we must prepare to see the United States abandon its Middle Eastern allies, with the exception of Israel...
..Note that if the European allies, the Chinese and the Saudis should consider it a scam to exchange their debts for “zero coupons”, Russia should on the contrary support the United States in this maneuver. Indeed, during the dismantling of the Soviet Union, Russia went through a decade of recession and unrest, but today it needs the United States to avoid finding itself face to face with China.​

US deficit sets record with $1.1 trillion in first five months of fiscal year 2025​

​  Witkoff was in Moscow Thursday, as was Belarusian President Lukashenko.  Trump envoy to present ceasefire deal to Russia this week – White House
Washington and Kiev agreed on a 30-day truce in the Ukraine conflict on Tuesday​

Putin Rejects US Temporary Ceasefire Plan, Appears In Military Fatigues​

‘A ceasefire only benefits those who are retreating’: Russia’s top foreign relations experts and actors react to US-Ukraine talks​

​  Russian Negotiator Reiterates Russian “Nyet” on Ceasefire Even Before US Emissary Steve Witkoff Arrives in Moscow
​  Putin, very, very uncharacteristically, donned a military field uniform, rolled down to the regional HQ in Kursk (Gerasimov was already there), and made a 5-minute on-camera statement, one of the two salient points of which is that he “strongly suggested” the military considers establishing a buffer zone around Russian borders after finishing clearing out the Kursk region. If that isn’t a signal to the Americans about any ceasefires, I do not know what is…
​  His second salient point, by the way, was to stress that any Ukrainians captured in the Kursk region were not actually POWs, but rather “terrorists”, i.e. persons who have violated Russia’s criminal anti-terrorism statutes.
​  Let’s return to Ushakov’s remarks. As indicated yesterday, I was highly confident the Russians would not entertain the US-Ukraine scheme, but I had assumed they would go through the diplomatic motions, of at least having a what I called a tea and cookies chat, and yet again restating Russia’s conditions before talks could begin. As readers pointed out in comments, Russia could also have gone for slow-walking to get expectations down: “We agreed in Riyadh that we needed to get the diplomatic machinery on both sides back in operation before we can entertain any proposal.”
​  So why a speedy and very public rebuff? One possibility is that it was important to reassure the Russian public that Putin was not going all wobbly in response to a US overtures, particularly after the important milestone of the Ukraine rout in Kursk.​

​  Putin lists guarantees Moscow wants for 30-day ceasefire
The Russian president wants assurances that Kiev will halt military mobilization, soldier training, and arms deliveries​

​  READ IN FULL: Putin’s statement on Trump’s Ukraine ceasefire proposal
Russia is ready, the president has said, stressing that such an agreement “must lead to long-term peace”​

Putin Declined The Ceasefire​; Trump Imposes Additional Restrictions​   Military Summary For 2025.03.14​

​  Trump ‘would like to meet with’ Putin​:  The Russian president has also expressed openness to discuss a US-proposed Ukraine ceasefire with his American counterpart
​  Trump said the US has already discussed many details of a potential “final agreement” with Kiev and is now waiting to see “whether or not Russia is there.”
“We’ve been discussing land with Ukraine… pieces of land that would be kept and lost and all of the other elements of a final agreement. You know, we’ve been discussing concepts of land because you don’t want to waste time with a ceasefire if it’s not going to mean anything,” Trump said. “They discussed NATO and being in NATO, and everybody knows what the answer to that is. They’ve known that answer for 40 years, in all fairness.”
​  Trump’s special envoy, Steve Witkoff, visited the Russian capital on Thursday to discuss the results of US-Ukraine talks in Saudi Arabia earlier this week and to relay Moscow’s position back to Washington. Witkoff was also expected to meet with the Russian president behind closed doors in the evening, but officials have yet to confirm whether the meeting took place or to provide details of his other interactions during the brief visit.​

​  Larry Johnson and Judge Napolitano had a long sit down with  Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov​.  A Conversation with Foreign Minister Lavrov
​  What an honor. I was invited, along with Judge Napolitano and Mario Nawfal, to interview Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov on Monday. Mr. Lavrov is smart, charming, funny and quite approachable. He ain’t a bullshitter. There was no pretense about him. After spending more than 90 minutes conversing with him, I came away with a new appreciation of his skill as the consummate diplomat. Although we each had prepared a couple of questions in advance, those went out the window once the conversation started. There were no constraints on what we could ask.
​  There was an added treat before Mr. Lavrov arrived… we spent thirty minutes chatting with Maria Zakharova in a casual environment. She is equally charming and tough as a rhinoceros hide.​

  ​Gilbert Doctorow,  Belgians want war!
​  My finger on the pulse is my membership in a prestigious ‘royal’ French-speaking club, where I have the opportunity to sit at table with other members for the periodic, even weekly gatherings. My own preferred sub-club is the Cinema group which gathers at least once monthly for projection of some vintage film which may be American, or French, or whatever. After the screening we take seats on a random basis for a shared dinner.  Table talk wanders in all directions. Not often do folks talk politics, because it is by nature so divisive. But when they do, it is perfectly clear that the overwhelming majority of members are now pro-Ukrainian and anti-Russian. Given that this club has long been a haven of tolerance for divergent opinions, and when I joined five years ago they still celebrated the visit of Peter the Great to Spa during his European travels, this solidity behind the NATO position on Russia is striking...
​..Our daughter in her work as a school teacher in a Belgian secondary school is well immersed in the hoi polloi.  They are her fellow teachers, they are the parents of her students with whom she meets periodically. And as the mother of two teen-age boys, she gets together socially with the parents of their friends.
​  What I am hearing from her is very clear:  this hoi polloi has been properly indoctrinated, properly brain washed and now strongly favors defending Ukraine, strongly favors the establishment of a military draft in this country and say they are ready to send their sons to war against Russia.  In fact, in some Belgian public schools today preparations are being made to introduce courses in paramilitary training for the final year of secondary education. This patriotic movement cuts across the country’s language divide.
​  Of course, no one has asked the sons of these Belgian patriots how they feel about being drafted into the army and being sent to the front against Russian forces where they will be blown to bits in a matter of days, just as the Ukrainian recruits are today experiencing.
​  I will not comment here on the advice I would give my grandsons should the draft be introduced in Belgium.  Read my lips.​

​  Celia Farber,  Germany Launches Hotline, Encouraging People To Report Family And Friends Who Hold "Conspiracy Theories" That Question "Democratic Institutions"

​  Free Trade was Ricardo’s Concocted Theory Used to dispossess the British Aristocracy​,  Paul Craig Roberts
​  As for Trump’s tariffs, at the present time it seems that often they are threats leveled at specific countries to get them to do what they should be doing or to get them to give their help to Trump’s agenda.  For example, the initial tariffs Trump announced against Mexico and Canada were withdrawn once the two countries agreed to police their borders with the US to help halt the flow of immigrant-invaders into America.  It remains to be seen whether a full blown tariff system is put in place...
..It is possible that tariffs could recover their historic role in the financing of the US government.  The US government was financed over most of its history by tariffs.  It was not until 1918 that the income tax passed in 1913 affected the population, so the US government has been dependent on income taxation only for about a century.  As I have explained, the introduction of an income tax resurrected a form of slavery as it gave government ownership rights in our labor.  The definition of a free person is a person who owns his own labor.  Today people subject to an income tax are in the same position as medieval serfs who owed part of their labor to feudal lords.​..
​..The income tax taxes labor and capital, factors of production.  Thus income tax reduces GDP and living standards. Classical economists, unlike the present day “junk economists” as Michael Hudson correctly calls them, said, correctly, that consumption, not factors of production, should be taxed.  That is what a tariff does. If you don’t consume goods produced in other countries, you pay no taxation.
​  Countries once understood that being dependent on imports of necessities, such as food, was a threat to national existence. A country could be subdued by the cutoff of food.​

​Weaker dollar outlook:  Gold Soars To Record High As Tariff Tensions Rise

  Alastair Crooke,  ​ Europe faces a MAGA ‘vibe-shift’ as Trump moves to his primordial objective – The Global Reset  
  The point here – which Europe feigns to not understand – is that the end to the Ukraine conflict simply is Trump’s ‘gateway’ to the entire rationale and platform on which he stood: The Great Reset of the Geo-Political landscape. Ukraine, simply said, is the obstacle to Trump’s pursuit of his primordial objective: The Global Reset.
​  Starmer, Macron and the eastern wing of the Euro-élites are blind to the sheer scale of the global vibe-shift towards traditionalist U.S. politics and ethics. They miss too, the barely concealed fury in the Trump world that exists behind this nascent revolution. “The Maga Right has none of the inhibitions of its predecessors. It is planning to leverage the power of a recaptured state to annihilate its enemies”, Allister Heath writes...
..Team Trump – committed to the task of taking down the American Deep State as the ‘inexorable enemy’ – perceives (rightly) the British security state to be co-joined at the hip with their American counterparts, as a part of its global meta-structure. And its oldest and deepest component has always been the destruction of Russia, and its dismemberment...
​..Friedrich Merz, Macron and Starmer are talking about how they are going to turn around their countries – via a massive infusion of debt – into defence superstates. Yet, at some level of consciousness, they must realise that it is not doable, so they settle instead for presenting themselves as ‘world leaders on the international stage’.
​  The European élites are deeply unstable ‘leaders’ who are risking the prosperity and stability of the continent. It is clear these countries do not have the military capacity to intervene in any concerted manner. More than anything, it is the European economy circling the drain that is the reality at the gates.​  
​  Zelensky is accomplice to the European insistence that defeating Russia takes priority over achieving peace in Ukraine, in spite of lacking any strategic rationale as to how it may be achieved after three years of a worsening military situation. Both plans – crushing the Russian economy with sanctions and attrition of the Russian military to the point of collapse – have failed. Why then does Zelensky resist Trump’s peace proposals? On the surface, it makes no sense.
​  The explanation likely goes back to the post-Maidan era when the western ‘Meta Security State’ (principally, the British and the Americans) entrenched hardline Banderites (then a tiny minority) into the Ukrainian Police, Intelligence and Security State. They are still today the controlling force. Even were this faction to acknowledge that their war cannot be won, they understand what happens if they lose​.
​  Russia will not deal with them. They view them as extremists (if not war criminals) who are in no way ‘agreement capable’ and must be replaced by a leadership who is actually capable of compromise. Russia would likely pursue and bring these men to trial. Zelensky has to be frightened at what the Banderites might do to him (despite his British team of bodyguards).​..
​  President Trump has ordered intelligence sharing with Ukraine stopped. What he technically did was to stop allowing Ukraine to use exclusive U.S. targeting systems controlled by U.S. Intelligence, the CIA, the National Reconnaissance Office and the U.S. National Geospatial Intelligence Agency. What has been suspended is the exchange of so-called ‘lethal’ data, including information for HIMARS targeting. However, the defensive information needed for protection is still being provided to Ukraine.​..
​..In Ukrainian command posts, the battle tracking and satellite online feeds on tablets and TV screens have indeed been disconnected.​ What Trump’s slap-down has done is to puncture the fiction that Ukraine is able to defend itself with a little substitute of European support.​

​  Michael Every,  Rabobank: "There's Growing Recognition Trump Is Serious About Radically Reshaping The US"
​  Meanwhile, there’s growing recognition Trump is serious about radically reshaping the US. The Wall Street Journal asks if he is taking a “liquidationist approach”. The Financial Times underlines he sees the need for shock therapy to remake the US to make things ​great again and argues a recession won’t stop him. Indeed, the more one hears ‘Main Street not Wall Street’, ‘national security’, ‘long term, not next quarter’, and ‘don’t focus on stocks’, the more it echoes ‘Common Prosperity’.​

Schumer Shutdown: Senate Refuses To Pass Continuing Resolution After Democrats Melt Down​

​What did somebody say to Chuck?  "Bastards!": Schumer Throws Contrived Tantrum After Caving To GOP

​  RFK Jr's Ex-CIA Daughter-In-Law Tasked With Reining In Intel's 'Black Budgets'​ 
​  Rather than working inside just one three-letter agency to reform it, the director of the Office of Management and Budget asked, why not bring the entire espionage apparatus to the president’s heel? Fox Kennedy accepted. Passed over for a job at CIA, she now oversees the entire CIA budget as well as the budgets for the 17 other agencies that collectively make up the intelligence community.
​  This makes her the tip of the fiduciary spear, so to speak, in the ongoing White House war against what they see as a “woke and weaponized” government security establishment. The budgets, like the ones collecting dust next to her desk, and other bureaucratic authorities known only to the nerdiest of wonks, Fox Kennedy insists, are the very best tools “to put the Leviathan on the chain.”
​   All of this delights Vought, who calls her addition to OMB “a huge deal,” a step toward policing the shadowy corners of the federal government he described as “nearly untouchable.” No clandestine budget or compartmentalized program will be beyond her purview. Instead, AFK will be free to follow the money.

​  Look Out Below​:  Psychology and fundamentals both have to bottom for there to be "value", despite what idiots on TV say. That day is not today. Tomorrow doesn't look good, either.
​  I’ve already explained why I think markets could be set up for a much bigger move lower. I detailed this in both my March market review and my piece explaining why I think the next crash could very well be different from those of days past and could “break the brain” of market participants: This Next Market Crash Will Break Our Fragile Brains.
​  I wasn’t going to write a piece midday today until I turned on the television and, despite the best efforts of David Faber to inject some semblance of reality onto CNBC guests, watched portfolio managers justify paying 26x to 40x earnings for tech stocks they said are “on sale”.​..
..Faber actually did a pretty good job trying to paint a picture of the psychology of the market as it stands today. What he said mostly aligns with what I have been saying over the last couple of weeks: that there is a psychological shift taking place deep in the foundations of the market, not only where people are beginning to entertain the idea that we’re entering a bear market, but also simultaneously entertaining the idea of a rotation out of risk-on speculative US technology stocks and into both US industrials and emerging markets​.

​  Celia Farber,  Intel: Contracts Out For Killings Of Alex Jones, Elon Musk, Chase Geiser's Family Swatted Middle Of Night, Based On On False Report
Alex Jones Says Intel Told Him It's The Ukrainians—And One InfoWars Reporter, Jamie White, Got Shot To Death Days Ago In Austin, Returning Home. White Was On Zelensky's Kill List​

​  Celia Farber,  Trump Administration Blocks Kennedy CDC Pick Dr. Dave Weldon, RFK Jr. "Very Upset." Weldon's Official Statement Here
"I Have Learned The Hard Way Don't Mess With Pharma."​

​  Jon Rappaport,  Dave Weldon dumped as CDC nominee; is anybody talking about the real secret here?​  I am; the scandal they want you to forget

Massie Donations Pour In - Jewish Group Vows To Help Trump Oust Him​

​  Trump says no Palestinians will be expelled from Gaza as he presses takeover plan
'Nobody is expelling any Palestinians,' US president says after Israeli minister vows to erect office to oversee forced displacements​

​  Yale Suspends Palestine Activist After AI Article Linked Her to Terrorism
Helyeh Doutaghi attended events sponsored by Samidoun, a pro-Palestine group subject to U.S. sanctions.
​  The dystopian future is here. Yale University has suspended a scholar in its law school after a Jewish news website that uses AI to produce articles called her a member of a terrorist group. It comes as the Trump administration has launched a relentless campaign to silence any speech sympathetic to the Palestinian cause.​

​  Professor at Center of Columbia University Deportation Scandal is Former Israeli Spy
​  Mahmoud Khalil, a recent graduate of the university’s School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA), was abducted by Immigration Customs Enforcement (ICE) Saturday for his role in organizing protests last year against Israel’s attack on Gaza. Khalil’s dean, Dr. Keren Yarhi-Milo, head of the School of International and Public Affairs, is a former Israeli military intelligence officer and official at Israel’s Mission to the United Nations. Yarhi-Milo played a significant role in drumming up public concern about a supposed wave of intolerable anti-Semitism sweeping over the campus, thereby laying the groundwork for the extensive crackdown on civil liberties that has followed the protests.​

​  Former head of Israeli military intelligence welcomes 'chaos' in Syria
Tamir Hayman said infighting between Syrian factions was beneficial, but added Israel must remain silent on the matter
​  "Everyone is fighting each other. An agreement with the Kurds on the first day, a massacre against the Alawites on the second day, and a threat to the Druze on the third day... All this chaos in addition to an Israeli attack on the south... All this chaos is somewhat good for Israel," he explained.​

During the "ceasefire":  Israel kills three Palestinians every 24 hours in Gaza, using snipers, drones, and starvation as genocidal tools​,-using-snipers,-drones,-and-starvation-as-genocidal-tools

​  Honest (former) Politician, Dennis Kucinich, The Genesis of Sectarian Death Squads in Syria: The Fall of Assad to US-Supported Extremists and the Massacre of Christians and Alawites
  As I reflect on America’s disastrous policies in Syria, I am left with a haunting question: Why would the United States pursue strategies that have led to the slaughter of Christians and Alawites, the destruction of ancient communities, and the triumph of extremism?
​  For years, as a Member of the House of Representatives, I stood on the floor of Congress and sounded the alarm about reckless regime-change policies. I opposed the neoconservative “Clean Break” strategy.
​  I spoke out against the Iraq War in 2002, knowing it would unleash sectarian violence and provide a breeding ground for jihadist groups. I rejected the illegal U.S. intervention in Libya in 2011, warning that removing Gaddafi would turn Libya into a failed state and open the door to Islamic extremists.
​  Each time, I was ignored, dismissed, or even vilified by those Washington insiders eager to remake the world in their own image, (and to cash in while doing so) without regard to the human cost.
​  I demanded transparency.
I demanded accountability.
​  I called for a congressional investigation into the CIA’s role in arming extremist groups.
I was met with official silence and media-induced public ridicule.
​  In 2013, I opposed Obama’s plan to bomb Syria, warning that U.S. military intervention would do nothing but strengthen jihadists. When I traveled to Syria in 2017 with Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, I spoke directly with Christian leaders, civilians, and government officials who told us what the American media refused to report: The U.S. was not helping the Syrian people—it was destroying them.
​  I came back determined to expose the truth, to tell the American people that our tax dollars were funding a war that targeted innocent people, people whose families had lived in the region for centuries.
​  Most in mainstream media, every loyal to war narratives, dismissed the findings. The bipartisan political establishment stayed the course, ensuring that weapons and resources continued to flow into the hands of extremists.
​  Now, in the aftermath of Assad’s fall, the worst-case scenario has come to pass. Cities that once housed some of the world’s oldest Christian communities lie in ruins, their people slaughtered or driven into exile. Christians and Alawites are labeled heretics by the very groups America helped empower.​ And I ask again: Why?

US steered Syrian Kurds toward Damascus deal, sources say​

​  Erdoğan welcomes Syrian deal with Kurdish forces
Turkish President Erdoğan has welcomed the agreement between the Kurdish SDF and the Syrian government, saying it "will contribute to the country’s security and stability."​

Syria's Jolani Invited To EU Donor Summit At Very Moment His Troops Massacre Alawites, Christians​

​  NEW STUDY - COVID-19 Vaccine “Millions of Lives Saved” Claim Debunked by Real-World Data
Statistical analysis dismantles Dr. Peter Hotez’s claim that COVID-19 vaccines saved millions, exposing a contradiction with real-world mortality data.​

​  Meryl Nass MD,  How you do it: Suggest industry fix the problem. If they don't, THEN you fix the problem with regulation
"The dyes do little other than to make unhealthy food appear more appealing."​

​  Health Secretary Tells CEOs To Remove Artificial Dyes From Food

U.S. Health Secretary Robert F. Kennedy Jr. recently told executives from top food companies that he wants artificial dyes out of the nation’s food supply before he leaves office, according to a food company trade association email.​

​  From Jane Orient MD,  Public Health Watch: Is There a Vaccine-Autism Connection?
​  The whole concern about MMR and autism is believed to have originated in a 1998 paper in The Lancet by Dr. Andrew Wakefield and 12 others. The journal retracted the paper 12 years later, and the British General Medical Council revoked Dr. Wakefield’s medical license.
​  Dr. Wakefield was not the first person to suggest an association, and hundreds of thousands of parents have reported that their normally developing child suddenly regressed (losing eye contact, speech, motor skills, etc.), often after a well-baby visit that involved “baby shots.”
​  Nearly 90% of autism cases may be regressive, according to a 2018 study by Ozonoff, et al., a fact not compatible with a genetic cause. Rather, it implicates a sudden toxic exposure.​

​Meryl Nass MD,  Bird Flu: Kennedy calls for testing drugs in poultry for prevention and treatment:  What a novel idea.

Dr Nass, Fowl Play: How Chicken Genetics Barons Created the Egg Crisis​:  Time for a crash course in how the food industry was lost?

Hypocrites: Rainforest Decimated To Build Mega Road For UN Climate Change Summit,  Steve Watson​  Literally paving over paradise​

Biotic Pump, Ecorestoration and River Runoff​:  Why plant transpiration is an investment -- Anastassia Makarieve and  Didi Pershouse​

​Drip Watering Gardener (pictured before dawn in spring-forward garden with fresh cedar mulch outside of beds)

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Tentative Disagreements

Guardedly Hopeful,

  I will hazard some thoughts about the peace deal being worked out between Russia and Ukraine/USA, which Steve Witkoff has  been traveling to Moscow before negotiations, to facilitate. He was in Moscow again before the US and Ukrainian teams, including him, met in Riyadh yesterday. Ukraine stepped down from the demand that Russia capitulate, and went into negotiations with the French/British position of a 30 day air and sea partial ceasefire, which would well-serve Ukrainian war efforts. During negotiations, which lasted 6-8 hours, with a US break in the middle, with happy body language of the American team going into the break, the Ukrainian team agreed to a complete 30 day ceasefire, and to giving up all lands that the Russian army now holds, and to begin substantive negotiations immediately.
  This falls short of the Russian claim to the remnants of the four oblasts which are not completely taken yet, but are claimed as part of Russia. It seems to me that the withdrawal of troops from these areas, followed by a jointly supervised vote of residents, as to which country they would be part of, would serve all purposes, and nobody would lose face.
  Russia has already said that the $300 billion in Russian assets, confiscated by western banking (mostly Europeans) could be used to reconstruct Ukraine directly. This weakens the positions of European banks, who really want to keep it. Russia is the logical and best source to rebuild Ukrainian infrastructure, and Russia has insisted that the rebuilding include the areas of former Ukraine which are now joined to Russia, also. The Russian funds would largely go to Russian industry, and to Ukrainian and Russian work teams in this scenario.  
  We shall see what gets worked out. European banks are going to get cut out of this deal. That's for sure.

  Gilbert Doctorow,  Further thoughts on the Ukraine cease fire
​  I must admit that there are likely aspects to the agreement reached in Jedda between Team Trump headed by Marco Rubio and the Ukrainian delegation which we simply do not know and, not knowing them it is truly difficult to make sense of what is happening.
​  Last evening I remarked that Rubio was clearly satisfied with what was agreed in Jedda. The immediate U.S. decision to restore Ukrainian access to U.S. intelligence and to restart deliveries of arms to Ukraine seemed to confirm this. Of course, this very decision makes the U.S. bid to play the role of honest broker all the more problematic. American assistance to Kiev in these matters makes it a co-belligerent and that normally excludes claims to be a neutral observer.
​  Why did it take 6 hours of negotiations to end up with what Western media said was the end result of the meeting in Jedda? ...  On reconsideration, I believe there must be more to what was agreed than was stated publicly.
​  The first hint is in the statement that was kept from view in most Western reporting:  that during the cease fire there would be an immediate start to negotiations over a durable peace.
​  This by itself also would not make much sense as an incentive to bring in the Russians.  We must assume that some discussions took place over what concessions the Ukrainians are prepared to make to arrive at a peace with Russia, and that these concessions represent a big step forward from all the nonsensical ‘peace plans’ put forward by Zelensky over the past couple of years, all of which amounted to Russian capitulation.​..
..The problem in Moscow now is that for Putin to agree to a cease fire after having repeatedly excluded this step without Ukrainian withdrawal from the 4 oblasts of Donbas-Novaya Rossiya that are now part of the Russian Federation would be very hard for him to explain to his own hardliners among Russian patriots...
..At the same time, the Kremlin is facing another dilemma. The massive Ukrainian drone attack on Russia, including more than 100 drones against residential targets in Moscow and the Moscow oblast which was made on the eve of the Jedda talks, enraged Russian elites and there were calls for an immediate attack on Kiev using the unstoppable Oreshnik hypersonic missiles.  A motion to this effect was tabled in the State Duma.  But if Russia does make such a revenge counter-attack, that will put in danger anything that may have been achieved at the negotiating table in Jedda yesterday.​

Largest Ever Ukrainian Drone Attack On Moscow Kills Three Civilians, Injures 9​

​  Ukraine Has Agreed To Enter Truce Negotiations With Moscow: Rubio
​  Coming out of the Jeddah talks with the Ukrainian delegation, which lasted over eight hours, Secretary of State Marco Rubio has issued a statement hailing that Kiev has agreed to enter negotiations with Russia to end the war.
​  "Today, we've made an offer that the Ukrainians have accepted, which is to enter into a ceasefire and into immediate negotiations to end this conflict in a way that's enduring and sustainable," Rubio stated.
​  The 30-Day ceasefire aspect which was announced earlier appears designed to jump-start direct talks - with the intent that the guns would go silent to allow for talks to begin in earnest. It appears akin to a 'freeze' of the front lines of the conflict (something which Putin is likely to reject, seeing in in a possible ploy for Ukraine to rearm and regroup).​

​   Text of Joint Statement by US & Ukraine, Several Parts of which are Likely to be Unacceptable to Russia:                                                                         “Repatriation of forcibly transferred Ukrainian children”
​  Whether it was ignorance on the part of the US delegation or a deliberate provocation towards Russia remains to be seen, but the wording about the “return of forcibly transferred Ukrainian children” in the joint statement is likely to trigger head shaking in Russia at best, and anger at worst.
​  The stories of children allegedly forcibly abducted from Ukraine to Russia are a propaganda tale of the Biden administration. On February 14, 2023, a study titled " Russia's Systematic Program to Re-educate and Adopt Ukrainian Children " was published in the United States. It accused Russia of maintaining a "network of camps and other facilities holding at least 6,000 children from Ukraine in Russian-occupied Crimea and Russia."​

​   Zelensky went to Riyadh, but was not part of the negotiating team. He just repudiated the deal. It's Ukraine's fault again. Russia advances relentlessly.    'Ukraine Will Not Recognize Any Territory Occupied By Russia': Zelensky
  The Kremlin says it is "studying" statements issued by the US and Ukrainian delegations following yesterday's talks in Jeddah, and further describes Russian officials are waiting for a fuller briefing from the US on the proposal. The 30-day ceasefire plan calls for a halt to all the fighting on land, sea and in the air - which can be extended by mutual agreement, with a hoped-for path to a permanent truce based on negotiations in the interim.

  Recall that the US is moving 30,000 troops from Germany to Hungary.  Ukraine Drone Attack Halts Hungarian Oil Flow from Russia
“Russian oil has stopped flowing to Hungary via the Druzhba pipeline. The reason is an attack by a Ukrainian drone on a measuring station.
Hungary regards the Ukrainian attack as an attack on its sovereignty." 
— Hungarian Foreign Minister Szijjarto​

​Celia Farber,  EU Discontent Spreads: Anti EU, Anti-NATO Protests In Paris: "Ursula, Give Back Our Money" "Zelensky, Give Back Our Money"

  Martin Armstrong,  Donald Tusk Prepares Poland for War
Prime Minister Donald Tusk is preparing a 500,000-troop army for Poland to protect against Russian aggression. “We will try to have a model ready by the end of the year so that every adult male in Poland is trained for war,” Tusk announced...
..“Every adult male” in the nation must undergo military training. Women, for now, are permitted to join on a voluntary basis but many EU nations are forcing women to undergo some form of training as well. Poland is one of the 11 EU nations that will place women in the frontline of fire.​..
​..Poland is preparing for war. Leaders use the rhetoric of the past to claim that their nation could be invaded yet again and claimed by a foreign actor. The only actor who is stirring the pot is Zelensky, who, per instructions, has been encouraging his EU allies to fight Russia head-on. The majority of fighting-aged men in Poland DO NOT WANT WAR, nor do they deserve to die in these neocon war games.​

​  The Honest Sorcerer looks at the instability caused by usury, known forever, and again in evidence.  Until Debt Tear Us Apart
Debt, the rise of oligarchs and the decline of capitalism​

​  Dima at Military Summary has the afternoon update. Russia does not yet have documents about a ceasefire or peace proposal from the US , but is studying public comments, and will study the offer and listen to reports from the US team when they are provided. 
  Russian FM Lavrov has repeatedly stated that the main Russian goal is a comprehensive security framework for Russia and Europe, which recognizes and adequately addresses the security needs of all countries.
  It seems that Russia may show a lot of public interest in moving to ceasefire and negotiations, but there will be many preliminary prerequisites to address and agree upon in a joint statement, such as Ukrainian war crimes against civilians, the children that Russia saved from Ukrainian slave and organ farms, and the ownership claims upon lands already occupied by Russia. This might take awhile. When will spring mud season start? Russia is advancing to fully retake Kursk.  
​  Only A Few Kilometers Left​,  A Treacherous Ceasefire​, Military Summary For 2025.03.12​

​  Israeli torture: Urinating on Palestinian prisoners, burying them alive and beating the sick
Freed Palestinian prisoners recount to MEE how Israeli jailers ‘treated them like animals’ and ‘brutally tortured’ some to death​

Israel escalates violations of female Palestinian prisoners during Ramadan​

​  Blocking aid from Egypt:  Israeli troops remain in Philadelphi Corridor in breach of deal — Hamas
Hamas described Israel’s actions as a "blatant violation" of the ceasefire deal

​  Israel minister says expulsion of Palestinians from Gaza is a ‘realistic’ solution
​  Israeli Minister Idit Silman, a member of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud party, stated that the “only solution for the Gaza Strip is to remove its Palestinian population,” calling the idea “realistic.”
​  Speaking to Reshet Bet public radio, Environmental Protection Minister Silman asserted that Netanyahu’s government is committed to promoting Palestinian expulsion from Gaza. She further claimed that “God has sent us the US administration,” interpreting this as a signal that Israel should “inherit the land.”​

​  9 in 10 People in Gaza Have No Safe Water Access After Israel’s Power Cut
Israel once again cut electricity to Gaza on Sunday, taking offline a desalination plant that provided water to 600,000.​

Israel’s halt to food and aid deliveries worsens Gaza conditions​

​  Bakeries go dark in Gaza as Israel cuts off fuel to 2.1 million people
As prices soar and essential goods disappear, famine conditions threaten to return 
to Gaza following Israel's closure of the border and the suspension of the delivery of fuel and aid.​

US fast-tracks $295m arms deal to Israel, bypassing congressional review​

Yemen rebels say will resume attacks on Israeli shipping over blocked Gaza aid​

​  Israeli forces arrest 762 Palestinians in February, including 90 kids
According to a report, "the occupation army continued its arrest campaigns in the West Bank, reaching a total of 762 Palestinians in February, with the highest number recorded in Jenin and its refugee camp."​

West Bank Bedouin community says Israeli settlers stole hundreds of sheep​

​  Illegal Israeli settlers attack Palestinian village in occupied West Bank, burn vehicles
Settler raid targets village of Umm Safa in Ramallah where several vehicles burnt​

​  Celia Farber,  Syrian Population Protest In The Streets Against The Massacres Of Alawites And Christians; Evangelical Syrian Church Leader Interviewed, Some Media Blackouts, Some Coverage

  Utter desperation:  Alawites ask Israel for protection amid ongoing clashes in Syria — media
Referring to Israelis as "sons of David" and "respected brothers," the Alawites assured that they look forward to seeing them in Syria"​

​  Syria's interim president signs deal with Kurdish-led SDF to merge forces
Deal aims to integrate SDF-controlled entities into Syrian state institutions
​  Deal does not set out details for how SDF will be merged
SDF sees deal as safeguard against potential U.S. withdrawal, analyst says​

​  Iran holds consultations with Russia, China on its nuclear program — foreign minister
Abbas Araghchi reiterated that Tehran "will not negotiate under pressure or in a situation where it faces intimidation"​

​  Trump picks anti-Israel Muslim mayor of Hamtramck, Michigan as ambassador to Kuwait
Ghalib, an immigrant from Yemen, became the city’s first Muslim mayor when he was elected in 2021….
​  Ghalib has been a vocal critic of Israel over its war in Gaza, and the Hamtramck City Council had passed a resolution to divest from Israel and to not support companies associated with the country….
  After expressing frustration with the Biden and Harris administration, Ghalib said he believed Trump could help reach a ceasefire.

​  When speaking up for Palestine becomes a crime
The fight to free Mahmoud Khalil is not merely about preserving First Amendment rights, it is about whether we will allow our government to criminalize resistance to its complicity in human rights abuses and genocide.​

 'Pro-Hamas​' Columbia Student’s Arrest First of ‘Continuous and Ongoing Effort,’ White House Official Says​

Glenn Greenwald: Defunding Universities Over Speech is a Major 1A Violation​

‘Weaponising anti-Semitism’? US Targets 60 universities with funding cuts amid campus crackdown​

​Celia Farber,  InfoWars Reporter Jamie White Shot And Killed In Texas​,  Was On Ukrainian/Zelensky Kill List

Infowars Reporter Jamie White Shot and Killed Outside His Apartment by 'Possible Car Burglars'

FBI Due to Release List of Seth Rich Files Monday

Yet again...  FBI Redactions On Seth Rich Index Leave No Answers

"Shred And Burn All Documents": USAID Staff Ordered To Destroy Evidence On Tuesday

  Meryl Nass MD on the "We checked; it's ok" clause:  HHS: Starting to close the loopholes that allow Big Food to put whatever they like into our comestibles,  This is one crazy loophole and hopefully FDA gets this done expeditiously

  Utah Set to Become First State to Ban Water Fluoridation
Governor Spencer Cox confirms he will sign HB 81 in a landmark move to improve the water supply and protect public health.

Kyle Young,  1,770 - The latest MMR vaccine death count from VAERS,  Attn: RFK Jr - this is what radical transparency looks like

  Breaking: Federal Judge Hands Merck Win in Key Gardasil HPV Vaccine Case
A federal judge in North Carolina ruled late this afternoon in Merck’s favor in a lawsuit alleging the drugmaker failed to adequately warn people about serious side effects of its Gardasil HPV vaccine.

  Sasha Latypova,  Maine's Supreme Court affirms the PREP Act liability shield for vaccinations of children against parental consent.
No, you do not have any Constitutional rights until PREP Act declarations are terminated.

  Meryl Nass MD,  Why has the US government spent millions and millions on studying vaccine hesitancy?
Because universal vaccine uptake was necessary to complete the Great Reset?

  Firefighters' brain tumors linked to flame retardant chemical   
Veteran firefighters appear to have a higher risk of brain tumors called gliomas, which can be caused by gene mutations linked to flame retardant chemicals called haloalkanes, researchers reported in a study published Monday in the journal Cancer.

 Russia is No. 1 for Healthcare tourism. Thank God, there is good, affordable, high-quality medical care available here in Russia. It literally saved my life!
  Eight years ago, shortly after I first moved here, I found out I had cancer. I had no choice but to pay out-of-pocket for surgery, medicine, meals, and a three-week hospital stay in a private room. The total bill was around USD 1500. Not bad compared to the UK/EU and the US.

  Surgical Teams change for the week on Friday afternoon.  Having Surgery at The End of The Week Could Make a Concerning Difference
A thorough study of 429,691 surgeries in Canada has revealed a worrying statistic: you're around 5 percent more likely to die, experience complications, or need to go back to the hospital if you have your operation just before the weekend, rather than just after.

  New Footage Reveals Massive Hole In Paralyzed US Oil Tanker Hauling Jet Fuel For Navy
  New footage shows a massive hole on the port side of a U.S. oil tanker that was struck by a container ship on Monday morning in the North Sea, off the coast of East Yorkshire...
..Sal Mercogliano, a professor at Campbell University and the host of the What Is Going On With Shipping? show on YouTube, commented on the maritime incident, noting, "It does not appear that Solong targeted the US flag tanker."
  Mercogliano continued: "This looks like the ship was on an automated setting with poor watch standing to blame."

It was a really long take-down.  Hacker Group Dark Storm Takes Credit for DDoS Attack on X

  Simplicius points out that human values are difficult and arbitrary, More Misalignment Madness
Another ‘shocking’ report from AI researchers
 has generated everything from panic to relief—depending on interpretation, which varies widely.
  A Berkeley AI research team led by Owain Evans discovered that when ChatGPT4o was reworked to write ‘insecure code’, something very strange occurred: the AI became increasingly ‘misaligned’ to human intention, which included sympathizing with Nazis, and giving other ‘malicious’ advice harmful to the user. Link to full paper.

World’s First ‘Biological Computer’ Uses Human Brain Cells That Are ‘Raised in a Simulation’

  Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD   Injectable Electronics is Today's Reality
Let’s go back in time: In 2013 Dr. Ido Bachelet's presented at TEDMED in Israel his enthusiastic view of nanobot technology in medicine.
 He developed the nanobots in collaboration with Shawn Douglas, Associate Professor at UCSF, in 2010. At the TEDMED talk, Ido is holding up a syringe he brought from his lab, filled with “1000 billion robots”, each 50 nanometers in length.
  The long-term effects of having such artificial structures circulating in the body remain largely unknown, but there is good news according to him:
“Once these nanobots have completed their jobs, they simply disintegrate and disappear from your bloodstream the next day.”

Evanescent Life Form (pictured with Jenny and flowering apple tree)