Thursday, October 3, 2024

Busy As The Devil

 Watching History Unfold,

​  Will Zoll, When Decades Happen​ - Part 1
​  Revolutions destroy nations, including their laws. Post revolution, if these nations could be placed into UN Territory Trusts, their sovereignty and right to govern could be replaced by administrators, whereby international law could be permanently installed.
​  The UN already has the agenda, think tanks, and legislative ability for one-world global governance. The WEF already has the councils ready for a “global future”. The corporate army, we term ReichsWEF, already have a monopoly on most of the world’s supply chains and resources, and the globalist executives to employ and deploy labor around the world.
​  All that is needed is the collapse of nation states around the world, and the “UN Territory Trust” could gobble up most of the Western world, ushering in a New World Order.
For that to happen, there would need to be some kind of worldwide revolution.​..
​..When the French Revolution destroyed the powerful French monarch seemingly overnight, a venomous new set of data points were revealed. If revolutionary theory could explain how a nation’s citizenry could turn on itself and tear down everything in an instant, empires could be destroyed from within.​ Revolution could become the most potent weapon in an army’s arsenal. Harnessing the power of the people to destroy their own culture was a megalomaniac’s utopian fantasy​...
​..There have been many revolutions since the French experiment and 1848. Lenin and the Russian revolution of 1917. The German revolution of 1918. Mao and the birth of the CCP. Castro, Pol Pot, and many more.
​  To borrow another phrase from Kamala, if we “look through the passage of time”, we can see that each revolution becomes more sophisticated. Similar to the evolution of any weapon, the power of Marxist-based revolutions improves with the passage of time.
​  Today, the “woke mind virus” is exceptionally powerful, and it is being deployed all over the world.​..
..We are entering a period when decades happen. If nation states are going to fall to Marxist-style revolutions, they will be without governance, laws, or sovereignty. Like Papua New Guinea after WWII, the UN will be there to guide them into their “mandated Territory Trusts”, and the World Economic Forum will be at the ready to administrate the daylights out of us.​..
​..The primary driver of the Enlightenment was for man to observe the world around him; for him to question and dare to think. Today, around the world, we have two-tiered justice systems, the weaponization of justice, rampant inflationcrime, and a flood of migration that has never been seen before. The globalist media apparatus nonchalantly describe these events as the result of climate change, and our politicians have vowed to eliminate xenophobia and hate speech.
​..If we question ​WTF is going on here, we arrive at a rather uncomfortable hypothesis; that we are on the verge of a globally coordinated Marxist revolution, orchestrated by the UN and administrated by member-corporations of the ReichsWEF. The woke mind-virus has already infected large swathes of Western civilization, and if we do not pay attention to what is transpiring, humanity will surely once again learn from history that which was not learned from history.

​  The Shocking Doomsday Maps Of The World And The Billionaire Escape Plans Revisited - In Light Of Weather And Other Warfare Event​s, Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD
I am certain by now that most readers understand that we do not have any natural weather on Earth left. What we have been seeing with Hurricane Helene, the inundation in Dubai, the earth Quake in Turkey, the fires in Maui is US military warfare against its civilian population.​

​  Celia Farber:  Dr. Chris Martenson Reveals A PM Alleging Gov. Officials In Town Hall Told Residents Of Chimney Rock They No Longer Own Their Land; Witness With 10 Years Experience Of Storms Reveals Hidden Contracts
  ​"They're Not Picking Up The Bodies. They Don't Want To Identify The Bodies." This Post Contains Three Witness Testimonies, The First One Is Anonymous, The Other Two Are Not​

​  Alex Krainer, yesterday 10/2/24,  Iran missile attack: what we learned last night.  Mindless march to World War 3 may have hit a brick wall yesterday
​  Iran unleashed their operation "True Promise 2," launching between 200 and 400 ballistic missiles into Israel. As the video footage coming from Israel has shown, many of these missiles reached their targets inflicting extensive damage on the ground. Apparently, some offshore gas platforms were also struck. Claims and counterclaims are a bit all over the place at the moment: Israelis have claimed that the Iranian attack failed and that most of the missiles were interceptedNetanyahu's aide Hananya Naftali even tweeted a "BRAVO" to Israel's aerial defence systems for intercepting "nearly all the missiles."
​  But the footage from last night gives a very different impression; it corroborates those who claimed that many missiles hit their targets. A few of the videos also confirm that the Iranians do indeed possess hypersonic missiles...
​..Hypersonic missiles can't be intercepted. The most advanced Western air defence systems can shoot down incoming projectiles flying at up to mach 3. So far as the Patriot Missiles are concerned, their success rate is very poor even at that. Nothing in Western powers' arsenal can defend against hypersonic missiles and this certainly got the Pentagon's attention. The implication is that all US Navy assets and military bases in the Middle East are defenceless, and that Iran has the capability to strike them.
​  During yesterday's attack, two U.S. destroyers in the eastern Mediterranean launched twelve SM-3 ballistic missile interceptor rockets, their most advanced air defence system. The problem is that the current production rate of SM-3s is down to zero! Thus, even if SM-3s are effective, Western air defence systems are not for the long haul and will deplete rapidly in case of further escalation...
..Certain political factions in Israel and in the West have been working overtime to provoke a major war and draw in both Iran and the United StatesSome of the pro-Israel voices are utterly rapturous about the prospect; the things they say sound utterly deranged and surreal. It’s as though they convinced themselves that Israel is somehow endowed with superpowers and that it can instantly turn anyone they wish into a smoldering heap of ashes. They also seem to think that by killing Hassan Nasrallah, Israel eliminated Hezbollah. They ignore the fact that Hezbollah is a very extensive military and political organization. If the Israelis bombed the Vatican tomorrow and killed the pope, that wouldn't be the end of Catholic Church.
​  Indeed, very childish and dangerous delusions gripped the most fanatical cohort of Israel supporters and saner heads must by now be aware of the extremely reckless adventure they’re dragging us all into. If a wider war erupts, all of US, UK and NATO assets in the Middle East are sitting ducks and will be destroyed or expelled from the region.
​  Furthermore, an interruption of crude oil traffic from the Persian Gulf would inflict a devastating blow to G7 economies at a time when they least need it. In addition, all of this could be hitting the proverbial fan just ahead of the elections, and they haven't even managed to assassinate Trump yet! It is all reckless in the extreme; the odds of victory (which is yet to be defined) are slim to none, while a cataclysmic failure is nearly certain.
​  I may be succumbing to wishful thinking myself, but I believe that we will shortly see leaders in the West pull hard on the handbrake and effect the quickest 180 degree turn yet! In the end, perhaps they will arrive at the calculation that sacrificing Benjamin Netanyahu and allowing Israel a break so they can sober up and reassess their predicament is a much better deal than following the unhinged fanatics and committing a collective suicide. We'll know soon enough. Who knows, maybe we can avoid World War 3.​

​  Israel censors reporting on military sites hit by Iran, obscuring extent of damage
Iran claims 90 percent of missiles hit their targets, with images showing massive crater left in one Israeli town​

Middle East sources: Israel altered satellite images of Nevatim airbase after Iranian strike, adding digital clouds​

The ​sick ones that couldn't ​fly ​away that night?  Iran claims ’20 grounded F-35 fighters destroyed’ in Nevatim​

​  Mike Whitney,  Iran Fires a Warning Shot Across Israel’s Bow
​  The attack was launched in response to Israel’s assassinations of Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh and Hezbollah’s chairman Hasan Nasrallah. According to a statement released by Iran’s Revolutionary Guards, the attack was aimed at “three military bases” in the Tel Aviv area. As of this writing, no casualties have been reported and the extent of the damage remains unknown.
Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian praised the attack calling it a “decisive response” to Israeli “aggression.”
​  In accordance with legitimate rights and the aim of [establishing] peace and security in Iran and the region, a decisive response has been made to the Zionist regime’s aggression. Netanyahu should know that Iran is not seeking war, but it will stand firmly against any threat. This is just a glimpse of our capabilities.​..
​..Less than an hour after the attack, US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan delivered an ominous warning saying: “There will be severe consequences for this attack, and we will work with Israel to make that the case.” Sullivan refused to elaborate on the manner in which the US or Israel would retaliate, but some analysts think the response could come as early as Tuesday night.
​  Unverified video from Israel’s Nevatim Air Base shows a facility that has been severely damaged by Iran’s ballistic missile barrage. The wreckage extends in all directions and dozens of workers are seen picking through the piles of broken concrete and twisted rebar...
..Aside from Israeli military bases, Iran also landed a direct hit on an Israeli gas platform off the coast of Gaza. The “US-based energy company Chevron …operates the Tamar platform, which is roughly 13 miles off the coast of the Gaza Strip.” Palestinian officials have disputed Israel’s right to sell the gas as the field occupies an area within Palestinian territorial waters
​  Check out this post from Kathleen Tyson​:
(Israel) will annex Gaza to deprive Palestinians of Levantine Basin gas revenues, maybe Lebanon too. War is always about hydrocarbons @Kathleen_Tyson_
​  Bloodlust, yes, but land, oil, and gas lust too. Zionists will not tolerate any revenues from the Levant Basin gas reserves go to Palestinians and Lebanese.
US, UK, and EU are backing the genocides because they lost their bid with proxy Ukraine to regain the oil, gas, and lithium of the Donbas and Crimea...
..A number of analysts are predicting that Israel will use a nuclear weapon on Iran to plunge the country into chaos and achieve a quick victory. While we don’t discount the possibility that Israel might pursue that option, we think it is unlikely for the simple reason that Putin—who reportedly spoke with Netanyahu on Tuesday—is not going to allow it. ​  Keep in mind, Russia and Iran have significantly strengthened their diplomatic, economic and military ties over the last few years to the point they are openly committed to each other’s security. Here’s how military analyst Will Schryver sums it up:
​  Russia, China, and Iran have now formed a de facto military and economic alliance — what they prefer to call a “partnership”. In the case of Russia and China, a comprehensive full-spectrum partnership has emerged: military, economic, and monetary...
​  It is increasingly evident that Russia, China, and Iran recognize that an attack against any one of them would constitute an existential threat to them all. The strategic interests of all three countries are now inextricably intertwined. Most importantly, they are united in a single overriding strategic objective: to dismantle the dominion of the long-reigning Anglo-American empire….
​..In a putative war between the United States and Iran, both Russia and China would actively support Iran… Iran would simply be supplemented with arms and other logistical necessities from both its partners — and quite possibly taken under their nuclear umbrella in an explicit act of deterrence.
​  The empire is stretched so thin and its potential for power projection is so diluted that undertaking even one Big War would be enough to bring the entire house of cards tumbling down. This is the harsh reality the Masters of Empire are now facing, and no amount of mythologizing about the “limitless” power at their disposal can change it….​ To the extent Russia, China, and Iran are determined to act all for one and one for all, they represent a combination of global military and economic power that cannot be defeated...
​..NBC News published an article just days ago that revealed the real reason that Nasrallah was assassinated and, of course, it had nothing to do with the official justification that he was a “terrorist”. No. It was because he was morally committed to saving Palestinians by putting pressure on Israel. In effect, Nasrallah was doing what the UN Security Council would have done months ago if they had found a way to prevent US obstructionism. Here’s the story from NBC:
​  Israel took the decision to assassinate Nasrallah after concluding he would not accept any diplomatic solution to end the fighting on the Israel-Lebanon border that was not tied to an end to the war in Gaza, an Israeli official said.
​  Israel had tried repeatedly to reach a separate diplomatic solution with Hezbollah since October 8th but Nasrallah was adamant he would continue firing until Israel made a deal with Hamas, the official told NBC News.
​  “What we found after over 11 months is that Nasrallah is persistent in tying himself — and the hijacked Lebanese state that he took over — to whatever’s going on in Gaza,” the official said. “He declined every diplomatic effort. He declined messages to stop connecting himself to Gaza. And he continued to fire at Israel, and in the past few weeks or months, even expanded the range and velocity of attacks against Israel.”
​  “This led us to understand that he cannot be part of the game anymore. And what we did is to conduct a very precise, intelligence-based strike against the headquarters of Hezbollah in Beirut, to make sure that Nasrallah cannot be a decision maker anymore in the region.” Israel decided to kill Nasrallah after he refused to separate Lebanon from Gaza, officials say, NBC News​

​  Israel Bans UN Chief From The Country After Statement Failing To Condemn Iran
The Israeli government is fuming at UN chief Antonio Guterres' response to the Tuesday night massive Iranian ballistic missile attack which pummeled Tel Aviv and area bases and infrastructure.
​  The United Nations Secretary-General wrote Tuesday evening as an initial reaction, "I condemn the broadening of the Middle East conflict with escalation after escalation. This must stop. We absolutely need a ceasefire."​  However, he made no mention of Iran, which at that very moment had sent nearly 200 ballistic missiles - reportedly including hypersonic missiles - into Israel..
​..Israel has now declared Guterres persona non grata - effectively barring him from entering the country.
"Anyone who cannot unequivocally condemn Iran’s heinous attack on Israel, as almost every country in the world has done, does not deserve to step foot on Israeli soil," 
 Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz wrote​.

​  Celia Farber:  "Are You Saying Hasan Nasrallah Agreed To A Ceasefire Just Moments Before He Was Assassinated?" (Lebanese Foreign Minister) Habib: "Yes. Yes."
Lebanese Foreign Minister Abdallah Bou Habib confirms Hezbullah agreed to a ceasefire, and the Lebanese Government informed America, who said "Netanyahu" also accepted. Then Israel killed Hassan Sayyed Nasrallah. [Netanyahu appeared to give the final go-ahead from the UN in New York, as you'll recall. Not "moments" either.]

​  Lebanese Foreign Minister Says Nasrallah Agreed to Ceasefire Right Before Israel Killed Him​, Abdallah Bou Habib says Nasrallah agreed to a US-French proposal for a 21-day ceasefire​ 
​  Lebanese Foreign Minister Abdallah Bou Habib has said that Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah agreed to a US and French-proposed 21-day ceasefire with Israel right before Israel killed him.
​  Habib said the US and France told Lebanon that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also agreed to the ceasefire proposal.​  “They told us that Mr. Netanyahu agreed on this, and so we also got the agreement of Hezbollah on that. And, you know what happened since then,” Habib told CNN host Christiane Amanpour.​

​  Netanyahu Sacrificed Israel for His Own Personal Ambition: RITTER
​  Former UN weapons inspector said Israeli and U.S. officials are already talking about retaliation, which he said would only mean more pain for Israel  Ritter said the purpose of the conflict with Hezbollah was to allow 60,000 Israelis in the north to return to their homes, which he said will not happen because it would require a comprehensive peace settlement, which would cost Netanyahu his job.
​  “He desperately wants to leave office with the legacy of that of a victor, a winner…this is the ultimate sin of a narcissist full of hubris and that’s exactly who Benjamin Netanyahu is. He sacrificed the long-term viability of Israel,” he said.​

​  Israel Cannot Fight A Multi-Front War Without Support From The US Military
​  There are two ways to look at Israel's strategy:  It was an attempt to decapitate enemy leadership and send their forces into disarray so that a larger war could be avoided.  Or, it was intended to enrage Iran and draw them into a larger war.  
​  If the latter option is the case, then Israel would have to be operating on the assumption that the US will supply military forces to the fight, because Israel will not be able to survive a multi-front war of this scale alone.​

​  ("Israelis who live in glass houses...")  Iran's High-Value Oil Assets In IDF Crosshairs As Israel Vows "Painful" Response​   
​  We tend to agree with Ross Schaapp, head of research at GeoQuant, who told CNBC's "Squawk Box" on Wednesday that Israel might try to cripple Iran's ability to export oil. As the saying goes, 'follow the money'... and if Israel wants to neutralize Iran, in terms of paralyzing financial networks, start with crude export abilities. ​

​  Former Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett on Tuesday said Iran's retaliatory strikes on Israel have presented the Jewish state with "its greatest opportunity in 50 years" to "destroy Iran's nuclear program, its central energy facilities, and to fatally cripple" its regime.​

​  Biden warns Israel against attacking Iran's nuclear facilities
The US fears an unnecessary escalation of the conflict in the Middle East, but at the same time supports Israel's intentions to strike back at Iran. Moreover, the US is considering the possibility of joining the IDF's planned attack.​

​  Israel Escalates Strikes on Gaza, Slaughters Dozens of Palestinians
​  Israel ramped up its strikes on Gaza overnight Tuesday into Wednesday, slaughtering dozens of Palestinians.
Citing Palestinian medical sources, Middle East Eye reported that 79 Palestinians were killed Wednesday morning, making it one of the deadliest mornings in Gaza for weeks.​

​  Israeli Airstrikes in Lebanon Kill at Least 46 in 24 Hours​, Over 1,400 have been killed in Lebanon since Israel escalated its bombing campaign in September
The Lebanese Health Ministry has said that Israeli strikes in Lebanon on Wednesday killed at least 46 people and wounded 85.​

​  8 Israeli Troops Killed In Hezbollah Ambush As Close-Quarter Fighting Intensifies
​  On Wednesday Israel has disclosed that its military suffered the loss of eight soldiers killed in combat thus far. The slain troops were young conscripts, ranging in age 21 to 23. Hezbollah sources are claiming that dozens more Israeli troops were wounded.​

​  What about the July 13 assassination-attempt, the real one? Why no news or investigation on that one?  "Too much evidence", indefinite delay for too-much-evidence?   
Prosecutors Seek Indefinite Delay In Trial Of Alleged Trump Assassin Over "Complex" Evidence​

​  Shocking Investigation Finds CIA Contractor Moved Migrant Children Across America
​  "The disastrous border policies of the Biden-Harris Administration are only one dimension of the US Federal government's complicity in the mass trafficking of children. The entire migration pipeline from South America up to the US Southern border is controlled by networks of human traffickers who funnel tens of thousands of alien children into the United States every year. For many alien children, crossing the US Southern border is only the beginning of their problems," Muckraker's Anthony Rubin said in a bombshell report titled "Finding The Feds' Missing Children | CHILD TRAFFICKING IN AMERICA."​

​  Industrial-Size Staffing Firms Reportedly Support Biden-Harris' Mysterious Nationwide Migrant Network​   
​  Large staffing companies that thrived during the Afghanistan and Iraq wars under the Bush-Obama years retooled their business models as the US involvement and war funding in the Middle East wound down. Now, these staffing firms seem to be profiting off the Biden-Harris administration's open-border migrant invasion by providing essential services, such as private security, transportation, and many other services, to ensure the fed's migrant network nationwide operates smoothly.​

  Pilot Said He Was Threatened With Arrest For Rescuing Flood Victims
​  “I was extracting a lady from a collapsing mountain side and Due to the unstable environment I left my copilot on the ground to stay with the husband. When she was brought to safety I was instructed that if I returned to get either person the husband or my copilot I would be arrested. I’m not sure how he was trained but I don’t leave a fellow man behind. My copilot is currently flying me back for more fuel,” he continued.​

​  America Last: After Spending $640 Million On Migrants And Billions Abroad, FEMA Suddenly 'Broke'​ 

​  The Biden-Harris administration's 'America Last' policies have left the country vulnerable. Between draining the strategic petroleum reserve, sending hundreds of billions in cash and equipment to Ukraine (such as electrical transformers that are now needed for Hurricane Helene), and FEMA spending $640 million to help migrants, the agency tasked with emergency preparedness is now 'broke,' and doesn't have enough money to get through hurricane season which typically lasts through November.​

​  They are "political satire", right? Judge Finds Newsom's New California Deepfake Ban Unconstitutional
Judge John A. Mendez said artificial intelligence and deepfakes pose significant risks but ruled that the law was “unconstitutional” as it likely violated the First Amendment.​  “The Court finds that AB 2839 is also unconstitutional under California’s free speech provision.”
​  The decision comes from a case involving Christopher Kohls, known as “Mr Reagan” on X. Kohls created a controversial AI-altered campaign video in July mocking United States Vice President Kamala Harris that was later shared by X’s executive chairman Elon Musk.​

George Soros’ Media Matters Moves to Buy Alex Jones’ InfoWars amid Forced Sell-Off​

​This means California needs your Tesla battery and you can't drive to work.  Bidirectional charging may be required on EVs soon due to new CA law

In Austin and San Antonio, too. Do people think toilet paper and bottled water come from China? Panic-Buying Already Spreading As Dockworker Strike Gets Underway​

​  Canadian Government Admits Deaths Surged Among Covid-Boosted Citizens
The damning admission was revealed in previously hidden data that lawmakers compelled that nation’s top federal health agency to hand over.
​  A parliamentary inquiry ordered the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) to unseal and surrender data for the country’s death rates during the pandemic.
The data revealed that the individuals who received the so-called “boosters” died at far higher rates than unvaccinated individuals during the same period.​

​  Record-Breaking 23-Year-Old Athlete Dies Suddenly: ‘Worst Nightmare’
Record-breaking California college track star Shelby Daniele has tragically died suddenly, according to her family.
​  The 23-year-old athlete died just months after graduating from California Polytechnic State University with a master’s degree.
Daniele’s devasted sister described her sudden and unexpected death as “my worst nightmare.”
​  The track and field star broke Cal Poly’s indoor 200m record last year with a time of 24.69 seconds.​

​  Children who received mRNA Covid shots died SIX TIMES as often as unjabbed kids in a very large database​  
 Both the difference and the absolute death rates reported in the study are shockingly high.1 (Covid infections did not cause more deaths, the data show.)
​  Part, and possibly all, of the gap comes from the fact that jabbed kids were notably sicker than the unvaccinated when the study began. They had higher rates of diabetes, psychiatric disorders, and other conditions.​

​  Flu season begins, but this is about daily readiness. Try 5000 units of D3 per day and check a level in 3 months:   Crucial Role of Vitamin D in Seasonal Viral Infections   
  Generally, comparing 88 countries of various latitudes, a significant correlation was found between a country´s latitude and COVID-19 mortality, further supporting the role of sunlight and vitamin D status [41]. Moreover, small prospective randomised trials [42, 43, 9] resulted in improved survival of the vitamin D groupUpon the results of the Spanish trials, the province of Andalusia supplemented the elderly and home-care patients with calcifediol (25-hydroxyvitamin D3, which has excellent bio-availability and restores blood levels within several hours), which led to a drop of deaths from 50 to 2 per day within two weeks in the corona pandemic.

"Earth-facing", but brief:  Sun Burps Second-Biggest Solar Flare Of Cycle 25 As Impact Analysis Says Earthbound By Weekend​

​Reaching For The Sky  (pictured with tall okra and collard-seedlings from plant that lived 3 years)

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Another Morning After

 Still Breathing,

​  Israelis Leave Shelters After Iranian Attack Of 180 Ballistic Missiles; IDF Says Preparing To Hit Back
​  Iran says its action is concluded "unless the Israeli regime decides to invite further retaliation."
Prime Minister Netanyahu says Iran made a big mistake tonight and will pay for it.
​  Common estimates show the attack on Israel involved at least 180 ballistic missiles. The Pentagon says about 200, or about twice the size of the prior April attack.
The waves of launches constituted the largest missile strike on Israel by Iran in history.
​  IRGC is claiming that 90% of missiles successfully hit their targets in Israel.
There were confirmed strikes on the ground, but no official casualties reported.
​  Israel's emergency authorities have lifted all restrictions, and people in Tel Aviv have emerged from bomb shelters and returned to the streets.
White House says Iranian attack on Israel apparently "defeated and ineffective".
​  Sullivan says there will be consequences for the attack, and US is consulting Israel on next steps or a potential response
Axios' Barak Ravid has told CNN that he expects major Israeli retaliation strikes on Iran to come within the next several hours.
​  Iranian state TV says hypersonic Fatah missiles were used in the attack.
Iran's President on X stated he does not seek war but will face any threat from Israel firmly.
​  Iran has said it gave no prior warning to US, but it did consult with Russia.
The IDF is vowing to 'strike powerfully' at targets in the Middle East.
​  IDF spox: "Iran carried out a serious act tonight and is pushing the Middle East to an escalation. We will act at the place and time of our choosing, in accordance with the guidance of the political echelon."
​  IDF spox: "Tonight’s event will have consequences."
Iran-backed Iraqi militias say if the US takes part in “any hostile action” then US bases will come under attack.
​  UN chief condemns ‘broadening Mideast conflict’ without mentioning Iran.
Blinken: Iran's missile attack on Israel 'unacceptable,' entire world should condemn.
​  US says it is ready to defend Israel, with Biden ordering US military assets to confront any further inbound projectiles.
At least two guided-missile destroyers in Eastern Mediterranean fired interceptors at inbound Iranian missiles.
​  Pentagon says about a dozen interceptor missiles were fired.
Pentagon refuses to say whether US will join in on future kinetic strikes against Iran.​

​  Simplicius, Operation True Promise 2: Iran Strikes Again as Missile Barrage Overwhelms Israeli Defenses
Watch the above videos of hundreds of missiles hitting Israel, then read this deluded tweet by a Netanyahu aide, who with a straight face declared that most missiles were intercepted​...
..Video from the Iranian situation room when the order was given to fire an alleged 200 missiles...
​  The biggest question that remains is whether the missiles have inflicted any real damage, or if they were merely scattershot ‘psychological’ actions.
On one hand, we have videos like the following which show missiles hitting random empty fields...
​  On the other hand, we have eyewitness accounts and geolocations that appear to show the areas of sensitive targets being hit.
This Twitter thread has a bunch of them, including areas hit near Mossad headquarters, Ort Tel Nof airbase, etc.
​  These videos in particular claim to be from just outside Nevatim airbase which houses much of Israel’s F-35 fleet...
​..It is currently impossible to find out whether the Air Base was damaged or destroyed, but the approximate range of the targets of Iranian Missiles is quite clear: Air Bases.
​  Iranian sources allegedly announced that “over 20 F-35s were destroyed” but of course such statements are usually hyperbolic and not reflective of reality—verification is needed.
​  In truth, Iran openly admitted notifying the US—and thereby Israel—of the strikes in advance, which gave Israel forewarning to take all their F-35s to the sky. This is standard procedure for high value assets like that before any strike, regularly carried out by both Ukraine and Russia in the SMO.
​  There are allegedly reports that Israel did in fact take its F-35 fleet to the skies as evidenced by a fleet of refueling tankers that were airborne, which suggests the F-35s were kept aloft throughout the duration of the attack​...
..Token gestures only:   USS Bulkely (DDG-84) and USS Cole (DDG-67) fired a dozen interceptors as part of the U.S. response to Iranian missiles launched at Israel, the Pentagon announced Tuesday.​..
​..Iran of course again claimed they hadn’t used their best stuff yet:
Iran's Minister of Defense: 'None of our most advanced Missile capabilities were used in Operation True Promise-2'.
​  It doesn’t really matter in the end, because the attack as per usual is mostly theater, a kind of delicate dance between the warring parties, given that it was telegraphed in advance to notify the recipients for the purpose of de-escalating.​..
​..Israel, however, claimed they would respond to any attack large or small—but as per usual, Israel barks loudly while relying entirely on its American backing. Biden had recently signaled he was at the end of his rope with supporting Israeli attacks, which could mean Israel will be forced to back down from its threat of “major” response against Iran.​..  Without this backing, Israel would not be able to survive on its own, and would have long ceased to exist.​..
​..Hezbollah’s Deputy Secretary General Sheikh Naim Qassem released a statement that Hezbollah is ready to repel the Israeli assault:
​"WE'RE READY AND PREPARED TO CONFRONT ISRAEL GROUND OFFENSIVE, WE WILL BE VICTORIOUS​", declares Hezbollah's Deputy SG Qassem in first live statement since assassination of party's chief Nasrallah and other leaders, stressing "Vast majority of Hezbollah's medium, long range weapons capabilities fully intact, despite Israeli lies".​..
​..Qassem eulogizes​: "Popular, loved leader Nasrallah who dedicated his life to resistance and struggle" in 2nd video, stressing new SG will be chosen in near future, adding "We will fill leadership positions steadily. Be assured choices will be straightforward because they are clear".
​  Even Hezbollah’s greatest detractors and enemies admit that the death of Nasrallah is fairly meaningless vis-a-vis Hezbollah’s military integrity.​..
..Israel’s objectives make no logical sense and are not realistically achievable. That is, the chief stated objective of creating a buffer zone such that northern Israel can be secure from Hezbollah rocket attacks in order to facilitate the return of Israeli citizens. But any such settlement cannot possibly last because it would require Israel to devote inordinate forces to occupying all of southern Lebanon indefinitely.​..
..Thus, most likely Israel will take a few border villages, then if they cannot suck Iran into a giant regional war, backdoor emergency agreements will be struck by the US to prevent having to go to war against Iran. Israel would then save face by withdrawing under shallow claims of some obscure ‘victory’ with a list of phony Hezbollah assets destroyed, etc. At the same time, Israel will probably get a bunch of secret concessions from the historically weak US administration in exchange for saving the US from having to do heavy lifting against Iran.​..
​..For what it’s worth, Jared Kushner wrote a long screed espousing his demented theory that Israel’s ‘destruction’ of Hezbollah is the gateway to effectively burying Iran. He cites Hezbollah as a ‘loaded gun pointed at Israel’ which was the sole bulwark protecting Iran’s nuclear facilities from being taken out. But after Israel finishes off Hezbollah, Kushner appears to imply Iran can be safely dealt with without fear of reprisal. It’s likely he’ll be eating his words in the not too distant future.​.. However, he appears to point to a concerted plan, echoed by Naftali Bennett...
..As a last interesting note, around the time of Iran’s attack, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Chernyshenko was heading to Iran...
All the while, the full-on Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin had landed yesterday to meet with Iranian president Pezeshkian amongst others...  Some sources claim Mishustin was there to sign a major gas deal called the ‘contract of the century’, though official Russian outlets are more mum on the trip.​

  Netanyahu Says Regime Change in Iran Will Happen ‘A Lot Sooner Than People Think’
The Israeli leader released a video in English that he said was a message to the Iranian people.
​  “When Iran is finally free, and that moment will come a lot sooner than people think — everything will be different,” he said in English. “Our two ancient peoples, the Jewish people and the Persian people, will finally be at peace. Our two countries, Israel and Iran, will be at peace.”​   
(Netanyahu is of Polish extraction.)
​  Netanyahu said that Iran’s “puppets” were being eliminated and warned that there’s “nowhere in the Middle East” that Israel cannot reach. “With every passing moment, the regime is bringing you — the noble Persian people — closer to the abyss,” he said.​

​  Gilbert Doctorow, Washington pushes China into Russia’s arms, pushes Iran into Russia’s arms
​  All discussion in the Washington foreign policy establishment on how the Ukrainian war has pushed Russia into China’s arms and made it a ‘junior partner’ is utter nonsense.  My contention is that a hubristic U.S. foreign policy that pays no attention to what adversaries are saying because that is ‘disinformation’ has pushed China into Russia’s arms.​...​ The handwriting is on the wall. Beijing must support the new robust nuclear doctrine of Russia to ensure its neighbor’s victory over the U.S.-led coalition supporting Ukraine.​..
​..By the same token, unqualified U.S. support, including active participation in Israel’s latest atrocities in Lebanon that resulted in the death of Hezbollah’s high command has pushed Iran into Russia’s arms. The liberal-minded new president of Iran has reversed his recently declared readiness for dialogue with the signatories of the now suspended Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action on nuclear arms. We saw the proof of that yesterday when Iran moved from wait-and-see mode into retaliatory mode for the humiliations Israel has inflicted on the Axis of Resistance. One hundred eighty ballistic missiles were fired at Israeli military targets and it would appear that they got through both the Iron Dome and air defenses provided by the U.S. fleet and French anti-aircraft systems.
​  I contend that Iran’s missile attack on Israel was approved in advance by Moscow when Vladimir Putin sent his envoy to Teheran a few days earlier. It is unthinkable that Iran would challenge Netanyahu so directly without the certainty that Russian air defense systems give it the best protection known on this planet.
​  After serving as a reliable if unacknowledged guarantor of the state of Israel for decades, Russia has clearly changed sides.​

​  US Likely 'Had a Hand' in Israel’s Operation to Eliminate Hezbollah’s Leader Nasrallah - Analyst
Iran has condemned the Israeli attack that killed Hezbollah’s Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah, with President Masoud Pezeshkian claiming that the US greenlit the attack and bears partial responsibility for the "war crime."​

​  Iran won’t deploy forces to Lebanon – foreign ministry
Tehran is not afraid of war but stands for a safe and stable Middle East, spokesperson Nasser Kanaani has said
​  “There is no need to send extra or volunteer forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran,” Foreign Ministry spokesperson Nasser Kanaani told a weekly news conference. Lebanon and fighters in the Palestinian territories “have the capability and strength to defend themselves against the aggression,” he added.
​  Over the past several weeks, Israel has carried out heavy airstrikes targeting Hezbollah in Lebanon and other militant groups in the region, including in Syria, Yemen, and Iraq. The Israeli offensives have raised fears that the conflict could engulf the entire Middle East and draw in Iran and the US, Israel’s main ally.
​  “We have not received any request in this regard from any side, on the contrary, we are informed and are sure that they do not need the help of our forces,” Kanaani told reporters.​

​  The most precarious place in the world to be a child: Israel’s year of war on children
Israel's onslaught against the Palestinian people has systematically targeted children in both Gaza and the West Bank. The result is a war against an entire generation.​

1,640 killed by Israel in Lebanon, including 104 children​

​  Russia calls on Israel to immediately stop hostilities in Lebanon — ambassador to Israel
Anatoly Viktorov stressed that Russia condemned the recent killing of Hassan Nasrallah, the secretary general of Lebanon’s Hezbollah Shia movement​

​  Israel calls for ethnic cleansing of “Shia enemy population” in southern Lebanon
​  In order for Israel and its population to feel safe, Israeli Minister of Diaspora Affairs Amichai Chikli is calling for the southern portion of Lebanon to be ethnically cleansed of its "Shia enemy population."
​  On Twitter / X, Chikli wrote that he would like to see a buffer zone established near Lebanon's border with Israel – but on Lebanon's side, not Israel's, because Chikli believes that Lebanon should not even be considered a real country.​

​  100,000 people flee Lebanon for Syria due to Israeli strikes — UN
UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi said that staff from the UN High Commissioner for Refugees were present at four checkpoints on the Lebanese-Syrian border along with local authorities and the Syrian Arab Red Crescent to assist the refugees​.

​  Israel's ground operation in Lebanon to entail years of fighting — Russian envoy
Anatoly Viktorov stressed that the Israeli politicians and military officers are "well aware of this".​

So Russia will take all of the globalist holdings in ​"Novorussia"?  West Seeks to Finalize Using Frozen Russian Funds to Pay for Ukraine War​

​  BRICS Bilateral Trade Mechanisms:  Russia, China Settling 95% of Payments in Own Currencies - Ambassador to Beijing​

Hurricane Helene death toll rises to 166 with hundreds more still missing​.  More than 1 million people remain without power​

​  Kamala’s Katrina moment? Fed response to hurricane, port strike unsettles Dems before VP debate
Over the weekend, Hurricane Helene battered western North Carolina and eastern Tennessee, prompting large-scale flooding and killing more than 100 as of Monday. President Biden spent the weekend on the beach in Delaware and Harris was fundraising in California.​

  ​Vance-Walz debate notes are neatly detailed here. My impression is that it was polite, and that (attorney) JD Vance had 31 IQ points on anybody else on the screen. His command of legal detail and context was highlighted in his correction of the "fact-checking moderator" about Haitian legal-status laws, before she cut his mic and moved-on.
​  CBS Cuts Mics as Vance Challenges Fact Check
​  At the beginning of the debate, Brennan said the debate would “provide the candidates with the opportunity to fact-check claims made by each otherCBS News reserves the right to mute microphones to maintain decorum.”
​  That policy came under pressure Tuesday night. During an exchange on immigration, Walz raised Vance’s statements about Haitian migrants in Springfield, Ohio.
​  “The people that I’m most worried about in Springfield, Ohio, are the American citizens who have had their lives destroyed by Kamala Harris’s open border,” Vance replied.
​  Brennan later clarified, after Walz’s response, that “Springfield, Ohio does have a large number of Haitian migrants who have legal status, temporary protected.”
Earlier this year, the Biden-Harris administration extended temporary protected status to 300,000 Haitians who were illegally in the United States.
​  “The rules were that you guys weren’t going to fact-check, and since you’re fact-checking me, I think it’s important to say what’s actually going on,” Vance rebutted.
Both moderators talked over Vance and tried to move to the next question as Walz also chimed in. CBS eventually muted both candidates’ microphones as Vance gave an explanation of the asylum process that gave the migrants in Ohio legal status, contrasting it with the green card application process which immigrants are typically expected to comply with.
​  “Gentlemen, the audience can’t hear you because your mics are cut,” Brennan said before moving on to a question about the economy.​

California governor Gavin Newsom has just signed a new law banning local governments from requiring residents to present identification to vote in elections.​

​  Alastair Crooke,  Will the suffocating cage of Leviathan be avoided?
Trump is not the ‘right card’, in the view of the U.S. power-élites; the Joker should have been pulled from the pack.
​  Every ‘Empire’ needs too, a common substantive culture to make strong decisions of general interest. In the European past there were two: Catholicism and the Enlightenment. They clashed. And both now have been marginalized for the benefit of libertarian arbitrariness, intended to free the individual from all constraints of communal norms.
​  Post-modern culture makes people “mad because individual freedom no longer accepts objective truth”. The virtual world kills the sense of the real – to replace it with imagined reality. The art of governing becomes that of administering an imposed pretence; one which people can clearly observe about them is not real, yet they are obliged to pretend that ‘narrative’ is the objective real.
​  This tension leads to existential insecurity and exploding reports of people in poor mental health.​..
..Fiona Hill, formerly of a member of the U.S. National Security Council, propounds the counter-view: that since U.S. interests, described mostly as ‘threats’ which are long term, “the structures to address those threats must also be long-term, too”...

..Hill is saying ‘the Aristocracy’ will rule long-term, via institutionalised, ‘inter-agency’ world order prescription.
This then, is the Aristocracy’s solution to the Imperial succession lacuna: Leviathan. “Leviathan – whose promise and project is straight forward – cancel all powers except one, which will be universal and absolute”.
  The implicit aim is to ‘Trump-proof’ policy prescriptions. This implicit objective however, underlines its flaw. There will be no participation. People will not participate; nor 
do they feel that they participate – because they don’t. The mood amongst the World Order back-room strategists is that selecting political candidates by voting has become ‘a bug’ and is no longer a feature...​                                                                                                                                                                                                        ..It is at such a point in history that a ‘Big Man’ often emerges into the arena; one who challenges the emperor. The ‘Big Man’ is perceived to speak for the people, whose participation in political life has been dulled out, and who are angry.​..                                                                                                                                                                ..What is the way out then, as the homeland slowly implodes? Well, the Washington Post article concludes by advocating a new supra-national global governance Order; likely a Davos- style digital-authoritarian governance designed to preserve a consistent policy and alignment, before the Russo-Chinese-Iranian-BRICS link-up beats them to it.
​  If the western states do not take the risk of freedom, then they take the risk of the Leviathan.​..                                                                                                                                ​..“What the Ruling Strata have not understood is that postmodern libertarian deregulation cannot be defined by economics and sex alone”.
“The extraordinary technical power, on which the Leviathan relies is inseparable from economic reality. It is therefore a techno-market reality, a power of technique and money that exercises a form of tyranny. In this context, what is likely to prevent the triumph of the Leviathan is the collapse of technical civilization” – as such that it is.​

​  G​uilty, C.J. Hopkins is Officially a Hate Speech Criminal in Germany, after a re-trial to fix his not-guilty verdict                                                                                                So, the Berlin Appellate Court overturned my acquittal today. I am now, officially, at least according to the New Normal German authorities, a “hate-speech” criminal. I’m officially a “hate-speech” criminal because I compared New Normal Germany to Nazi Germany, and I challenged the official Covid narrative, and I used the cover art of my book to do it. The New Normal German authorities didn’t like that, and were determined to punish me for doing that, and to make an example of me, in order to discourage other people from doing that. It took them two tries, but they pulled it off. The judge in my original trial screwed up and acquitted me, but the Berlin Public Prosecutor’s office didn’t give up.   .

​  ‘I pled guilty to journalism’ – Assange​, The WikiLeaks founder has made his first public appearance since being released from a UK prison
​  WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange urged European lawmakers to act against rising “transnational repression” of journalism by great powers during an address to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) on Tuesday. It was his first public appearance since being released from prison in late June.
​  Assange spent years locked up at a high-security prison in the UK as he fought extradition to the US, which had accused him of unlawfully obtaining and disclosing classified information relating to national defense. In June, he struck a plea bargain with the US Justice Department, formally acknowledging some guilt and waiving the right to legal recourse through, for example, the European Court of Human Rights, in exchange for freedom.
​  ”I want to be totally clear. I am not free today because the system workedI am free today, after years of incarceration, because I pled guilty to journalism,” he told members of the PACE Legal Affairs Committee in Strasbourg.​

​  Assange: Plea Deal With US Precludes Appeals to Top European Rights Court
​  "I eventually chose freedom over unrealizable justice, after being detained for years and facing a 175-year sentence with no effective remedy. Justice for me is now precluded, as the US government insisted in writing into its plea agreement that I cannot file a case at the European Court of Human Rights or even a Freedom of Information Act request over what it did to me as a result of its extradition request," Assange told a hearing in Strasbourg.​

​  In 1971 a strike like this lasted half a year.  No toilet-paper in Hawaii.  Dockworkers at ports from Maine to Texas go on strike, a standoff risking new shortages​        Shipping companies made billions during the pandemic by charging high prices, he said. “Now we want them to pay back. They’re going to pay back,” Butler said.​ He said the union will strike for as long as it needs to get a fair deal, and it has leverage over the companies.

​  Meryl Nass MD, on one of those bills that "has to pass before we can know what's in int":  The Pact for the Future, adopted Sept. 22 by Consensus, seems to have many interpretations.  Here is a CHD report, quoting many of us. And some brief thoughts of mine.

  Meryl Nass MD,  Vaccines have a unique place in US law that shields them from liability. This enables manufacturers to take risks they might not otherwise take.
COVID taught a lot of people that liability shields are dangerous. Now 31 Congress members want to remove that shield​

​All of the pericarditis and myocarditis cases they found in kids: Covid vaccines associated with ALL cases of heart inflammation in children in a large UK health dataset

Heart Healthy Gardener

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

October Of Surprises

 Blind Sided,

  Celia Farber, Reports: Western NC Indescribable Catastrophe, May Be Way Worse Than Katrina: Thousands Missing, Total Blackout—No Food, Water, Cell Service, Or Radio In Worse Hit Areas—Why Weren't They Warned?
​  First Hand Report: "My Uncle Mitch Knows Someone Who Works For EMS…They Are Hauling Them By The Truckloads To The Morgue." Please Don't Call Me A Catrophist—This Is Real, Media NOT Reporting Truth​

​Celia Farber,  "Let Them Eat Mud"—Biden and Harris Don't Even Feign Concern For Parts Of Southeast Where Entire Towns Have Vanished Off The Map Since "Helene."  "UNIMAGINABLE" Let's Stay In Closer Contact And Form A Practical Community To Survive The US Government Going Forward.

  Celia Farber posts an old Ben Livingston interview with a younger Alex Jones (If you want to cut to the chase you can start at 27 minutes.).  
US Military Father Of Climate Manipulation: "We'd Just Pick A Thunderstorm And Do Whatever We Wanted To With It."
​  Even LBJ Was Spooked By This, Despite "Success" In Vietnam, Weaponizing Clouds, Creating Monster Monsoons That Washed Out Bridges. Imagine What The Technology Is Today​

Flooded electric vehicles, and scooters bursting into flames after Hurricane Helene​

Biden And Harris Called Out Over Botched Hurricane Response As Trump Visits Victims​

Hurricane Helene Hits Hard in North Carolina, a Swing State​

**Let me clearly state that ​I personally plan to vote for Peace-Candidate Jill Stein MD again, as I did in 2016.**  John Day

​How can she "know" this, pray-tell?  "Be Prepared": MTG Warns "Most Dangerous Phase" In 2024 Election Has Begun

​  Multiple Sources Now Confirm Infowars Reports Of Surface-To-Air Missiles Inside US To Target Trump Force One
Then, on Thursday, investigative journalist Lara Logan posted an almost identical warning on X.
​  “URGENT: Acc to an informant in New Mexico – Trump’s plane is the next target for assassination. Nine heat-seeking surface-to-air missiles have been smuggled into the US for this purpose. And there are three kill teams already inside the country. Trump has been informed, so have the US intel agencies & other authorities. Money has been transferred to a cartel to push this over the border. These people are cornered & vicious. They will stop at nothing. More to come.“​

​  Jim Kunstler,  Heroes and Villains​   “It’s really hard to govern today. . . . The First Amendment stands as a major block.” – John Kerry.
It certainly took balls (but not brains) to assert from the stage of the World Economic Forum (WEF) that free speech is cluttering up America’s march to totalitarianism.​..
​..Hillary Clinton and hundreds of Democratic Party affiliated officials past and present fear that they will be subjected to legal process in crimes ranging all the way up to treason for their conduct the past decade, including the mass murder and injury of millions with their Covid policy, their deliberate abetting of millions crossing the border illegally, their use of several government agencies to abridge the First Amendment, their abuse of DOJ and FBI power in malicious prosecutions, their shell games funneling taxpayers’ money to hundreds of crony NGOs, and their use of Ukraine as a money laundry for the entire Beltway criminal cartel. Surely even more than that.
  It was the last item on that list that prompted impeachment No. 1 of Mr. Trump, who came uncomfortably close to inquiring about it in that fateful 2019 phone call to President Zelensky. And, of course, it was exactly in that maw of corruption that the Biden family helped itself to millions of grifted dollars while Joe was out-of-office, and his bagman-crackhead son gamboled about the globe shaking loose more millions from exotic money-trees wherever he landed. All of which is to say that the “danger” Mr. Trump poses is to them personally and directly, certainly not to “our democracy,” their phony war-cry.​..
​..And so​... we slot into October, the month of promised “surprises” and generally not the happy kind. Hillary alluded to that in her Firing Line palaver. Does her posse (Huma, Alex Soros) have something up their sleeves?

​  The two vice presidential nominees - Sen. JD Vance (R-Ohio) and Democrat Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz - will face each other in a debate on Oct. 1, one month out from the 2024 election.​   CBS News will broadcast the 90-minute debate at 9 p.m. ET with two commercial breaks​.

​  "Modern Economy Rests On Single Road" In North Carolina Where Hurricane Collapsed Bridges
In March, a Wharton professor who studies artificial intelligence and start-ups claimed on X, "The modern economy rests on a single road in Spruce Pine, North Carolina. The road runs to the two mines that are the sole supplier of the quartz required to make the crucibles needed to refine silicon wafers."
​  Ethan Mollick noted at the time, "There are no alternative sources known" if supply disruptions were seen in Spruce Pines.​

​   Washington Enters Panic Mode As Even Javier Milei’s Argentina Seeks Closer Economic Ties With Beijing
​"China is a very interesting trading partner,” said Javier Milei, who just a year ago described the Chinese government as as “assassin.” They “do not make demands, the only thing they ask is that they not be bothered.”​...  Almost exactly a year after telling Tucker Carlson that he would never trade with China due to its government’s left-wing, authoritarian proclivities, Javier Milei has nothing but fond words for the US’ main strategic rival today...
​..The Biden administration had thought Milei’s government was beyond Xi Jinping’s influence, but all of a sudden the Argentine president is seeking a rapprochement with the communist regime to renew the Chinese swap line that underpins Argentina’s central bank reserves as well as facilitate investments by Chinese companies in lithium and copper, two minerals that Washington considers globally strategic.​  “We have to be careful with how we handle this relationship,” U.S. Ambassador to China Nicholas Burns said of diplomatic ties between China and the US. “We’re systemic rivals."​

​  Time Is Running Out: US Port Strike Could Begin Tuesday
Goldman analyst explained last week that a walkout by ILA members would jeopardize $5 billion in daily international trade coming into the Gulf and East Coast ports.​

​  It Begins: US Port Strikes Erupt, First Shutdown In 50 Years Sparks Fears Of Supply Chain Crisis
More than 45,000 International Longshoremen's Association (ILA) members from over three dozen facilities across 14 Gulf and East Coast ports went on strike early Tuesday, marking the largest labor action at US ports in nearly 50 years. The labor action, driven by disputes over automation and wages in a new multi-year labor contract, threatens to disrupt supply chains nationwide. If the strike persists for more than a week, retailers could face shortages of certain goods.​

​  Germany Should Pursue Charges for Nord Stream Blasts & Point Out US Role - Bundestag MP
​  The German federal government should immediately bring charges for the destruction of the Nord Stream pipelines and point out the violation of anti-terrorism treaties by the United States or other countries involvedBundestag member Steffen Kotre told Sputnik.
​  In a conversation on the sidelines of Russian Energy Week, he suggested that Washington had probably been involved in the destruction of the gas pipelines. Kotre does not know to what extent Kiev was involved, but, from his point of view, it is difficult to believe that Ukraine could have carried out such an action without outside help.​ 

Dead Body of Hezballah Leader Recovered from Rubble - INTACT​

​  Nasrallah Was A Direct Descendant Of Muhammad​.   In Shia Islam, this is a really, really big deal.  An attack on Nasrallah is literally considered to be an attack on the family of Muhammad himself.​

​  'Israel' assassinated Sayyed Nasrallah with US-made bomb: US ​Senator
US Senator Mark Kelly affirms that the arms used in Friday's massive Israeli aggression on Beirut's Southern Suburb were supplied by and made in the United States.​

​  Israel Planned to Kill Nasrallah in October 2023, US Asked to Cancel Attack
​  The Israeli air force took off to strike the location of Lebanese Shia movement Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah shortly after the October 7 attack by Palestinian movement Hamas, but the operation was called off at the request of the US, the Financial Times newspaper reported.
​  The Israeli attack did not take place in October 2023, since the White House asked Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to recall the air force, the report said.​

​  [Let's see Kamala Harris top this.]​  Jared Kushner Praises Assassination of Nasrallah, Says U.S. Must Support Ground Invasion of Lebanon
​  Jared Kushner, the son-in-law of former President Donald Trump who led Middle East policy under his administration, praised the Jewish state on Saturday for assassinating Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah and insisted the US must support the "peace-seeking nation of Israel" launching a ground invasion of Lebanon to "finish the job."
​  Kushner also praised Israel's decision to rig pagers and radios with explosives as "brilliant" and argued that Israel's invasion will turn Beirut into "a cosmopolitan city."​

​  US occupation base hit by ‘intense’ rocket, drone strikes in Syria

US forces at Washington’s occupation base in the Conoco oil field near eastern Syria’s Deir Ezzor governorate came under heavy attack during the early hours of 29 September.
  “Intense rocket and drone bombardment targeted the headquarters of the US occupation's armored forces stationed at the Conoco gas field base in Deir Ezzor,” Al Mayadeen's correspondent cited field sources as saying.
  “The intense shelling on Conoco resulted in direct hits on the headquarters of the armored division,” according to one of the sources.
Sputnik’s correspondent reported the attack left casualties among the occupation troops.
  Local sources said the strikes were launched in response to a series of US airstrikes on Deir Ezzor’s Harabeesh neighborhood.​

​  For Netanyahu, Eradicating the Palestinians Is Still “Job 1”
​  In the last 11 months, the IDF has gone from North to South obliterating 80 percent of Gaza’s housing stock and virtually all of its vital infrastructure. Many people assumed that these actions indicated that Israel wanted to make the area uninhabitable so the Palestinians would be forced to flee to Egypt. That theory has been reinforced by the numerous pronouncements of Israeli political and military leaders who have stated their genocidal intent with alarming frequency. The only logical conclusion one can draw from these statements is that is a clear majority of Israeli Jews support the expulsion of the native population.
​  That doesn’t mean that the implementation of the plan has gone smoothly. It hasn’t. And the reason it hasn’t is because Egypt fortified its northern border with thousands of troops and armored vehicles blocking any potential attempt by Israel to drive the Palestinians into the Sinai Desert. (Apparently, Israel did not anticipate this obvious obstacle.) With its lone exit-point blocked, Israel’s expulsion strategy collapsed leaving the IDF with little to do but force the Palestinians from one “safe zone” to the next and then back again. This charade has dragged on for more than four months now with the clear intention of hoodwinking the Israeli public into believing that the IDF is performing some vital national security function rather than overseeing the collective starvation of a deeply traumatized civilian population.
​  In the last week, the government has concocted a new strategy that is designed to draw attention away from their earlier failure. This is from CNN:
….the government “is considering a plan to force all Palestinian civilians out of northern Gaza, including Gaza City, in order to lay siege to Hamas and force the release of hostages.”​

​    Saturday...  5 days of bombing: 783 killed in Israeli air strikes on Lebanon
A total of 783 people have been killed and approximately 2,312 injured in Israeli air strikes on Lebanon since Sept. 23, bringing the death toll since the beginning of the confrontations between Israel and Hezbollah last October to 1,622, with 5,549 people injured, according to official Lebanese sources, Anadolu Agency reports.​

  Sunday...​  123 killed in Lebanon air strikes in 24 hours — Health Ministry​.  According to a report by the Elnashra portal, 359 were injured​

​  Monday...  Israel Launches "Limited" Ground Invasion Of Lebanon​,   Israel has named the new cross-border offensive "Operation Northern Arrows". Below is an early description by the IDF as posted to Telegram and other government channels.​.. Thus a ground war has begun in Lebanon a mere month before the US presidential election. Meanwhile neither President Biden nor VP Kamala Harris have had much to say. Quite the opposite: they might prefer to hide from the media.​  There are meanwhile reports that it was a US-provided 2,000 pound bomb which killed Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah last Friday.​

​  Tuesday... US secretly approved Lebanon escalation – Politico
Washington gave Israel the green light to mount an offensive, in contrast to its public calls for a ceasefire, sources have claimed​ 
​  Israel outlined its military strategy to Washington in broad terms in mid-September and received approval via senior US presidential advisers, Amos Hochstein and Brett McGurk, Politico reported on Monday, citing two Israeli and four American officials.  
​  The decision faced opposition from within the Pentagon, State Department, and intelligence community, the sources claimed. There are reportedly concerns that the hostilities could escalate into a major war, which would directly draw in the US.

​  It looks pretty empty.  Mass Walkout as 'Global Pariah' Netanyahu Addresses UN General Assembly
The public rebuke of the Israeli prime minister, said one observer, "demonstrates the international community's rejection of genocide."​

​  Pepe Escobar on Netanyahu at the UN:   Nasrallah as martyr/legend: The lands of Islam get ready to channel their rage
A symbol was shattered. A legend is born. The Resistance, more than ever, won’t back down
​..An unredeemable serial war criminal and psychopathic genocidal, violating scores of UN resolutions, popped up at the UN General Assembly in New York and then ordered, from inside the building, yet another war crime: wiping out an entire block in southern Beirut with dozens of American bunker buster bombs, including the BLU-109 with a JDAM precision guiding system – leaving countless civilians still unaccounted for under the rubble, including Sayyed Nasrallah.
​  As the war criminal addressed the UN General Assembly, over half of the delegates staged a mass walkout: the hall was de facto nearly empty of real Global South diplomats. The remaining audience was presented with yet another trademark display of IQ-impaired “maps” featuring the “blessed” – Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Egypt, Jordan, UAE – and the “cursed” – Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen.​..
..Israel killed Sayyed Nasrallah for two main reasons. 1) Because he explicitly reaffirmed Hezbollah would never abandon Gaza for any “deal” allowing the genocide and total ethnic cleansing to go on. 2) Because the Talmudic psychopathological fanatics want to invade and re-occupy Lebanon.​..
..Hezbollah is independent of personalities. The structure is a maze, a rhizome – and other nodes, duly trained, as well as a new leadership, will spring up, as with the Vietcong during the “American war”...
​..Back in 1982, Israel’s war on Lebanon was so brutal that even Ronald Reagan – who once threatened to pave Vietnam and paint it over with parking stripes – was stunned. He told Prime Minister Menachem Begin, who came to prominence as an Irgun terrorist, “Menachem, this is a holocaust.”
​  And yet a lowly grifter called Joe Biden, then a Senator bought and paid for by the Zionist lobby, called Begin on the phone to reassure him that “if all the civilians get killed”, that’s no big deal.​..
..Now nothing prevents the Axis of Resistance from stepping up to the next level. There’s simply no diplomacy, compromise, ceasefire, “two-state solution” or any other procrastination tactics in the horizon. Just a do-or-die existential fight against a relentless killing machine exhibiting, to paraphrase (and invert) Yeats, “a gaze blank and pitiless as the sun”...
​..An auspicious scenario now becomes quite plausible: BRICS assuming the role of chief diplomatic channel for the lands of Islam. The next logical stage would be to get the UN out of Israeli/American territory and establish a HQ in a nation that really respects international humanitarian law.​

​  Saudi FM slams Israel’s ‘barbaric practices’ against ‘defenseless’ Palestinian civilians
​  Saudi Arabia’s foreign minister on Saturday condemned Israel’s “crimes” and “barbaric practices” against “defenseless civilians” in the Gaza Strip during his speech to the UN General Assembly.
​  Prince Faisal bin Farhan accused Israel of creating a “real humanitarian catastrophe” that is “continuing to get worse.”
​  He lauded the recent International Court of Justice advisory opinion that Israel’s occupation of the West Bank, Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem is illegal under international and humanitarian law.
​  Prince Faisal urged the UN to recognize Palestine as a full member.​

Houthis Attack Israel's Ben Gurion Airport As Netanyahu Arrives​

Israeli F-15s Strike Infrastructure in Yemen After Ansuruallah Ballistic Missile Targeted Ben Gurion Airport​

​  Yemen's Houthis Shoot Down Another $30 Million US Reaper Drone
​  US defense officials confirmed the shootdown to CNN. The Houthis claim it marks the 11th US MQ-9 downed over Yemen since hostilities began last year, however the Pentagon disputes this figure.​  "I can tell you that that number is not accurate," Pentagon spokesman Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder has said. "It’s too high."​

Iran says its response to Israeli ‘crimes’ will come ‘at right time’​

​  Iran To 'Imminently' Launch Ballistic Missiles On Israel; White House Warns
Axios is reporting that the White House has intelligence saying Iran imminently plans to carry out a missile attack on Israel in retaliation for the Friday killing of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah.​..

​..The Pentagon on Monday confirmed that it is sending a "few thousand additional troops" to the Middle East to be on standby if needed to defend Israel from a broader attack. This is widely being seen as preparation for war against Iran, if needed.
​  This is to include the new deployments of squadrons of F-15, F-16, F-22, and A-10 fighter jets along with assisting personnel. It was only the day prior that President Biden was asked if he would be sending more troops to the Middle East. He replied: "No."

The COVID “Vaccine” Is an Intentional Effort at World Genocide.​  Dr. Paul Craig Roberts
​  Never before have there been massive excess deaths following vaccination.  
Never before have there been children, young adults, athletes in their prime, entertainers, dropping dead “cause unknown” following vaccination.
​  Of course, the cause is known.  The leading doctors and medical scientists of our time–which excludes health agency bureaucrats, such as Fauci, who serve as marketing agents for Big Pharma and corrupt, politicized state medical boards and HMOs–have explained why and how the mRNA “vaccines,” which are not vaccines, kill, destroy the immune system, and cause health injuries.  What is not known is why some die immediately after receiving the deadly substance, others a month later, and others remain, so far, alive.​

Sudden Infant Deaths Surged after Covid ‘Vaccine’ Rollout, Study Confirms​

SpaceX rescue mission to bring stranded astronauts back to Earth docks at ISS​

Surviving Surprises​  (Pictured with some pecans gathered off the tree before they could fall)