Friday, September 13, 2024

Awaiting World War

 Feeling Uneasy,

  Gilbert Doctorow,  Putin to reporter Pavel Zarubin: 'NATO will be at war with us and our response will be appropriate to the perceived threat'
  Pavel Zarubin, a journalist who seems to follow Vladimir Vladimirovich everywhere to gather material for his weekly Sunday evening show 'Moscow, the Kremlin, Putin' put to him the question that is as much on the minds of Russians as it is on the mind of us here in the West: how will Russia respond to the expected American and British go-ahead to Zelensky for use of their missiles to attack the heartland of RussiaPutin gave his answer speaking in a calm and deliberate tone. What he said has been picked up by global media, many of which have presented it to world audiences as being bellicose. It was not bellicose but it was open to various interpretations because its essence is that Russia's response will be calibrated to the level of threat to itself that it sees in any coming attacks from Ukraine.
​  But before getting to the 'punch line' that everyone awaited, President Putin explained Russia's understanding that what is at issue goes far beyond mere permission for Ukraine to use Western supplied long-range offensive weapons as it sees fit. Per Russian military evaluation, Ukraine by itself does not possess the satellite reconnaissance capability necessary to program the NATO-supplied missiles to target. For this it is totally dependent on NATO countries. More important still, Ukraine does not have the training, the skills to maintain and launch these missiles on its own. Two or three weeks training is utterly inadequate to manage these highly sophisticated weapons systems. Accordingly all of those functions must necessarily be carried out by technical people from the NATO country manufacturers of the weapons. For these reasons, Russia concludes that the missiles effectively represent NATO's direct involvement in the conflict. The status of the conflict moves on from a proxy war to a full-blown war by NATO countries on Russia. That change in the nature of the war requires a change in the way Russia conducts itself. As Putin said, Russia will calibrate its response to any attack to the level of threat it perceives. Period.​..
..The fact is that Russia is mentally prepared for anything that the West can throw at it today via Ukraine, up to and including, for example, a missile attack on the Kursk nuclear power plant. Due to its unprotected outer structure, a strike there could result in a leakage of radioactivity similar to the Chernobyl catastrophe. We should not doubt that a Russian response to such an incident will be memorable if any of us survives it.​

​  Britain and the United States are on the verge of allowing Ukraine to use long-range missiles against targets in Russia after accusing President Putin of “escalating” the conflict by accepting ballistic missiles from Iran.​

​  Will ‘Insane’ Biden Provoke World War III Before November Election?​  [Now being secretly negotiated in DC.]
​  Both countries nearly saw their worst fears realized during the Cuban Missile Crisis, when it appeared the US and USSR were unwilling to back down over the issue of nuclear missiles being placed just miles from each country’s border in Cuba and Turkey. The incident led to the establishment of a special hotline for US and Soviet leaders to communicate directly, and caused US President John F. Kennedy to remark that tensions between nuclear powers must never again rise to such a level.​..
​..“My fear is that [the United States] will try something really drastic like a false flag attack or maybe even a mini nuke,” said (former CIA Analyst, Ray) McGovern, concerned that the US could fabricate an episode such as the Gulf of Tonkin incident that drew the country into the Vietnam War. “Let's see what happens the next couple of weeks. I think Putin is right. It's only the smart thing to see who wins on the 5th of November. Till then, I'm still holding my breath.”​

  ​Simplicius,  Zelensky's Last Hail Mary Gets Off to Rocky Start
  It seems every news cycle there is now some major new development surrounding Ukraine, which threatens to plunge the war into some elevated state of risk and threat. This is by design because Zelensky and his curators need to constantly drum up a sense of advancement in the narrative, otherwise the increasingly dire situation on the front threatens to swallow the entire war effort whole.
​  Today that “shiny new object” meant to give UA supporters some small glint of hope is the information package surrounding permission for deep strikes into Russia.​..
​..Zelensky is traveling to the US to present his plan, which some sources have claimed has three points, which I outlined last time, but as reminder:
​ 1. Zelensky wants the US to allow long-range strikes into Russia with foreign missiles to destroy all military bases, airfields, ammunition and fuel depots within the European part of Russia.
​ 2. The West (US/NATO) must protect Western Ukraine with Polish and Romanian air defense systems from Russian retaliation strikes so Ukraine could transfer own air defense systems closer to the battlefield.
​ 3. The West must guarantee to be prepared to get more involved by sending ground troops to certain parts of Ukraine to free up Ukraine's manpower which could be sent to the front lines. Zelensky believes after this campaign Russia would be forced to retreat, at some point Putin's leadership would be destabilized and replaced, with the new leadership signing a peace deal.​..
..However, we already have some sand to throw on the above via another breaking story, which is that infamous Russian pranksters Vovan & Lexus had just caught Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski in their net. Sikorski directly addresses two of the points above, totally dispelling them. He was under the impression he was speaking to Ukraine’s Petro Poroshenko as part of the gag.​ Here he plainly states that right now there is no chance for Poland, and likely the rest of NATO, in shooting down any Russian assets or joining the war...  In the slightly longer version, at the end he actually states: “We don’t want to confirm what Medvedev, Putin, and Russian propaganda has been accusing us of.” He’s saying that Poland does not want to validate the very reason behind Russia’s war on Ukraine, which is that the West intends to use Ukraine to directly attack Russia.​.. The relief, of course, is that Sikorski confirms: “There is no willingness in Europe to have a war with Russia, this is an absolute red line.”​...
..One of the problems is: major transnational conglomerates like BlackRock and the Soros Empire have all signed deals with Zelensky’s regime—and it’s in their great interest to keep those contracts active. Should Zelensky be removed, they know a new leader could annul their deals, causing trillions in future losses. Thus, it serves the cabal’s interests to keep as corrupt a regime in Ukraine in power as long as possible...
..The US will likely attempt to “sit on both chairs” by acceding to Ukraine’s demands to give them some more leeway in strikes, but still hoping to not provoke Russia into an uncontrollable or runaway escalatory spiral. This would logically entail Ukraine given conditional permission to strike certain conventional targets, but not anything even remotely sensitive, with a long list of red-line “no-gos” which would of course include things like nuclear plants, but even likely governmental or institutional structures, for instance—at the extreme end of the case—striking the Kremlin...
​..You’ll recall a couple reports ago I had detailed how the US itself may only have 1000-1500 total ATACMS in its inventory remaining and Ukraine was said to have received upwards of 200-300 of them... People are underestimating just how expensive the ATACMS is. At upwards of $1.5 to $1.7 million each, the total complement of ~300 would have cost around $500,000,000 dollars. The problem with this is that the US has very little military aid left to Ukraine, and its recent “packages” have been only a couple hundred million each, and that is needed to pay for a vast array of different types of ammunition for all systems​...
..Of course, now there’s talk of JASSM missiles, and the above is merely the underscoring of the point I had made several articles ago where I stated that JASSMs do not represent some “new” wunderwaffe ability but rather the desperate measure of carrying over Ukrainian strike capability from the depleted ATACMS. The JASSMs are much cheaper, at reportedly $700k or so, and on top of that, the US has far more of them in stock—supposedly in the several thousands...
​..Lastly, let me state that despite the hubbub surrounding this, with many outlets reporting with near ‘certainty’ that permission is about to be, or has already been, granted, it seems to me like the opposite is the case, and Biden’s fear-stricken administration is flip-flopping as ever. The official statements today still resoundingly said “no policy change” is expected. My read is that they are desperately scrounging for some symbolic targets to allow Ukraine to hit, which can be approved with a secret backdoor handshake between Russia, where all parties can be satisfied.​..   
​..One of the most significant revelations is that Sikorski states that the Trump team has privately told him Trump’s big “plan” to get Russia to agree to a ceasefire would essentially be to threaten Russia with escalation. This appears to confirm the rumors we’ve heard for a while and means that there’s no chance Trump could get Russia to actually accede because threats would be the last possible thing Russia would care about, particularly because this ‘escalation’ is claimed to be in the form of vastly increasing financial support to Ukraine. That would do nothing whatsoever—and Russia knows this—because you can print funny money but you can’t print arms, and US has little of significance left to really give Ukraine that could in any way affect the calculus of the war.​

​  UK's Starmer, Canada's Trudeau, Pressure Biden To Escalate With Russia Despite Putin Warning Of 'War' With NATO
Update(1450ET): Kirby came out on Friday and told reporters that there's been no change in US policy regarding Ukraine using Western arms for long-rage strikes inside Russia. But the pressure is quickly ramping up: first Canada's Trudeau said he supports greenlighting this, despite Putin making clear this would mean 'direct war' between Russia and NATO, and now UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer is coming out in support. According to breaking reporting in The Wall Street Journal​.

​  Lavrov ridicules ‘divers on little boat’ Nord Stream-sabotage theory
Those who believe such stories are “afraid of truth” and are shielding the Kiev regime, the Russian foreign minister said​

​  Britain saved tens of millions of pounds by sending scrapped equipment to Ukraine – FT
​  It is noted that a significant amount of British military equipment provided to Kyiv had little military value. However, sending such cargo to Ukraine, according to the publication, "reduced waste or costs associated with disposal."​

South Africa to submit Gaza war crimes evidence to UN court​, The BRICS member accuses Israel of having committed multiple atrocities​

​  ‘Everything around me was getting torn apart’: Israel commits another massacre in Gaza ‘safe zone’
Israel committed another massacre in an area it has designated as a "safe zone." The airstrikes buried entire families in the sand.​

​  New video, witnesses challenge Israel’s account of U.S. activist’s killing
The IDF said Aysenur Eygi was shot “unintentionally” during a “violent riot.” A Post analysis shows clashes had subsided and protesters had retreated.
​  BEITA, West Bank — It was Aysenur Eygi’s first time at a West Bank demonstration, and she was nervous.
The 26-year-old Turkish American told fellow activists she hoped to be a “protective presence” for Palestinians at a time of spiraling violence across the Israeli-occupied territory.
​  “We had both decided we did not want to be near any action at all,” said Helen, a volunteer from Australia in her early 60s who was with Eygi throughout the day.
​  Eygi’s caution did not protect her. She was fatally shot in the head on Friday in the village of Beita, near Nablus, following brief clashes after Friday prayers. The Israel Defense Forces said Tuesday it was “very likely” she had been hit “unintentionally” by one of its soldiers“The incident took place during a violent riot,” the statement said, and the fire was aimed at “the key instigator.”
​  But a Washington Post investigation has found that Eygi was shot more than a half-hour after the height of confrontations in Beita, and some 20 minutes after protesters had moved down the main road — more than 200 yards away from Israeli forces. A Palestinian teenager, who witnesses say was standing about 20 yards from Eygi, was wounded by Israeli fire; the IDF would not say if he was a target.
​  Citing an ongoing investigation, the IDF also declined to answer questions from The Post about why its forces fired toward the demonstrators so long after they had retreated, and from a distance where they posed no apparent threat.​..
​..On Friday morning, activists said, Eygi and four other volunteers hired a taxi in Ramallah, the de facto Palestinian capital in the West Bank, and drove about 30 miles north to Beita, a familiar flash point.
​  Palestinians there have been battling for decades to hold off the steady advance of Israeli settlers.​..
​..Helen slipped and fell during “the scary race down the road,” at one point spraining her ankle, she said, but the younger woman stayed with her, “being a protective strength.”
​  A video filmed at 1:22 p.m. shows the road next to the olive grove. A shot rings out.
“They’re shooting with regular guns!” an activist says off-camera in Japanese. Steven Beck, an audio forensic expert who consulted for the FBI and reviewed the footage for The Post, said the pop heard on the video was consistent with a gunshot — a finding corroborated by a second audio expert, Rob Maher.
​  A minute later, the British activist called Eygi to check where she was, according to a call log viewed by The Post. Eygi told him she had already made it down the hill to the olive grove.​ “Stay there,” he recalls telling her.
​  Helen positioned herself behind a tree, she said, with Eygi to her left...​..“Gunshot!” an unseen woman can be heard screaming in the background. She pleads for an ambulance.
In the olive grove, Helen saw Eygi drop facedown to the ground beside her. The older woman rolled her over. Blood was pouring from the left side of Eygi’s head, she said, and she was unresponsive...
​..During her training with ISM, Eygi had spoken about her fear that she “wouldn’t make a difference,” fellow activists said. Her death has now become a test case for U.S.-Israel relations, after 11 months of growing tensions between the two allies over the war in Gaza and Israeli policy in the West Bank.
It certainly couldn't have been done without them. Dick Cheney helped, too...  Israel Did 9/11, W.M. Peterson

Migrant Population In Charleroi, Pennsylvania Explodes 2,000% As Crisis Unfolds​

Missed the special ​radio-coach-earrings at the debate, though... How to Steal an Election: US Conservatives Expose Democrats' Playbook Ahead of 2024 Vote​

​  Charles Hugh Smith on our new paradoxical subjugation.  What's "Free" About "Free Speech"?
Without being aware of it, we've privatized "free" speech in the form of digital monopolies.

Celia Farber explains Germany's "Red Queen" court proceedings: 
Analysis By Joseph Molitorisz: Fuellmich Defense Denied Clarification Of What The Charge Against Him Is At This Point—Told To Wait Until Trial's End?​

​  Another write-up about last week's "Attack On Food and Farmers and How To Fight Back" symposium:  
‘Don’t Eat the Bugs’: How to Reclaim Control Over the Food System
​  “Attack on Food and Farmers and How to Fight Back,” a two-day symposium featuring 40-plus speakers, brought together doctors, journalists, researchers, farmers and politicians to discuss what’s happened to the global food system — and how to fix it.​

​  They actually were not stupid, and they had both Polynesian and Native-American genetics, so the Polynesians had gotten to the New World before Columbus. European diseases appear to have killed off the islanders.   Genetic Evidence Overrules Ecocide Theory of Easter Island Once And For All

Survival Oriented (took this picture of co-survivalist, Jenny)

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Staying Human


​  ‘We gave birth with phone lights’: Doctor documents experience at Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza
​  Fadia Malhis detailed to Anadolu the difficulties she faced while working at the Al-Shifa Hospital in the Gaza Strip, which was targeted by sieges, raids and attacks by the Israeli army.
​  Malhis, who returned home after studying in Turkiye, worked as an obstetrician-gynaecologist at the Al-Shifa Hospital for nearly 25 years, but had to go to make a desperate escape to Egypt when the hospital was rendered unusable. From Egypt, she went to Turkiye, Anadolu Agency reports.
​  She said she came back from the brink of death many times and that she could not hold back tears when she left Gaza.
She moved from the West Bank, where she is from, to work at the hospital in the coastal enclave since 2001 because her husband is from Gaza.
​  When the attacks started, we realised that this was not like the others’​.

​  Israel Claims Its Forces ‘Unintentionally’ Shot American Activist in the Head
The family of Aysenur Eyzi Eygi said it was 'deeply offended by the suggestion that her killing by a trained sniper was in any way unintentional'​

​  UN 'deeply concerned' by reports of sexual violence in Israeli prisons
The UN Special Representative on Sexual Violence in Conflict points to disturbing reports of sexual violence and other inhumane and degrading treatment of Palestinian men and women.​

​  Sanders says he’ll introduce resolution to block $20 billion arms sale to Israel as support for arms embargo grows
Support for an arms embargo on Israel among Democratic Party voters has grown enormously due to the Gaza genocide. 
But will this shift in popular opinion translate into policy change in Washington?​

​  Despite ‘safe zone’ designation, 5 Israel massacres have killed 217 Palestinians in Al-Mawasi since May
​  The Israeli military had designated the area a “safe humanitarian zone”. However, these attacks, which have claimed the lives of at least 217 Palestinians and injured 635 others, have been condemned by international and UN bodies, as well as numerous countries.
​  This sandy region, devoid of basic living necessities, has become home to about 1.7 million displaced Palestinians seeking shelter from months of Israeli attacks.
Forced to relocate under heavy fire, the majority arrived in Al-Mawasi following the Israeli military’s ground operation in Rafah, starting on 6 May.​

​  Experts say 'Israel' likely used 2,000-pound US bombs in Mawasi strike
According to an arms expert, the crater and weapon fragments are compatible with the deployment of numerous MK 84 2,000-pound bombs.​

Saudi Arabia says Israel humanitarian aid blockade in Gaza amounts to ‘war crime’​

​  Andrew Korybko,  Erdogan’s Proposed Islamic Alliance Against Israel Is Pure Demagoguery
​  His strong rhetoric leads to extreme dopamine bursts from those who think that he’s being sincere, but the rush will inevitably wear off once they realize that he’s not, and some might in turn think less of him afterwards.
​  Turkish President Erdogan has attempted over the years to present himself as the voice of the international Muslim community, or Ummah, most recently by calling for an Islamic alliance against Israel.
​  His strong rhetoric about the latest Israeli-Hamas war has earned him the praise of many and also resulted in sharp responses from Israelis, which in turn feed into the perception that he’s seeking to form. All his tough talk is just pure demagoguery, however, since he isn’t willing to go to war with Israel.​

​  Pro-Palestine Students, Faculty Sue UC Santa Cruz Over ‘Unconstitutional’ Ban
​  Students and staff at the University of California, Santa Cruz launched a lawsuit against the school on Monday for barring them from campus without due process after they were arrested at a pro-Palestinian protest in the spring.
​  The lawsuit, filed by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) Foundation of Northern California, the Center for Protest Law & Litigation, and civil rights attorney Thomas Seabaugh, is demanding that the University “cease summarily banishing” people who exerciser their First Amendment rights.​

​  If (When) Russia Takes Pokrovsk The Rest Of Eastern Ukraine Will Fall
​  For the majority of the war Pokrovsk has acted as the logistical hub and rear operations base for Ukraine's eastern defensive lines.  It sits astride both a key railroad juncture and the highway to Ukraine’s fourth-largest metro, Dnipro.  The city's defensive positions are a final obstacle to Russia's access to most of the region.  If Pokrovsk falls Russian forces will be able to easily flank entrenched troops in the north and south of the country.​

​  Forbes magazine published a map of the value of natural resources in Ukraine and part of Russia
​  It is worth noting that a few days ago, the Russophobic American Senator Lindsey Graham*, against whom a criminal case has been opened in the Russian Federation, made a frank statement on this matter. He stated that Ukraine is located on lands rich in natural resources and that is why the United States provides it with military and financial assistance. After all, if the Russian Federation wins, the Americans are unlikely to get anything there.
​  One would have to be very naive to think that the current leadership of the Kyiv regime does not understand the true reasons for the US "alliance". But, apparently, in order to live well, Zelensky and his team are ready to trade everything that nature itself has given to Ukraine.​

​  Germany Suspends Schengen, Immigration Repercussion Across the Entire EU​    For the first time in EU history, Germany is at the forefront of immigration suspension. Other EU countries will follow.​

​  Alex Krainer,  Our values: killing pensioners to save money
Britain's PM found a black hole in the country's public finances. It looks like the pensioners will have to help pay up at the cost of their lives!​

Gold Hits New Record High As ING Says Rally Is "Just Getting Started"​  [Fears of WW-3 debt-default​s, I hear.]​

ECB Cuts Rates By 25bps (As Expected); Projects Worsening Stagflation​

​  A Papal Revolt Created Europe’s First Bureaucracy,  Jonathan Culbreath
​  Despite the resistance, the reforms of Gregory VII would go on to revolutionarily transform medieval society,  signaling the end of feudalism and the transition to absolutism. Gregory’s second successor, Urban II, went on to found the early version of the Roman Curia, a collection of centralized administrative institutions that have since enabled popes to oversee the vast network that makes up the Catholic Church. As a large advisory body to the pope, the Curia essentially functioned as a regal court. Urban also followed in Gregory’s footsteps by making extensive use of military power to advance the Church’s empire, and it was he who called the first crusade against the Muslims in the year 1095. The extent of European mobilization that he catalyzed signaled the power of his influence
​  Similar measures were further extended by Pope Innocent III (1198-1216) at the Fourth Lateran Council with the creation of what was effectively a papal surveillance state: a network of intelligence officers appointed by the Pope in response to the Albigensian heresy, who scrutinized regional dioceses for their orthodoxy. On account of all these changes, Berman makes the surprising claim that the Papal Revolution was in many ways the origin of the modern institution we now know as “the state”​.
​  After Gregory VII, however, the church took on most of the distinctive characteristics of the modern state. It claimed to be an independent, hierarchical, public authority. Its head, the pope, had the right to legislate, and in fact Pope Gregory’s successors issued a steady stream of new laws, sometimes by their own authority, sometimes with the aid of church councils summoned by them. The church also executed its laws through an administrative hierarchy, through which the pope ruled as a modern sovereign rules through his or her representatives. Further, the church interpreted its laws, and applied them, through a judicial hierarchy culminating in the papal curia in Rome. Thus the church exercised the legislative, administrative, and judicial powers of a modern state.
​  By importing the Cluniac “corporate” model to the entire clergy, centralized under the headship of the pope, the clerical class became truly conscious for the first time. The development of this new clerical class consciousness was concomitant with the development of something very like a new state consciousness within the institutional structure of the Church itself. In Berman’s words, “The clergy became the first translocal, transtribal, transfeudal, transnational class in Europe to achieve political and legal unity.”  
​  Berman is adamant that the “Papal Revolution” inaugurated by Pope Gregory VII was indeed a “revolution” in the strict sense, even according to Marxist terminology—thereby vindicating Georges Sorel’s comparison of the proletariat to the monastic clergy. It was the rebellion of one class against another, the clerical class against the feudal nobility, and the eventual wresting of political power from the latter by the former.​

​  Is The Migrant Invasion Part Of The Cloward-Piven Strategy To Collapse The Nation?
​  Sometimes Occam's razor points to the obvious - in this case, the ole' 'Cloward-Piven Strategy' - a multi-year plan by dark forces to destroy capitalism by overloading the current system with intentions of destroying it (and of course, rebuilding it in their image - may the odds be ever in your favor). From the unfettered illegal alien invasion to soaring national debt to endless wars to installing the woke mind virus in universities and corporate America, all have led to mass dysfunction across the Homeland.​

​  Some 8,000 Haitians signed up for Medicaid in Springfield, Ohio in just the past three years, according to data obtained by Reuters.
The transfer of "as many as 15,000" immigrants from Haiti "over roughly the last three years" has "reshaped" the city of 58,000, Reuters noted.
​  "Enrollment in Medicaid and federal food assistance and welfare programs surged. So did rents and vehicle accidents, including a collision last year when a Haitian without a U.S. driver's license drove into a school bus, killing 11-year-old Aiden Clark and injuring 26 other children," Reuters reported.
​  "The number of affordable housing vouchers fell as landlords moved to market-based rents that were rising in the face of higher demand, a blow to existing residents relying on them."​

​  Gilbert Doctorow,   Judging Freedom, edition of 12 September
  We both commented on the sang froid of Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in his discourse before the assembled Russian ambassadors this morning even as he set out the Kremlin’s take on the crossing of those red lines. All of which induced me to mention on air my latest exchange of views on this same issue with Ray McGovern and his insistence that Putin’s full response to any attack on his country using Western supplied missiles will come only after the American elections on 5 November, not in the days just before us, as I had been saying as recently as yesterday. On reconsideration, I join Ray on this point and advise subscribers not to cancel luncheon dates in October now in their agendas, nor to practice ducking under their work desks when sirens go off just yet.
​  Putin and his advisers see the trap being set for them by Washington as well as we do, namely that responding in a violent way to such an attack would give the Americans a pretext for opening a full-blown war for the sake of assuring Kam​ala Harris’s electoral victory through the rally round the flag phenomenon in wartime. Such a ‘trap’ might seem to be insane, but unfortunately it reflects the mindset of those in the Biden administration who are setting policy. Shall we say, planning is all very short term.​

Blinken Promises Ukraine Will Join NATO​

​  Blinken Signals US Will Allow Long-Range Strikes in Russia With NATO Missiles
British sources indicated to The Guardian that the US and the UK have already decided to lift restrictions but won't announce it yet.
​  On Wednesday, Secretary of State Antony Blinken strongly hinted that the US was preparing to lift restrictions on Ukraine’s use of US and NATO missiles to support long-range strikes inside Russian territory, which would mark a significant escalation of the proxy war.
​  Speaking at a press conference in Kyiv alongside UK Foreign Secretary David Lammy, Blinken said he discussed the issue of “long-range fires” with Ukrainian President Volodomy​r Zelensky and said he would bring the discussion back to Washington. He said President Biden and British Prime Minister Keir Starmer will discuss the issue when they meet this Friday.​

Ukraine launches S-200 missile to strike gas pipeline in Central Russia​,  Ukrainian S-200 missile intercepted over gas pipeline in Central Russia

​  Russia Says It Could ‘Combine’ With China If Both Face Threat From the US
The comment comes as Russia is conducting major naval exercises with Chinese participation
​  “I would like to remind you that Moscow and Beijing will respond to ‘double containment’ by the United States with ‘double counteraction,'” Zakharova said​.

​Meryl Nass MD with 3 minute video:  Trump knows he was snookered the first time, and he wants to do things differently next time--RFK, Jr.

​  Kamaflage: The Harris Policy Dump
​  The Harris-Walz campaign has been vibe-a-licious and content-free; its positions on domestic and foreign policy have (with apologies to Hollywood) essentially consisted of open defiance of any presidential campaign norms: “Policy? We ain’t got no policy. We don’t need no policy. We don’t have to show you any stinkin’ policy.”
​  But the campaign’s policy on policy changed, sort of, the day before the debate, when it went ahead and posted some stinkin’ policy anyway.
​  In a word, Harris’ policy dump should be seen for what it is: Kamaflage. She uses words that score well with Republicans and moderates, but inverts the meaning of those words, creating an unintelligible stinkin’ mess.​

NOVA H1 Audio Earrings - Earphones embedded in Earrings​

Kamala Wore Novo Audio Earrings in Debate​

Moderna Shares Tumble As R&D Cuts Follow COVID Business Slump​

​  Meryl Nass MD, US House Passes Bill to Require Senate Approval of any international agreement on pandemic preparedness to be subject to Senate ratification
This is huge. Miracles can happen. 2 years ago these bills were nonstarters.​

​A Midwestern Doctor,  The Great Ozempic Scam. Big Pharma and the Causes of Obesity. The Importance of Natural Foods. Promoting Healthy Eating

Shady Character (pictured under pecan tree)

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

9/11 Is Not Over

 Living Despite Liars,

  We are not forgetting 9/11, as we still remember November 22, 1963, when John Kennedy was assassinated. We know we were lied to by the US government both times, but we still don't have the complete story of either state-crime.
   We may assume that the same Cabal that tasked George HW Bush to the grassy-knoll in Dallas that day launched the "global war on terror" with the Twin Tower collapses into pyroclastic dust clouds when the steel girders all disappeared in an instant, but how did they do it?
  A lot of people died-funny in late 1963 and the next couple of years, more than 50, I read, but the technology brought into play on 9/11/01 is still onion-layers of mystery.
  We had the COVID-pandemic that got about 70% of the adults of developed countries, and a lot of the children, injected with mystery Russian-roulette cocktails of death and disability, with a push for global digital "vaccine passport" IDs, with integral digital-banking features, as well as a one-world pandemic emergency government treaty, which has been interdicted, but is not yet dead, just hibernating in committees.
  Without belaboring the point, we are the herd that the elite "owners" see the need to tightly manage and seriously cull, for best profitability as times get leaner.
  There are other possible ways to manage our planetary ecosystems than the "Apex Predator" model, killing a bunch of the human herd when it seems appropriate to the Elite apex-predators. 
  Meanwhile, dodge the approaching culls. Stampede when appropriate. They are not finished yet.

From 9/11/2023:  It's Still 9/11

From 9/11 2022: 9/11 World Of Lies

Professor Anthony Hall, The Continuing Lies and Crimes of 9/11  If You Don't Know You Are Still Being Lied To, You Must Not Be Paying Attention.
  On September 7 of 2008, I delivered my first public presentation on 9/11, an event that had happened 7 years earlier. I had been invited to share a podium with Dr. Kevin Barrett, a witty and erudite Muslim convert with whom I would collaborate often in the years ahead. Kevin had lost his academic job in 2006 at the University of Wisconsin. He was sacked from the faculty for incorporating into his curriculum material branded as heresy...
  When I mounted the stage of the Stanley Milner Public Library in downtown Edmonton Alberta, the copy ink still smelled fresh on the xeroxed manuscript I was carrying in my hand. My presentation was entitled, “The Lies and Crimes of 9/11.”
  The following day that text was published by the University of Ottawa Economist, Michel Chossudovsky. Michel remains to this day at the helm of Global where my 2008 essay remains the first article archived on my author’s page.   ...
..The old imagery of imperialism as civilization’s conquest over savagery, deeply permeated many symbolic aspects of the US-led Global War on Terror. This supposed War on Terror was used to explain many US invasions of Muslim-majority countries. In retrospect we can now clearly see that these invasions were meant primarily to serve Likudnik Israel’s— Greater Israel’s— expansionary agenda in the Middle East.
  The people who attended the Edmonton event to hear Kevin and I speak were in my view quite distinctive. There was almost a full auditorium holding about 300 people. Each one of them had paid $15 to be there. That is the one and only time I ever held forth at a presentation where average people paid to see me hold forth...
 ..As I see it, the 9/11 skeptics have won the argument many times over. They have repeatedly proven that beyond a shadow of a doubt, the official narrative of September 11, 2001, is not supported by the existing evidence in the public domain. The 11 books by Prof. David Ray Griffen have been integral to a very large body of literature as well as of many hundreds of Internet documentaries devoted to showing the gross problems with the mainstream interpretation.
  All that work, however, ran into a heavy wall of media and government stonewalling to protect the major vested interests that had much to lose if the bin Laden/al-Qaeda fairytale would have been dislodged to explain the identity and motivations of those really behind the events of 9/11.

  Professor David Hughes looks into a 500 page research book regarding the still-not-fitting right technical questions of 9/11/01. The conspiratorial oligarchic cabal running the US government is not the issue here. We might assume that to have been already established in the preceding 23 years.
  In Defence of Judy WoodContrary to the "nanothermite" hypothesis of the "Architects and Engineers for 9/11 truth," the Twin Towers were evidently destroyed at low temperatures, revealing the reality of "Cold Fusion"

  Gilbert Doctorow,  ‘Dialogue Works’: edition of 11 September
  Viewers will find that this is an expanded discussion of my article yesterday about the insanely reckless U.S. decision to grant Kiev permission to use NATO missiles and other long range weapons to strike the Russian heartland, a policy which will likely be announced during the visit of British prime minister Starmer to the White House on Friday...
..In his capacity as lapdog,(UK "new labour" PM Tony) Blair provided respectability for President George Bush, Jr. to proceed with the invasion of Iraq without the consent of the UN Security Council and over the objections of France, Germany and Belgium. Starmer is more proactive and indeed has moved out in front of the United States in willingness to supply Ukraine with his country’s most advanced lethal weapons systems with no restrictions on their use and to guide Ukrainian terror attacks on Russia. Other NATO countries have not objected but Germany and France are not following suit to avoid being identified by Russia as co-belligerents.
  Russia has many different possible ways to respond to the attacks on its heartland but all those which are most appropriate in terms of severity, such as missile strikes against airbases in NATO countries which are being used to send F-16s aloft to attack Russia from Ukrainian air space or attacks on marshaling yards in Poland and Romania from which NATO weapons are dispatched to Kiev, are likely to provide Washington with the excuse it is seeking to perform a first, preemptive nuclear strike on Russia or to do something else that unleashes WWIII.

  Gilbert Doctorow, The insane recklessness of Collective Biden*
  *Collective Biden is the term which Russian talk show hosts have applied to the US leadership given that the presidency assumed a collective form when the physical Joe Biden slipped into deep senility this past couple of years.
  I cannot say how close we are to midnight on the nuclear war watch. But a Third World War fought at least initially with conventional weapons is now just days, at most weeks away...
..Peers have highlighted the destruction of Ukraine's best present and future cadres in electronic warfare by Russia's missile strike this past week on the military communications institute in Poltava which is today said to have killed 700 Ukrainian and NATO personnel.
  However, this seeming turning point in Russia's favor is, as we speak, setting the stage for one further absolutely desperate and reckless act by the Biden administration to deprive Russia of its well earned victory by escalating the conflict to a world war.
  What I have in mind is the near certainty that the United States and Britain have just agreed to give the Zelensky regime permission to use the long-range missiles which have been delivered to Ukraine, certainly including Storm Shadow and likely also the 1500 km range stealth missile known as JASSM to strike deep into the Russian heartland, and so 'to bring the war to Russia' as the Zelensky gang put it.
  That is the sense of the trip this week by Secretary of State Blinken to Kiev and of the visit to the White House on Friday by British Prime Minister Starmer.

​  Simplicius,  European Antinomy Squeezes Zelensky from Both Sides as Kursk Front Crumbles
​  According to recent reports, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz is working on a peace plan to bring Russia to the negotiating table. The plan allegedly involves Ukraine accepting territorial concessions, which could potentially lead to a ceasefire and a resolution to the ongoing conflict.
​  Scholz’s initiative comes as a response to the devastating electoral results in Turingia and Sassonia, and the looming threat of a potential defeat in the upcoming Brandenburg election. The Chancellor is seeking to reposition himself as a “peacemaker” and secure a lasting legacy.​..
​..Ukrainian political scientist Ruslan Bortnik believes Zelensky came up with a new plan to end the war, Zelensky calls it ''victory plan'' which he wants to present to Biden, Harris and Trump for approval this month.
​ 1. Zelensky wants the US to allow long-range strikes into Russia with foreign missiles to destroy all military bases, airfields, ammunition and fuel depots within the European part of Russia.
​ 2. The West (US/NATO) must protect Western Ukraine with Polish and Romanian air defense systems from Russian retaliation strikes so Ukraine could transfer own air defense systems closer to the battlefield.
​ 3. The West must guarantee to be prepared to get more involved by sending ground troops to certain parts of Ukraine to free up Ukraine's manpower which could be sent to the front lines. Zelensky believes after this campaign Russia would be forced to retreat, at some point Putin's leadership would be destabilized and replaced, with the new leadership signing a peace deal.​..
​..The victory plan is as realistic as Zelensky's previous 10-point peace formula according to which Russia should withdraw troops and pay reparations.​..
​..The more eye-opening admission pertains to the utterly widespread nature of desertion in the AFU’s ranks:
​  CNN spoke to six commanders and officers who are or were until recently fighting or supervising units in the area. All six said desertion and insubordination are becoming a widespread problem, especially among newly recruited soldiers.
​  “Not all mobilized soldiers are leaving their positions, but the majority are. When new guys come here, they see how difficult it is. They see a lot of enemy drones, artillery and mortars,” one unit commander currently fighting in Pokrovsk told CNN. He also asked to remain anonymous.
​  The majority of mobilized soldiers are leaving their positions? Mobilized are now the majority of the entire armed forces, so that can’t be a good sign.​..
​..“During the war, Pokrovsk has become the administrative, political and logistical centre of the Donetsk region. Whoever controls Pokrovsk also controls the roads to the north and south,” said Major Serhiy Tsehotsky, the press officer for Ukraine’s 59th Motorized Brigade​...
​..This illustrates just how important Pokrovsk is to the region logistically and strategically, given its nature as a railway hub that feeds the entire region’s grouping.
​  Which segues us into the battlefield developments. I’ll leave larger updates for next time, as this Sitrep has enough geopolitical content to cover. But needless to say the Ukrainian front continues to collapse all over the place.​

​  No, Israel does not have a right to defend itself in Gaza. But the Palestinians do.
Basic morality and simple logic dictate that the right of self-defense belongs to the Palestinian people, not to their oppressor. And international law agrees.​

​  Melania Trump Speaks on Assassination Attempt against Her Husband​, 'There is definitely more to this story, and we need to uncover the truth...'
In her video, Melania urges the public to get to the bottom of what happened on July 13 in Butler, Pennsylvania.
​  “The attempt to end my husband’s life was a horrible, stressful experience. Now, the silence around it feels heavy. I can’t help but wonder: Why didn’t law enforcement officials arrest the shooter before the speech?” she asked.​ “There is definitely more to this story, and we need to uncover the truth.”​

Secret Service Boss Pressuring Key Official to Retire ahead of DHS-OIG Probe​. If Plati retires, the DHS-IG won’t be able to legally compel him for an interview...​

Tulsi Gabbard Destroys Cheney Endorsement: "A Vote For Kamala Harris Is A Vote For Dick Cheney"​  (Cheney ran the show on 9/11/01, as you'll recall.)
  83-year old former Vice President Cheney, who oversaw with GW Bush the invasion of Iraq and overthrow of Saddam Hussein, said in his Saturday statement: "In our nation’s 248-year history, there has never been an individual who is a greater threat to our republic than Donald Trump."...

.."I have a very simple message for my Democrat friends, my independent friends, and those who may not be sure about who they're voting for in this election. Dick Cheney has just made the choice very clear"... "A vote for Kamala Harris is a vote for Dick Cheney, the architect of everything that has gone wrong in the Middle East for the last few decades," Gabbard emphasized.

Look at this "earring", please, and compare to Harris' debate earrings (Thanks JB): 

​  Debate Post-Mortem: Trump Was Trump, Harris Held Up, And Moderators Played Partisan Tricks​  [Harris did better than anybody expected, right? Better than ever.]
Most on the left are celebrating - with Punchbowl News writing that "Tuesday night's debate couldn't have gone better for Harris."

​  Meryl Nass MD, regarding the Friday/Saturday symposium this past weekend:  Quarterbacking the Food and Farmer symposium
​  As you know, Door to Freedom and Children's Health Defense put on a 2-day, 17-hour symposium last Friday and Saturday, titled, "The Attack on Food and Farmers, and How to Fight Back."  Everyone said the speakers and content were excellent.​

​  There were 40 talks in all, and then a wrap-up with former Assistant Secretary of HUD Catherine Austin Fitts, attorney and farmer John Klar and myself​ 
[Look at Day #2 at 7:07:27 time mark for that wrap-up overview here: .​  My talk is at 1:32:44 or so ]

​  The main topic is the globalist moves to checkmate all humans into a digital cyborg slave economy, where those who do not comply as told will starve and be shut out of the economy for starters. Complete control of food supply and access is critical to that. Local food and home gardens, as well as independent farmers are being eliminated through regulations and monopolistic business practices, further concentrating wealth and power. Digital currency is integral. Spend cash and checks. 
  Habitually work outside that control-system and broaden your scope of knowledge and practice. Don't become roadkill, please.

The Speaker List, with biographies and resources is here:

My resource links are here:

Deciding where to grow vegetables

Preparing Your Kitchen Garden

Growing Food

Liberty Garden, Central Texas, Climate one 8a (Succession-rotation Gardening system)

  ​Steve Kirsch, COVID vax: Some batches increase your all-cause mortality by 9X or more.
Buy hey, nobody who works in public health actually cares how many people are killed by the lack of quality control on these vaccines. They are "safe and effective" even when they aren't.​

​Organic Gardener (pictured with Korean melons which have steadily produced since late spring)  

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Pick Your Parasites

 Gracious Hosts,

  Can Nationalist-Team-Trump offer the global-financial-elites a better business deal than the DNC Wall-Street-globalists can?  Maybe... Everything hinges on bleeding the productive economy for their profit, but there are different ways to go about that. These excerpts from a Michael Hudson and Richard Wolff interview may cast some light...

  Michael Hudson interview:  The Myth That the US is Rapidly Approaching Bankruptcy​  
​  Michael Hudson: Well, when Republicans and now the Democrats, ever since Obama, sought to frighten voters into supporting an attack on Social Security by trying to privatize it with the right-wing congressional commission he sponsored, there’s been a lot of deceptive rhetoric about the federal debt and how the budget deficit forces us to make hard choices, hard for the people, the 90% of the population who are going to have their social spending, Social Security, and other basic government programs squeezed out by what the both Democrats and Republicans want to cut back.
  The real problem leading to bankruptcy today is private debt. There’s no problem at all with government debt going bankrupt. Governments don’t go bankrupt. They can always print the money...
..Well, I want to put this debt issue in perspective. And in order to do that, I think it’s necessary to think in terms of balance sheets. In one way or another, it’s a question of who, whom. To whom does the U.S. government owe its debts?...
  And I’ll explain later, the government has no intention or likelihood of having to pay a large part of its foreign debt.
  So the second point that’s important to start with is to recognize that one party’s debt is another party’s assets. The government debt is a preferred asset of most of the economy.
  So let’s look at who holds the government debt as an asset. Well, with all of today’s gloom and doom talk, it may surprise people to say that the U.S. debt is perhaps the most desirable financial asset on the planet. That’s why so much of it is owned by the wealthiest layer of the U.S. population...
..And these Treasury securities that foreign governments hold are to finance the U.S. budget deficit that is a result largely of U.S. military spending to create the 800 military bases we have around the world to surround countries and sort of force them not to abandon the dollar standard, but they’re financing their own encirclement and their own basic U.S. military buildup against them.
  And that makes the U.S. foreign debt to foreign central banks a free lunch. The U.S. can just spend it as much as it wants. The dollars that it spends end up in the foreign central banks of Europe and also of China.
  And foreign central banks don’t have an alternative unless they’re to use these dollar inflows and buy gold or something else. And of course, if they do that, the United States declares them an enemy for trying to de-dollarize and essentially declares a financial war on them.
  Well, this free lunch is something that nobody expects to be repaid. The U.S. is not able to create enough of a balance of payment surplus to pay Germany and France and China and Russia and Japan, all of the securities that it owes them...
..When the oil war happened in 1974 and the OPEC countries quadrupled their price, the price of oil, they were told, you can charge whatever you want for your oil, but you have to keep all of your savings, all the receipts you get from this oil, you have to keep that in US currencyWe’re not going to let you buy US companies, but you can buy stocks and bonds, but basically you have to put it in US banks to buy treasury bills. You can’t really spend it for anything at all. You’re stuck with it. And if you don’t do that, we will treat that as an act of war...
..If the government wants to spend money into the economy, it asks the Federal Reserve to buy US Treasury securities. So the Federal Reserve owns these securities and the banking system owns US securities as backing and reserves for its own deposits and loans. That’s how banks work, holding reserves. So this part of the US debt also isn’t supposed to be paid. And there’s no way that the US is going to go bankrupt. If the US had no debt at all, there’d be no government debt to hold as bank reserves. There’d be no reason for the Federal Reserve to exist. You can see the problem.
​  So just like the paper money in your pockets, this other Federal Reserve holding, foreign bank holding of government debt are not expected to be repaid. And I think this kind of financial maneuvering shows that the United States doesn’t really have to borrow. It can really, in effect, print the money. But when it prints the money, this money it prints, just like issuing paper money, the money it prints is counted as a debt to the Federal Reserve. So it’s all a wash transaction, sort of the illusion of a debt that somehow is in trouble...
​..Chinese officials have told me that they don’t expect the US dollar really to go down. They’re reducing their holdings of dollars in favor of gold and other foreign currencies, but they still hold enormous amounts of dollars because they expect them essentially to remain a strong currency.
​  So basically, the enormous increase in wealth that the wealthiest 10% of Americans have made since the Obama bank bailout in 2008, this stemmed from the fact that the US debt has been thrown under the finance and created the largest bond market boom in history.
​  This bond market boom has only benefited the wealthiest financial classes.​ So here’s wage level and income for the bottom 90%, flat. For the top 10%, it’s gone up and up.​..
​  Richard Wolff (Germany):  I think maybe I can help in this regard because there really isn’t a contradiction between the notion of the financial markets that the dollar is the safest place or the safest form in which to hold your wealth, the dollar obligations of the United States government given the way the world is working...
​..Here’s the unspoken assumption of the private world, which we’ll see is reasonable. The assumption is that the United States government, despite the level of debt it’s involved in and despite its shrinking global footprint, has an internal political capability of making sure that the people who hold that debt will not be in any way damaged by how this problem gets solved.
​  In other words, what they’re doing is they’re saying you can afford to keep your wealth here, which we need you to do, and here’s what we’ll do in exchange. We’ll make sure that the angry people who are going to have to pay the freight of all of this will not be able to disrupt it...
..So the American people say, okay, don’t pay the interest on the debt. There it is. Then you have 800 billion bucks right now, and that’s way more than you need to give us free education, free health care, and all the rest we’ve just asked for. Do that. We elected you. Do that. And if you don’t do that, we will unelect you and replace you with people who will.
​  Oh my gosh, say all the people in the world who own the debt.
​  That’s a very important point that Michael made. For every debt, there’s somebody holding that debt for whom it is an asset, and they want to protect their assets. They don’t want there to be a risk that the United States government will stop paying interest on the debt.
​  So the American government’s pledge to them, unspoken but very real, don’t worry, we will cut back on everything to the American people to preserve your interest in getting paid off for that debt that you own and that you invested in. You European rich people, you potentates around the world ripping off your own populations and investing it in dollars. Yeah, yeah, yeah. We’ll protect you who don’t elect us but who fund us. And we will screw the American people because you elect us but you don’t fund us...
​  Michael Hudson: This is the big squeeze that has been planned now for 20 years, the plan to take social spending out of the hands of government and to privatize it. Well, what are they going to do?
  They’re not going to simply say, we won’t pay Social Security, because that’s a contractual obligation that the government has settled up. But what they say is, what we’re going to do is we’re going to take the Social Security Fund and we’re going to create a government grant to, let’s say, BlackRock and other money management companies to manage the Social Security in the form of a huge privatized mutual fund, just like the Sovereign Wealth Fund of Malaysia was handled by Wall Street and criminally just ripped off by the financial managers.
  That’s what financial managers do. That’s what Goldman Sachs was criminally prosecuted for, for the billions of dollars that it embezzled from the money that it was supposed to be handling as a fiduciary from the Malaysian Sovereign Wealth Fund.
  They want to do that with all of the Social Security Fund and they want to take this money, the government funding for Social Security that you’re paying every month, and all that’s going to be paid into this mutual fund that’s going to buy U.S. stocks and bonds.
  And the financial sector says, if we can do that, this will create a huge stock market bubble. Boom. Because look, all this money, instead of being paid into the government to finance its war spending and the other spending that governments do, now it’ll be spent on the stock market.
  And thank heavens, the stock market is so over debt leveraged now. It’s so almost insolvent that we’ve saved the stock market Ponzi scheme from the brink of insolvency.​

​  'We're living a Lie': Astronaut reveals shock realization after viewing Earth from Space
​  Former NASA astronaut Ron Garan returned to Earth after spending 178 days in space with a profoundly changed worldview.
Garan now believes many of the planet's issues could be addressed if more people experienced what scientists call the "overview effect."
​  Garan, who traveled more than 71 million miles in a total of 2,842 orbits, realized that Earth is more fragile than he initially thought.
​  “When I looked out of the window of the International Space Station, I saw the paparazzi-like flashes of lightning storms, I saw dancing curtains of auroras that seemed so close it was as if we could reach out and touch them and I saw the unbelievable thinness of our planet's atmosphere. In that moment I was hit by the sobering realization.”
​  Ronald came to the understanding that every living thing on Earth was being kept alive by a very thin layer and people don’t realize just how connected we all are.
​  “I saw an iridescent biosphere teaming with life, I didn't see an economy, but since our human-made systems treat everything including the very life-support systems of our planet as the [...] subsidiary of the global economy, it's obvious from the vanish point of space that we're living a lie,” he added.
​  Ronald has urged people to shift their thinking for the overall benefit of humanity and move from thinking “economy, society, planet to planet, society, economy”.​.. ..William Shatner, best known for his role as James T. Kirk in the Star Trek series, noted after his visit to space, "It was among the strongest feelings of grief I have ever encountered." He described the contrast between the "vicious coldness of space and the warm nurturing of Earth below" as overwhelming and filled with sadness.
​  "Every day, we are confronted with the knowledge of further destruction of Earth at our hands: the extinction of animal species, of flora and fauna… things that took five billion years to evolve, and suddenly we will never see them again because of the interference of mankind," Shatner lamented.​

​  Israel’s Gaza genocide has produced ‘ecosystem of genocidal methodologies’
​  Dr. Zarni, a world-renowned genocide scholar, said he is not comfortable in creating a hierarchy of evil (and crimes) but he is prepared to say that Israel is “resorting to Nazi SS (Schutzstaffel)-like policies of collective punishment with the intent to bring about the physical destruction of the population of Gaza.”...
​..Dr. Zarni said the Israeli regime’s kill rate of children and infants in the besieged territory is “far worse” than the number of children slaughtered at the Mauthausen Concentration camp in Hitler's native upper Austria.
​  “The SS slaughtered 23,000 children at Mauthausen in roughly 7 years ( between the autumn of 1939 and Spring of 1945) whereas Israel has brought about the direct murder or death of 17,000 Gazan children and infants in mere 11 months,” the scholar and activist told the Press TV website.
​  While the world is still debating whether the Israeli regime is committing genocide and war crimes in Gaza, Dr. Zarni said the “moral majority” of the world – as evidenced by the protests around the world, in both Global North and Global South – “are not debating about Israel's crimes in Gaza.”
​  “It is Western politicians, Western states, ideological institutions such as the media, universities, and thinktanks - themselves built via settler colonialist genocides and colonial loot, theft and pre-colonial slavery and slave trade - that are splitting legal hair and propagating this lie of "Israel has the right to defend itself,” he emphasized.
​  He said that based on his studies and research of the Cambodian genocide, the Nazi genocide or the Burmese genocide of Rohingya, the Israeli genocide in Palestine has produced what he calls "the ecosystem of genocidal methodologies."
​  “I will say that Israel's Zionist project of establishing, maintaining and expanding the Jewish majority (or supremacy) state has produced what I call "the ecosystem of genocidal methodologies" with a singular mission of destroying, at varying speeds, the native population of Palestine,” he noted.​

West Bank: armed Jewish settler attacks Palestinian children on first day back to school​

Israel demolishes 45 agricultural homes near Hebron​

​  Moon of Alabama, Zionists Are Calling For More War And May Well Get It
The daily Israeli murder campaign in Gaza continues unabated.
​  Netranyahoo is blocking (vid) any proposal for a ceasefire by adding new conditions to the already agreed upon details. His latest quest is to get permanent military control of the so called Philadelphia Corridor which designates the borderline between Egypt and Gaza.
​  There are two international agreements, brokered by the U.S. and agreed upon by Egypt and Israel, which prohibited anything more than a temporary light force in the corridor:
​  The US had assured Egypt that Israel's actions along the border would comply with both the 1978 Camp David Accords and the 2005 Memorandum of Understanding. These agreements place clear limitations on Israel’s military presence near Egypt's borders, allowing only small Israeli units for security purposes, and were designed to ensure stability and avoid prolonged occupation in sensitive areas.
​  Netanyahoo does not care at all what the White House might have promised to Egypt...
​..Former war cabinet member Benny Gantz on Sunday said Israel should shift its focus toward Hezbollah and the Lebanese border, warning that “we are late on this,” ...
​  “The time for [action in] the north has come,” said Gantz on Sunday during the Middle East America Dialogue (MEAD) summit in Washington, DC, adding, “Actually, I think we are late on this.”
​  Netanyahoo agrees:
​  Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu urged his government on Sunday to prepare for “changing the situation” on the northern front with Lebanon given the ongoing clashes and mounting tensions.
​  Speaking at a weekly cabinet meeting, he said the situation in the north cannot go on, calling on the army and all security agencies to prepare for change on the front.
The government is committed to returning all residents of the north safely to their homes, he added, while describing Hezbollah in Lebanon as Iran’s “strongest” arm.
​  Meanwhile, Israeli security sources told local media that the battle with Lebanon is “imminent”, but the timing for it hasn’t been set yet...
..The intentional targeting of medical personnel is a tactic that Israel is also using in Gaza.​ Hizbullah and its friends do not believe that any new Israeli action is yet imminent:  The latest flurry of Israeli threats regarding an imminent military operation in Lebanon are only aimed at “intimidation,” diplomatic sources said.
​  “They are also aimed at blocking the latest Iranian-American rapprochement, whose first signs have appeared in the agreement reached in Iraq, which would not have happened without an Iranian green light,” the sources told al-Joumhouria newspaper in remarks published Monday.
​  Iraq and the United States have agreed on a phased pullout of the U.S.-led anti-jihadist coalition but have yet to sign a final agreement, the Iraqi defense minister said Sunday.​

​  A member of Knesset (the Israeli parliament) has claimed that the regime would launch a full-blown  war on Lebanon “in a matter of days.”
Nissim Vaturi, a member of Likud and the Knesset’s foreign affairs committee, made the remarks to the regime’s Kan public broadcaster on Monday.
​  “There is no other way,” he alleged, adding that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was of the same opinion and that “this is something that will develop in the coming days.”​

CENTCOM Chief Visits Israel To Discuss Iran and Lebano​n,  The IDF presented Gen. Kurilla with its 'operational plans' for Lebanon​

​  Top Israeli rabbi blesses soldier accused of Gaza rape
​  An Israeli rabbi with strong links to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his ruling party was filmed blessing a solider standing trial for raping Palestinian prisoners from Gaza. Rabbi Meir Mazuz told the accused soldier that he would be found completely innocent, 'what did you do? Beat the enemy? So what?' After the soldier's lawyer, Attorney Demari, told the rabbi they had proof the victim was lying, the rabbi responded 'but what if it were true? Don't we have the right to act like this?'​

​  Jonathan Cook,  Israeli Torture Chambers Aren’t New
  For many years I lived just up the road from Megiddo prison in northern Israel, where new film of Israeli guards torturing Palestinians en masse has been published by Israel’s Haaretz newspaper.
​  I drove past Megiddo prison on hundreds of occasions. Over time I came to barely notice the squat grey buildings, surrounded by watch towers and razor wire.
​  There are several large prisons like Megiddo in Israel’s north. It is where Palestinians end up after they have been seized from their homes, often in the middle of the night. Israel, and the Western media, say these Palestinians have been “arrested,” as though Israel is enforcing some kind of legitimate legal procedure over oppressed subjects — or rather objects — of its occupation.
​  In truth, these Palestinians have been kidnapped.​

Syria warns Israel about ‘unforeseeable consequences’ of its atrocities​

​  Netanyahu Refuses a Gaza Ceasefire on Any Terms
​  Aaron David Miller is an American Middle East analyst, author, and negotiator. Miller worked for the US Department of State for 24 years and as an advisor on Arab-Israeli negotiations.
​  Miller said on CNN on September 4, that the ceasefire deal between Netanyahu and Hamas will not happen, because the sticking point is not the Philadelphia Corridor, it is about Netanyahu’s seat in office.​..
​..Hundreds of thousands of Israelis are in the streets demanding that Netanyahu sign a ceasefire deal to release their hostages. Israeli opposition leaders and Israeli peace activists are demanding a ceasefire and a change in the government.
​  The International Court of Justice ruled that the occupation of Palestine was against international law.
​  Hamas, the Palestinian resistance, is holding to their condition for the Israeli military to pull out completely of Gaza to accept the ceasefire between the two sides. But, Netanyahu is sticking to his demand of keeping troops inside Gaza on the Egyptian border, referred to as the Philadelphia Corridor.
​  Hamas has kept Netanyahu from achieving his military goals in Gaza.  No senior Hamas leaders have been killed in Gaza, and the military wing of Hamas is still strong and fighting.
​  Hamas started a fight on October 7 which galvanized the international community on the side of the Palestinians. The two-state solution is cited by the US, and the UN as the only solution to the conflict.​  The only country against the two-state solution is Israel.
​  Netanyahu asked AIPAC to put pressure on US President Joe Biden to drop out of the race.  Biden was demanding Netanyahu make a ceasefire deal, to release Israeli hostages as well as stop the bloodshed in Gaza.
​  Netanyahu Will Prolong the War on Gaza Until Trump Takes Office
Biden’s decision to drop out of the race for re-election came just days after Netanyahu reneged on a ceasefire promise to Biden.
​  Netanyahu refused to comply with Biden because Netanyahu’s freedom depends on staying in officeIf he goes against his right-wing religious extremist allies, Itamar Ben-Gvir and Bezalel Smotrich, they will drop his government like a hot potato.
​  If Netanyahu is out of office and has no immunity, he will serve jail time for the corruption charges he was found guilty of.​..
​..Netanyahu is betting on VP Kamala Harris winning over Trump.  Despite that former President Donald Trump did more for Israel than any previous president, Trump has never forgotten that Netanyahu endorsed Biden in the 2020 election. Israel has thousands of citizens who hold US citizenship as well and vote in US elections.
​  Trump is well known for shutting down foreign wars which are a financial drain on the American taxpayer.  If Trump is elected, Netanyahu might get a phone call telling him the billions of dollars in weapons and cash to Israel are being cut off, and demanding Netanyahu sign a ceasefire deal.​..
​..Netanyahu is an obstacle to peace in Gaza and Israel.  The Israeli hostage families feel betrayed by their government, and their loved ones are forgotten and dying in Gaza.​

​  Nineteen Palestinians Reported Killed in Israeli Strikes on al-Mawasi Camp in Gaza
The camp has been designated a 'safe zone' by the Israeli military but has been repeatedly targeted​

​  1,400 aid trucks stuck at crossing awaiting entry to Gaza: Borrell
Speaking from the Egyptian city of Rafah on the border with Gaza, the EU foreign policy chief reveals the bloc is considering a proposal to impose sanctions on two Israeli ministers.​

​  ‘Operation al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 339: Israel winds down West Bank operation, continues blockade
​  Palestinians in Nablus held a funeral procession for a Turkish-American activist killed by Israeli forces in Beita. Meanwhile, Israel continued to close its borders with Jordan for the second day in a row following a shooting at Allenby bridge.​

​  Nuland confirms West told Zelensky to abandon peace deal
​  “Relatively late in the game the Ukrainians began asking for advice on where this thing was going and it became clear to us, clear to the Brits, clear to others that [Russian President Vladimir] Putin's main condition was buried in an annex to this document that they were working on,” she said of the deal being discussed by the Russian and Ukrainian delegations in Türkiye’s largest city.
​  The proposed agreement included limits on the kinds of weapons that Kiev could possess, as a result of which Ukraine “would basically be neutered as a military force,” while there were no similar constraints on Russia, the former diplomat explained.
​  “People inside Ukraine and people outside Ukraine started asking questions about whether this was a good deal and it was at that point that it fell apart,” Nuland said.
​  The veteran diplomatic hawk, who during her time in the State Department was renowned for her hostility towards Russia, quit the post of under secretary of state for political affairs in March this year. Nuland played a key role in the violent Western-backed coup in Kiev in 2014, which toppled Ukraine’s democratically elected president, Viktor Yanukovich.​

​  Jim Kunstler, The Votes and Who Counts Them
“The world is a dangerous place to live — not because of the people who are evil but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.” —Albert Einstein
​  When The New York Times tells you that the United States Constitution is a threat to democracy — As it did on the front page of its August 31 edition — you know that you are in thrall to exceedingly subtle minds. The Times only employs persons, both birthing and other, of the subtlest minds. You can tell because they are credentialed by our country’s finest institutions of educational credentialing.
​  They come to The Times fully equipped with the armamentarium of advanced, progressive, innovative, nuanced, cutting-edge modes of understanding our world — which, you’ll agree, is a pretty goshdurned complex place, and rather niggardly in yielding its secret workings. Hence, The Times has concluded that the Constitution is flawed, perhaps fatally, because it allowed for the election of Donald Trump once, and now, possibly, a second time:
​  "It’s no surprise, then, that liberals charge Trump with being a menace to the Constitution. But his presidency and the prospect of his re-election have also generated another, very different, argument: that Trump owes his political ascent to the Constitution, making him a beneficiary of a document that is essentially antidemocratic and, in this day and age, increasingly dysfunctional.”​

​  Alastair Crooke,  Enabling a “Brutus” to slay the Elon Musk “Caesar”
​  In the Washington Post on Monday, the headlines read: Musk and Durov are facing the revenge of the regulators. Former U.S. Labor Secretary, Robert Reich, in the British Guardian newspaper, published a piece on how to ‘rein-in’ Elon Musk, suggesting that “regulators around the world should threaten Musk with arrest” on lines of that which befell Pavel Durov recently in Paris.
​  As should be clear to all now, ‘war’ has broken out. There is no need for further pretence about it. Rather, there is evident glee at the prospect of a crackdown on the ‘Far-Right’ and its internet users: i.e. those who spread ‘disinformation’ or mal-information that ‘threatens’ the broad ‘cognitive infrastructure’ (which is to say, what the people think!).​..

​  Professor Frank Furedi observes:
​  “There is an unholy alliance of western leaders – Prime Minister Keir Starmer, French President Emanuel Macron, German Chancellor Olaf Scholtz – whose hatred of what they call populism is undisguised. In his recent visits to Berlin and Paris, Starmer constantly referred to the threat posed by populism. During his meeting with Scholz in Berlin on 28 August, Starmer spoke about the importance of defeating “the snake oil of populism and nationalism”.​..
..So, what is the source of the élite’s anti-populist hysteria? The answer is that the latter know that they have become severed from the values and respect of their own people and that it is only a matter of time before they are seriously challenged, in one form or another...
​..Why war?
Because, after the 2016 U.S. election, the U.S. political backroom élites blamed democracy and populism for producing bad election outcomes
. Anti-establishment Trump had actually won in the U.S.; Bolsonaro won too, Farage surged, Modi won again, and Brexit etc., etc.​..
..By 2023, the New York Times was running essays headlined: “Elections Are Bad for Democracy”...
​..Cultural War
​  2016 represented the onset of cultural war
, as Mike Benz has described in great detail. A complete outsider, Trump had crashed through the System’s guardrails to win the Presidency. Populism and ‘disinformation’ were the cause, it was held. By 2017, NATO was describing ‘disinformation’ as the greatest threat facing western nations.​..
​..Democracy’ they said, was no longer to be defined as a consensus gentium – i.e. a concerted resolve amongst the governed; but rather, was to be defined as the agreed ‘stance’ formed, not by individuals, but by democracy-supporting institutions. [ie. what used to be called "oligarchy"]​.
​  Once re-defined as ‘an alignment of supporting institutions’, the second ‘twist’ to the democracy re-formulation was added. The Establishment had foreseen a risk that were a direct info-war on populism pursued, they themselves would be portrayed as autocratic and imposing top-down censorship.
​  The solution to the dilemma of how to pursue the campaign against populism, according to Benz, lay in the genesis of the ‘whole of society’ concept whereby media, influencers, public institutions, NGOs and allied media would be corralled and pressured into joining an apparently organic, bottom-up censorship coalition focused on the scourge of populism and disinformation.​ This approach – with the government standing at ‘one removed’ from the censorship process – seemed to offer plausible deniability of direct government involvement...
​..An outwardly bland ideological alignment focussed on ‘our democracy’ and ‘our values’ would nonetheless allow for the re-integration of these enduring structures to foreign policy (hostility to Russia; support for Israel; and antipathy towards Iran) to be re-formulated as the appropriate rhetorical slap in the face to the Populists.
​  The war may escalate; It may not end with a disinformation eco-system. The New York Times in July posted an article arguing how The First Amendment is Out of Control and in August another piece entitled, The Constitution is Sacred. Is it Also Dangerous?
​  The war, for the moment, is targetted at the ‘unaccountable’ billionaires: Pavel Durov, Elon Musk and his ‘X’ platform. The survival or not of Elon Musk will be crucial to the course of this aspect of the war: The EU’s Digital Service Act was always conceived to serve as ‘Brutus’ to Musk’s ‘Caesar.
​  Throughout history, self-regarding and self-enriching élites have become dangerously contemptuous of their peoplesCrackdowns have been the usual first response.​

​  A Midwestern Doctor,  We Must Never Forget 9-9-21 , How Biden's Mandates Devastated America and His Presidency   (I just got fired, but I'm fine.)
​  Recently, a rather extraordinary turn of events happened. The sitting president was forced to drop out of his re-election campaign because his cognitive impairment was undeniably exposed to the country through a presidential debate and his party then turned against him. I and many others hold the opinion that over the last 3 years, Biden experienced cognitive and neurological decline, that this decline perfectly paralleled his zealous endorsement of the COVID vaccines​ (5 shots total for Joe) , and that causality can be established since that same decline has been seen in many others following COVID vaccination (especially older adults with pre-existing cognitive impairment).
​  On 9/9/21, Biden gave one of the most divisive speeches in American history. There he announced his illegal workforce mandate (which was later struck down by the Supreme Court), repeated a series of known lies about the COVID vaccine and repeatedly attempted to incite hatred against the unvaccinated. Since the entire conference was 27 minutes long (which made it too long to watch), I spent a while trimming it down to the key points. The primary reason I made this article was to highlight this video, so please consider watching it (and take note of how much more lucid and coherent he was just three years ago).​

​  A New Paper by Tanriverdi, et al. Supports My 2022 Finding that the Spike Protein Induces a Lethal Cancer Phenotype​, Walter M. Chesnut
Spike Proteins, like cancer cells, can be seen as an “invasive species” which generate a pro-tumorigenic microenvironment. No wonder cancer surges.​

​Dr. Mercola, Magnesium 101 — A Comprehensive Guide to Its Health Benefits

Pursuing Healthy Existence (pictured with Jenny)