Monday, September 16, 2024

How To Accomplish World War Three

 Seeking Peace,

​  Is the possibility of a World War real?​  by Serge Marchand , Thierry Meyssan​   April 9, 2024    Thanks Eleni.
​  Atomic war is possible. World peace hangs on the finger of the United States, blackmailed by Ukrainian "integral nationalists" and Israeli "revisionist Zionists". If Washington doesn’t deliver weapons to massacre the Russians and Gazans, they won’t hesitate to launch Armageddon.
​  The wars in Ukraine and Gaza have led several leading politicians to compare the current period with the 1930s, and to raise the possibility of a World War. Are these fears justified, or are they just fear-mongering? ...
..First, let’s distinguish between the conflicts in Eastern Europe and the Middle East. They have only two things in common:
 They represent no significant stakes in themselves, but a defeat for the West, which, after its defeat in Syria, would mark the end of its hegemony over the world.
​  They are fueled by a fascist ideology, that of Dmytro Dontsov’s Ukrainian "integral nationalists" [1] and that of Vladimir Ze’ev Jabotinsky’s Israeli "revisionist Zionists" [2]; two groups that have been allies since 1917, but went underground during the Cold War and are unknown to the general public today.
​  There is, however, one notable difference between them:
​  The same fury is visible on both battlefields, but the "integral nationalists" sacrifice their own fellow citizens (there are hardly any able-bodied men under thirty left in the Ukraine), while the "revisionist Zionists" sacrifice people who are foreign to them, Arab civilians.
​  Is there a risk that these wars will become more widespread?
​  This is the will of both groups. The "integral nationalists" are constantly attacking Russia inside its territory and in Sudan, while the "revisionist Zionists" are bombing Lebanon, Syria and Iran (more precisely, Iranian territory in Syria, since the Damascus consulate is extra-territorialized). But no one responds: not Russia, Egypt or the Emirates in the first case, nor Hezbollah, the Syrian Arab Army or the Revolutionary Guards in the second.
​  All of them, including Russia, anxious to avoid a brutal retaliation from the "collective West" that would lead to a World War, prefer to take the blows and accept their deaths.
​  If war were to become widespread, it would no longer be simply conventional, but above all nuclear...
​..In addition to the five permanent members of the Security Council, India, Pakistan, North Korea and Israel have strategic atomic bombs. All except Israel see them as a means of deterrence.
​  The Western media also present Iran as a nuclear power, which Russia and China officially deny.
​  During the Yemen war, Saudi Arabia bought tactical nuclear bombs from Israel and used them, but it does not seem to have them permanently at its disposal, nor to have mastered the technique.
​  Only Russia regularly conducts Nuclear War exercises. During last October’s exercises, Russia admitted to losing a third of its population in the space of a few hours, then simulated combat and emerged victorious.
​  Ultimately, all the nuclear powers have no intention of firing first, as this would undoubtedly lead to their destructionThe exception is Israel, which seems to have adopted the "Sa​mson doctrine" ("Let me die with the Philistines"). It would thus be the only power to imagine the ultimate sacrifice, the "Twilight of the Gods", dear to the Nazis...
​..Two critical works have been devoted to the Israeli military atom: The Samson Option: Israel’s Nuclear Arsenal and American Foreign Policy by Seymour M. Hersh (Random House, 1991) and Israel and the Bomb by Avner Cohen (Columbia University Press, 1998).
​  The military atom was never envisaged as a classic form of deterrence, but as an assurance that Israel would not hesitate to commit suicide to kill its enemies rather than be defeated. This is the Masada complex [3]. This way of thinking is in line with the "Hannibal Directive", according to which the IDF must kill its own soldiers rather than let them become prisoners of the enemy [4].
​  During the Six-Day War, the Israeli Prime Minister, the Ukrainian Levi Eshkol, ordered one of the two bombs Israel had at its disposal at the time to be prepared and detonated near an Egyptian military base on Mount Sinai. This plan was not carried out, as the IDF quickly won the conventional war. Had it gone ahead, the fallout would have killed not only Egyptians, but Israelis too [5].
​  During the October 1973 war (known in the West as the "Yom Kippur War"), the Defense Minister, the Ukrainian-born Israeli Moshe Dayan, and the Prime Minister, the Ukrainian Golda Meir, again considered the use of 13 atomic bombs...
..In 2009, Martin van Creveld, Israel’s chief strategist, declared: "We have several hundred atomic warheads and rockets and can reach our targets in all directions, even Rome. Most European capitals are potential targets for our air force (...) The Palestinians must all be expelled. The people fighting for this goal are simply waiting for "the right person at the right time" to come along. Only two years ago, 7 or 8% of Israelis thought this would be the best solution, two months ago it was 33%, and now, according to a Gallup Poll, the figure is 44% in favor.​  [early April 2024]
​  So it’s reasonable to assume that no nuclear power, except Israel, will dare commit the irreparable...
..It is very likely that this is the reason why Washington continues to arm Israel, even though it is calling for an immediate ceasefire: if the United States no longer supplies Tel Aviv with weapons to massacre the Gazans, the latter could use nuclear weapons against all the peoples of the region, including the Israelis...
​..On February 19, 2022, Ukrainian President Voloymyr Zelensky announced at the annual Munich Security Conference that he would challenge the Budapest Memorandum in order to rearm his country with nuclear weapons. Five days later, on February 24, 2022, Russia launched its special operation against the Kiev government to implement Resolution 2202. Its top priority was to seize Ukraine’s secret and illegal reserves of enriched uranium. After eight days of fighting, the civilian nuclear power plant at Zaporijjia was occupied by the Russian army.
  According to Argentina’s Rafael Grossi, head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, who spoke three months later on May 25 at the Davos Forum, Ukraine had secretly stored 30 tons of plutonium and 40 tons of uranium at Zaporijjia. At market prices, this stockpile was worth at least $150 billion. Russian President Vladimir Putin declared: "The only thing [Ukraine] lacks is a uranium enrichment system. But that’s a technical question, and for Ukraine it’s not an insoluble problem". However, his army had already removed a large part of this stock from the plant. Fighting continued for months. If the integral nationalists had still had them, they would have done what the "revisionist Zionists" are doing today: they would have demanded more and more weapons and, if refused, threatened to use them, i.e. to launch Armageddon.
  Back to today’s battlefields. What are we seeing? In Ukraine and Palestine, the West continues to provide the "integral nationalists" and, to a lesser extent, the "revisionist Zionists" with an impressive arsenal. However, they have no reasonable hope of getting the Russians to back down, or of massacring all the Gazans. At worst, they can lead their allies to empty their arsenals, sacrifice all Ukrainians of fighting age and diplomatically isolate the puppet-state of Israel. As Moshe Dayan once said, "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to control".
​  Let’s imagine that these apparently catastrophic consequences are in fact their goal.

​  The world would then be divided in two, as it was during the Cold War, except that Israel would have become uninviting. In the West, the Anglo-Saxons would still be the masters, especially as they would be the only ones with weapons, their allies having exhausted theirs in Ukraine. Israel, isolated as it was in the late 70s and early 80s when it was only really recognized by the apartheid regime of South Africa, would still be fulfilling the mission it was originally entrusted with: to mobilize the Jewish diaspora in the service of the Empire, fearing a new wave of anti-Semitism.
​  This bleak vision is the only one that can keep the Anglo-Saxons from collapsing, and ensure that they will always have vassals, even if this will bear little relation to their power in the days of the "global world". This is why they have placed themselves in the current inextricable situation. The "integral nationalists" and "revisionist Zionists" are blackmailing them, but they intend to manipulate them to divide the world in two and preserve what they can of their supremacy.​

​  Seven Days After Israeli Forces Kill American, Biden and Harris Haven’t Spoken to Victim’s Family
And any Israeli “investigation” apparently hasn’t even reached out to other eyewitnesses.​

Israel releases 9 Palestinian detainees showing signs of abuse​

To stifle truth, Israelis threaten to decapitate Lebanese journalist​

​  UN staffer shot dead by Israeli sniper in occupied West Bank
Israel has targeted UNRWA workers in the West Bank and Gaza as part of a broader effort to destroy the organization which supports Palestinian refugees
​  The Israeli sniper shot Jawwad three times in the chest “while on the roof of his house having a coffee,” Juliette Touma, UNRWA’s communications director, told CNN on Friday.
Lt. Col. Nadav Shoshani, spokesperson for the Israeli military, confirmed Friday that Israeli troops killed Jawwad in an operation in the West Bank’s Far’a area but claimed he was “hurling explosive devices that posed a threat to the forces operating in the area.”​

​  Houthis Hit Israel With "New Hypersonic Ballistic Missile"
​  A spokesman for the Iran-backed Houthis claimed in a video announcement on X that rebel forces launched a "new hypersonic ballistic missile" targeting Israel on Sunday morning. He also warned that additional attacks could be expected as the first anniversary of the October 7 Hamas attack approaches.​..
​..The Washington Post quoted Israel Defense Forces that said a surface-to-surface missile fired from Yemen hit an escalator in a train station in the central town of Modiin.​..The target appeared to be the 'Gezer' power plant, 6 kilometers from Ben Gurion airport.​..
​.."A Yemeni missile reached Israel after '20 missiles failed to intercept' it," Nasruddin Amer, a Houthi media official, wrote on X.​..
​..The Israeli air defense failed to intercept the Yemeni missile primarily because it is capable of changing its course suddenly – Israeli Channel 12 The US Navy failed to intercept the missile in the Red Sea as well. Great possibility that this was hypersonic.​..
​..Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told officials at the start of a cabinet meeting that the Houthis "should have known by now that we charge a heavy price for any attempt to harm us."​

​  Houthis launch long-range missile attack against Israel
​  The attack, which Houthis said was launched from over 1200 miles away, is a mark of escalation from the Yemen-based militia group.
​  Yahya Saree, a Houthis spokesperson, said the group launched "a new hypersonic missile" towards a target in Jaffa, near Tel Aviv.
The IDF's missile defense system didn't intercept the missile before it entered Israel's airspace and said the missile "exploded" in the air, scattering debris in open areas.
The IDF said fragments of air defense missiles launched to intercept the missile fell near a rail station and that a fire started near the Ben Gurion Airport...
..An IDF official said in a briefing with reporters that Israel began monitoring the Houthi missile shortly after it was launched.
​  Once in Israeli airspace, one of the interceptor missiles detonated near the Houthi missile but didn't destroy it, the official said.
The IDF official said the Houthi missile was not a hypersonic missile, as Saree claimed.
​..The Houthis have been threatening to retaliate for Israel's strike on Hodeidah, Yemen's fourth-largest city.​

​  Pentagon renovates Israeli air base to make room for refueling tanker aircraft
The US will send Israel four Boeing KC-46A Pegasus tanker aircraft which could help in a future attack on Iran​

​  "Nothing Will Slow Me Down" - Trump Reacts After Second Assassination Attempt​   [So we will all forget about investigating the first attempt now?]
​  Shots were exchanged between a shooter and Secret Service at Trump International Gold Club as the former President played.
Trump was 300-500 yards away when the shooting occurred.
​  FBI confirmed they are investigating this as an assassination attempt.
Trump said after: "nothing will slow me down, I will never surrender."
​  The shooter has been detained.
An AK-47, backpack, and GoPro camera was recovered near the scene.
​  The shooter has been identified as Ryan Routh, whose social media suggest was a Trump-hating, Ukraine-war-supporting liberal.
Trump was NOT given complete perimeter protection, because he is not a sitting president (despite being hit by an assassin's bullet a couple of months ago)​

​  Would-Be Trump Assassin Palled Around With Neo-Nazi Azov Brigade In Ukraine: What Did The Government Know?
​  But when he arrived in Ukraine, according to these media reports, the 58-year old Routh himself was considered too old to fight alongside the Ukrainian army. "So plan B," Routh described to one outlet, "was to come to Kiev and promote the idea of many others coming to join the International Legion. We need thousands of people here to fight alongside Ukrainians."

​  Democrat 'October Surprise' Targeting Russia and Trump May be in the Making – US Psy-Op Veteran
​  Washington appears to have played down speculation about allowing Ukraine to expand the use of long-range NATO missiles inside Russia following Moscow’s warning. However, the Democratic Party's "October surprise" may still be in the works, warns ex-US Army psychological warfare officer and State Department counterterrorism analyst Scott Bennett.​..
​..Russian victories don't play into the hands of the Kamala Harris campaign, backed by the US deep state, according to the psy-op veteran. He referred to the Biden administration switching to full damage control mode by slapping sanctions on the Russian media, "arresting, or shutting down independent bloggers, or news channels by any means necessary."
​  Given that, Bennett doesn't rule out that the Kiev regime could be encouraged by the US to carry out possible false flags and expand strikes against Russia in October to either force Moscow into overreacting or try to smear it in the eyes of the American public.
​  Such measures could be also aimed at "guaranteeing" that Donald Trump wouldn't be able to immediately shift to negotiations on settling the conflict, if he wins in November, according to Bennett.​

​  Sour Note: Taylor Swift Harris Endorsement Backfires As More Voters Turn To Trump
​  Taylor Swift's post-debate endorsement of Vice President Kamala Harris and her running mate, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, appears to have completely backfired. A new post-debate poll from YouGov released Saturday found that while 8% of voters said Swift's endorsement made them "somewhat" or "much more likely" to support the Democratic ticket, a significant 20% said they are "somewhat" or "much less likely" to vote for former President Donald Trump’s opponent after Swift spoke out.
​  The majority of respondents, however - 66% - said Swift’s high-profile endorsement made no difference in how they will vote in the upcoming November election, according to the NY Post.​

'Two Decades of Development Down the Drain': Pentagon Fails to Solve GPS Jamming Problem​

Russian Electronic Warfare Makes GPS Useless for Ukraine's Guided Missiles​

​  A True Shock? Economist Jeffrey Sachs Reveals Secret at Heart of U.S.-Russian Relations​   [Global finance really wanted to pick that huge corpse clean of meat.]
The U.S. was advised toward a "Marshall Plan" to help rebuild post-Soviet Russia as a democracy, but a key witness says the Cold War never ended, because ​"we​" didn't want it to​.

​  Russia opens probe on alleged chemical weapons use by Ukraine in Kursk​   
​  Several residents evacuated from border villages previously reported to Sputnik that they observed acrid yellow smoke and unusual steam following Ukrainian attacks, which caused them to feel unwell. Some also said that their livestock died as a result of these incidents.​

​"Gotta Get 'Em All",  Poland backs ending EU benefits for Ukrainian men of fighting age

Around 5% of Haiti’s Entire Population Has Invaded the U.S. Since 2020​

​  The plan is to use the “Summit of the Future” on September 22-23 effectively to amend the UN’s Charter in order to fundamentally transform the organization from an entity designed to foster cooperation and – where deemed desirable by member nations – collaborative action into an institution of full-on world government.
​  The Summiteers seek to advance “global governance” by securing approval for an effectively irreversible “process” to that end. Guterres laid out the goal of this process in his Policy Brief #2  issued in March 2023: “I propose that the General Assembly provide the Secretary-General and the United Nations system with a standing authority to convene and operationalize automatically an Emergency Platform in the event of a future complex global shock of sufficient scale, severity and reach. “​

​  "Operation Mockingbird" is the search-term:  US media merged with intelligence services long ago – RT editor-in-chief
Washington only protects its own “freedom of speech,” Margarita Simonyan has said​

​  COVID-19 Vaccine-associated Mortality in the Southern Hemisphere. Denis Rancourt
​  Seventeen equatorial and Southern-Hemisphere countries were studied (Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Malaysia, New Zealand, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Singapore, South Africa, Suriname, Thailand, Uruguay), which comprise 9.10 % of worldwide population, 10.3 % of worldwide COVID-19 injections (vaccination rate of 1.91 injections per person, all ages), virtually every COVID-19 vaccine type and manufacturer, and span 4 continents.
​  In the 17 countries, there is no evidence in all-cause mortality (ACM) by time data of any beneficial effect of COVID-19 vaccines. There is no association in time between COVID-19 vaccination and any proportionate reduction in ACM. The opposite occurs.
​  All 17 countries have transitions to regimes of high ACM, which occur when the COVID-19 vaccines are deployed and administered. Nine of the 17 countries have no detectable excess ACM in the period of approximately one year after a pandemic was declared on 11 March 2020 by the World Health Organization (WHO), until the vaccines are rolled out (Australia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Paraguay, Philippines, Singapore, Suriname, Thailand, Uruguay).
​  Unprecedented peaks in ACM occur in the summer (January-February) of 2022 in the Southern Hemisphere, and in equatorial-latitude countries, which are synchronous with or immediately preceded by rapid COVID-19-vaccine-booster-dose rollouts (3rd or 4th doses). This phenomenon is present in every case with sufficient mortality data (15 countries). Two of the countries studied have insufficient mortality data in January-February 2022 (Argentina and Suriname).​

1100% Increase in U.S. Military Morbidity and Deaths - US Lawyer Speaks Out​   "...This is Genocide…"​

  Beyond the injection site: identifying the cellular targets of mRNA vaccines  
  Despite an ever-growing number of studies, the biodistribution and interactions of LNPmRNA vaccines in humans are still poorly characterized. Notable examples of “missing data” at time of writing this review are the biodistribution and effects of the mRNA vaccines on liver, spleen and ovarian tissues, known sites of accumulation for these particles from pre-clinical testing. Due to the ability of both LNPs and Sproteins to cross the blood-brain barrier, pharmacokinetics and toxicity of vaccines in brain tissue also warrants further study. Although a good proportion of post-rollout biodistribution studies have focused on the heart due to myocarditis being a notorious adverse event, the exact molecular cascade leading to heart tissue inflammation remains unknown​

Joseph Mercola D.O.   What Does the Science Say About Alcohol Consumption?​ ​  [Nothing good. All bad.]
​  Alcohol consumption, even at low levels, can negatively impact brain structure, reducing overall brain volume and affecting gray and white matter integrity
Ethanol in alcoholic drinks is converted to acetaldehyde, a toxic substance that damages cells indiscriminately, leading to various health issues including increased cancer risk
​  Alcohol disrupts gut health by killing beneficial bacteria, potentially causing leaky gut syndrome and triggering inflammatory responses that affect your liver and brain
Regular alcohol consumption can alter hormonal balance, increasing estrogen levels and potentially raising cancer risk, especially for breast cancer
​  While N-acetylcysteine (NAC) supplementation may help mitigate some harmful effects of alcohol, abstaining completely is the safest option for optimal health​

Stranded astronauts make first public statement since being left behind on ISS​. They say it was hard to watch their Boeing capsule return to Earth without them​ 
​  It was their first public comments since last week's return of the Boeing Starliner capsule that took them to the International Space Station in June.
They remained behind after NASA determined the problem-plagued capsule posed too much risk for them to ride back in.
​  "That's how it goes in this business," said Williams, adding that "you have to turn the page and look at the next opportunity."
Wilmore and Williams are now full-fledged station crew members, chipping in on routine maintenance and experiments. They, along with seven others on board, welcomed a Soyuz spacecraft carrying two Russians and an American earlier this weektemporarily raising the station population to 12, a near record.​

​Unprotected Earthling (pictured with Astro-Arugula for fall-winter salad-garden)

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Different Light

 Full Spectrum Examiners,

  Pepe Escobar,  From 11 September to 7 October: The fake ‘War on Terror’ collapses
For years, the US executed Israel’s regional destabilization program using phantom terrorists as justification for the ‘War on Terror.’ But 7 October 2023 killed Washington’s never-ending war project – with a flip of the switch, US adversaries have now turned the ‘Long War’ on Israel.
​  The events of 11 September 2001 were intended to impose and enshrine a new Exceptionalist paradigm on the young 21st century. History, though, ruled otherwise.
​  Cast as an attack on the US Homeland, 11 September 2001, immediately generated the Global War on Terror (GWOT), launched at 11 pm on the same day. Initially christened “The Long War” by the Pentagon, the term was later sanitized by the administration of Barack Obama as “Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO).”
​  The US-manufactured War on Terror spent a notoriously un-trackable eight trillion dollars defeating a phantom enemy, killed over half a million people – overwhelmingly Muslims – and branched out into illegal wars against seven Muslim-majority states. All of this was relentlessly justified on “humanitarian grounds” and allegedly supported by the “international community” – before that term, too, was renamed as the “rules-based international order.”...
..US General Wesley Clark’s notorious revelation of a secret Cheney regime plot to destroy seven major Islamic countries over five years, from Iraq, Syria, and Libya all the way to Iran, showed us that the planning had already been done in advance. These targeted nations had one thing in common: they were resolute enemies of the occupation state and firm supporters of Palestinian rights.
​  The sweet deal, from Tel Aviv’s perspective, was that the War on Terror would have the US and its western allies fighting all these serial Israeli-profiting wars on behalf of “civilization” and against the “barbarians.” The Israelis couldn’t have been more happy or smug about the direction this was going...
..But a false narrative construct cannot hold out forever. Three years ago, on the 20th anniversary of the Twin Towers collapsing and the onset of the War on Terror, we witnessed a great unraveling in the intersection of Central and South Asia: the Taliban were back in power, celebrating their victory over the Hegemon in a discombobulated Forever War.
​  By then, the “seven countries in five years” obsession – aiming to forge a “New Middle East” – was being derailed across the spectrumSyria was the turning point, though some would argue that the tea leaves were already cast when the Lebanese resistance defeated Israel in 2000, then again in 2006.
​  But smashing independent Syria would have paved the way for the Hegemon – and Israel’s – Holy Grail: regime change in Iran.
​  US occupation forces entered Syria in late 2014 under the pretext of fighting “terror.” That was Obama’s OCO in action. In reality, though, Washington was using two key terror outfits – Daesh, aka ISIL, aka ISIS, and Al Qaeda, aka Jabhat al-Nusra, aka Hayat Tahrir al-Sham – to try to destroy Damascus...
..As much as Israel profited from events after 11 September, Tel Aviv’s actions after 7 October rapidly accelerated its unraveling. Today, amidst massive Global Majority condemnation of Israel’s Gaza genocide, the occupation state stands as a pariah – tainting its allies and exposing the Hegemon’s hypocrisy with each passing day...

..In the end, all the combined sound and fury of 11 September, the War on Terror, Long War, Operation This-And-That over two decades, metastasized into exactly what “Zbig” feared. Not only has a mere “challenger” emerged, but a full-fledged Russia–China strategic partnership that is setting a new tone for Eurasia.
  Suddenly, Washington has forgotten all about terrorism. This is the real “enemy” – now considered the top two US “strategic threats.” Not Al-Qaeda and its many incarnations, a flimsy figment of the CIA’s imagination, rehabilitated and sanitized in the previous decade as those mythical “moderate rebels” in Syria.
  What’s even more eerie is that the conceptually nonsensical War on Terror forged by the neocons immediately after 11 September is now morphing into a war of terror (italics mine), embodying the desperate Hail Mary pass by the CIA and MI6 to “confront Russian aggression” in Ukraine.
  And that’s bound to be metastasized into the Sinophobia swamp because those same western intelligence agencies consider the rise of China to be “the greatest geopolitical and intelligence challenge” of the 21st century.
  The War on Terror has been debunked; it is now dead. But get ready for serial wars of terror by a Hegemon unaccustomed to not owning the narrative, the seas, and the ground

  Israel Exists to Help West Loot, Dominate Middle East – Analyst
  Although modern defenders of Israel justify its existence under the pretense of “Jewish self-determination” or “decolonization,” the state’s ideological forebears clearly articulated Zionism as a colonial project.
  Issued by the British government in 1917, the Balfour Declaration is often considered to mark the beginning of Western support for the establishment of the modern state of Israel.
  The pronouncement, notorious among Palestinians and their supporters, committed the United Kingdom to the establishment of a “national home for the Jewish people” in the Levant. Some Zionists viewed the creation of Israel as a progressive act necessary to combat rising prejudice in Europe, but historians have pointed out the nakedly antisemitic motivations of Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour, who sought to appease a British public wary of rising Jewish immigration to the UK.

​  Netanyahu asks for criminal probe into himself to evade ICC warrant
A report by the Israeli Channel 12 reveals the intent was for the investigation to be launched and swiftly closed, with a report submitted to the ICC, indicating that the charges had been duly examined.​

​  The court of Israeli public opinion: Netanyahu's popularity surges as Gaza genocide nears one year mark: Poll
The popularity of the Prime Minister and his Likud party fell drastically after the alleged intelligence failures on 7 October​

​  US public opinion is divided:  Massachusetts man shot in scuffle with pro-Israel crowd as video emerges of another who self-immolated
Videos posted to social media Friday indicate that acts of protest are escalating​

​  (partially deplatformed) Jim Kunstler:​  What You Don't Know Might Surprise You
   The plan, you see, was to disrupt the election certification process underway at mid-day in the House chamber by creating a furor over the discovery of the pipe bomb planted to assassinate veep-elect Kamala Harris — a joint blob / Democratic Party operation. The pipe bomb ruse, it turned out, was never needed because the FBI-instigated riot at the Capitol created a big disruption just in time to send the politicians scurrying for safety and cancel scrutiny of various state’s electors’ reports.
  After that scare, the Senators and Congressmen did, in fact, drop the certification challenge and returned to hurriedly finish the certification process later that night of 1/6/21. The pipe bomb story barely made the news, and the scant news about it was expeditiously memory-holed thereafter. After nearly four years, as averred to above, the FBI has come up with. . . nothing. It is important that you understand just how nefarious your federal agencies are, and how corrupt the news is.​

​  The courts reject many charges on procedural grounds to play-it-safe:  Lawfare Collapsing Amidst Harris’ Vow To Prosecute Trump
Now, following setbacks for prosecutors, Trump will have a reprieve in further substantive proceedings until after the election.

​  Watch: Kamala Harris Gives Trainwreck Answers To Simple Questions In First Solo Interview
​  On Friday, Harris gave her first interview since last week's debate - this time, instead of going with a major news network, she sat down with an ABC News affiliate in Philadelphia.
​  Despite several softball questions, Harris had absolutely no answer when reporter Brian Taft asked he about "one or two specific things" she'd do as president when it comes to "bringing down prices and making life more affordable for people."
​  "Well, I'll start with this," Harris began. "I grew up a middle-class kid. My mother raised my sister and me. She worked very hard. She was able to finally save up enough money to buy our first house when I was a teenager. I grew up in a community of hardworking people. You know, construction workers and nurses and teachers. I try to explain to some people who might not have had the same experience, but a lot of people will relate to this."
​  She then kept going​...

​  Russia & The West Are Engaged In Political Choreography Over Ukraine’s Use Of Long-Range Weapons
​  Putin warned last week that letting Ukraine use Western long-range weapons to strike deep inside of Russia “will mean that NATO countries, the United States, and European countries are parties to the war in Ukraine. This will mean their direct involvement in the conflict, and it will clearly change the very essence, the very nature of the conflict dramatically. This will mean that NATO countries – the United States and European countries – are at war with Russia.”
​  He preceded his words by reminding everyone that “the Ukrainian army is not capable of using cutting-edge high-precision long-range systems supplied by the West. They cannot do that. These weapons are impossible to employ without intelligence data from satellites which Ukraine does not have. This can only be done using the European Union’s satellites, or US satellites – in general, NATO satellites…(and) only NATO military personnel can assign flight missions to these missile systems.”...
​..Although the risk of World War III breaking out by miscalculation continues to grow as a result of these irresponsible Western escalations, it’s unlikely that Putin will radically respond by authorizing his forces to hit targets inside of NATO, let alone launch a nuclear first strike.​..   [uh, how unlikely, sir?]
..Putin’s political choreography can be seen as an attempt to pressure Kiev into complying with his ceasefire precondition from this summer by withdrawing from all the territory that Moscow claims as its own. If that fails and he doesn’t ramp up bombing, then the secondary motive might be to prepare his people for another round of mobilization. By describing NATO as being in a state of war with Russia, he might also be hinting that he’ll curtail resource exports to it.
​  As for the West’s political choreography, it appears to be yet another example of “boiling the frog” by gradually crossing every one of Russia’s so-called “red lines”. This helps manage Western public opinion given the unprecedented nature of this proxy war and give Russia the time to prepare for the next escalation so that it’s not caught totally off guard and thus considers “overreacting” like some hawks have wanted.​..
..Seeing as how their specialists would be handling pretty much everything connected to these long-range missiles, the fact that this hasn’t happened earlier speaks to their decisionmakers’ desire to control the escalation ladder with Russia, at least in terms of how they see it...
​..Reflecting on everything, this experience should teach observers that political choreography is only for the sake of perception management since backchannels exist for rival parties to discreetly convey real threats to one another, some of which might then be reaffirmed in public for soft power purposes. Rarely is everything as clear-cut as it seems, with it almost always being the case that much more is going on behind the scenes than meets the eye.​

​  Russian News Stories:

​  Harris wants war with Russia – Trump
The former president has claimed that the Democrats would drag the US into World War III​

​  Russia had reason to use nukes, but showed restraint – Medvedev
The deputy chair of the Security Council has warned that Moscow’s patience has limits, as the West mulls allowing Ukrainian long-range missile strikes​

US sanctions RT​,  The Russian outlet is a threat to democracy, the State Department has claimed​

​  US has declared information war on Russian media – Zakharova to RT
The latest attack stems from the West’s inability to compete fairly, the Foreign Ministry spokeswoman has said​

US media merged with intelligence services long ago – RT editor-in-chief​,  Washington only protects its own “freedom of speech,” Margarita Simonyan has said​

​  Pepe Escobar,   BRICS, the rise of China and how the Hegemon buried the concept of “security”
​  The first meeting of security experts/National Security Advisors under the expanded BRICS+ format at the Konstantinovsky Palace in St. Petersburg unveiled quite a few nuggets.
​  Let’s start with China. Foreign Minister Wang Yi proposed four BRICS-centric security initiatives. Essentially, BRICS+ – and beyond, considering further expansion – should aim at​:  peaceful coexistence; independence; autonomy; and true multilateralism, which implies a rejection of Exceptionalism.
​  At the BRICS table, the overarching theme was how member-nations should support each other despite so many challenges – mostly unleashed by you-know-who...
​..Meeting with Wang Yi, Putin stressed that the Russia-China strategic partnership is in favor of a just world order, a principle supported by the Global South. Wang Yi confirmed President Xi Jinping has already accepted the official Russian invitation for the BRICS summit next month in Kazan.
​  Putin also met with the Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council, Ali Ahmadian. Putin confirmed he is expecting Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian for another visit to Russia, apart from the BRICS summit, to sign their new strategic partnership agreement.
​  Geoeconomics is key. The development of the International North South Transportation Corridor (INSTC) was confirmed as a top Russia-Iran priority.​..
..Shoigu for his part confirmed, “We are ready to expand cooperation between our security councils.” The deal will be signed by both Presidents soon. Moreover, Shoigu added that Iran’s entry into BRICS advances cooperation among members to form a “common and indivisible architecture of strategic security and a fair polycentric world order.”
  Now compare it with the new collective West “strategy” – adopted by U.S., UK, France and Germany: another sanctions wave against Iran related to the case of Iranian missiles transferred to Russia.
  Ahmed Bakhshaish Ardestani, a member of the Iranian Parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission, confirmed early this week that Iran is sending missiles and drones to Russia as part of their defense agreements.
  But the heart of the story is that these missiles are Russian anyway; they are just being produced in Iran
..This new pan-Eurasian security system proposed by Putin was discussed in detail at the latest Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit. Putin actually stated that a “decision was made to turn the SCO regional anti-terrorist structure into a universal center tasked with responding to the entire range of security threats.”
  It all started with the concept of “Greater Eurasian Partnership”, which Putin advanced in late 2015. That was refined during his annual address to the Federal Assembly last February. And then, in a meeting with key Russian diplomats in June, Putin stressed that the time was right to kickstart a comprehensive discussion of bilateral and multilateral guarantees embedded in a new vision for collective Eurasian security.
  The idea, from the start, was always inclusive. Putin stressed the need to create a security architecture open to “all Eurasian countries that wish to participate”, including “European and NATO countries.”....
.As it stands, a deaf, dumb and blind Washington remains obsessed with its single-minded declared goal of inflicting a strategic defeat on Russia...
..And that brings us to the current incandescent juncture. There are only two options ahead for the U.S. proxy war against Russia in Ukraine: an unconditional Kiev surrender, or escalation towards a NATO war against Russia.
  Ryabkov has no illusions – even as he puts it quite diplomatically:
“Signals and actions that we are witnessing today are aimed towards escalation. This remark will not force us to change our course, but will create additional risks and dangers for the United States and its allies, clients and satellites, no matter where they are.”
  After bombing the concept of diplomacy, the Hegemon has also bombed the concept of security. Acute dementia in U.S. Think Tankland has even reached the point of dreaming of a three-front war. And this from an “indispensable nation” whose mighty Navy has been utterly humiliated by the Houthis in the Red Sea.

Record rise in gold price indicates the beginning of (further) dollar devaluation​

​  Saudi Central Bank Caught Secretly Buying 160 Tonnes of Gold in Switzerland
​  The Saudis have joined other Asian countries in ditching their long-term sensitivity to the gold price. Evidence suggests the Saudi central bank has been covertly buying 160 tonnes of gold in Switzerland since early 2022, contributing to the current gold bull market.
​  Although the Saudis played a key role in the birth of the global dollar standard in the early 1970s, this time around they might even become a lynchpin for its dissolution.​

​  Thanks Jane.   A potential association between COVID-19 vaccination and development of Alzheimer’s disease
​  Findings showed an increased incidence of MCI ​(Mild Cognitive Impairment) and AD​ (Alzheimer's Disease) in vaccinated individuals, particularly those receiving mRNA vaccines, within three months post-vaccination. The mRNA vaccine group exhibited a significantly higher incidence of AD (odds ratio [OR]: 1.225; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.025–1.464; P = 0.026) and MCI (OR: 2.377; CI: 1.845–3.064; P < 0.001) compared to the unvaccinated group. No significant relationship was found with vascular dementia or Parkinson’s disease.
​  Conclusions​:
​  Preliminary evidence suggests a potential link between COVID-19 vaccination, particularly mRNA vaccines, and increased incidences of AD and MCI. This warrants the need for further research to elucidate the relationship between vaccine-induced immune responses and neurodegenerative processes, advocating for continuous monitoring and investigation into the vaccines' long-term neurological impacts.​

​  Oxford University Study: Hydroxychloroquine Is a ‘Safe & Effective’ Treatment for Covid
Scientists at the world-renowned Oxford University in England have just confirmed that hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) is “safe and effective” when used to treat COVID-19.
​  A study into the effectiveness of the drug against Covid was conducted by the COPCOV Collaborative Group.
The group, led by Dr. William H. K. Schilling, is part of the Mahidol Oxford Tropical Medicine Research Unit (MORU) Tropical Health Network.
​  The study sought to better understand the safety profile of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) after multiple reports emerged during the pandemic that the antiviral drug had been successfully used to treat Covid.​

​  The New Zealand data released by Barry Young can be used to prove the COVID vaccines are unsafe
It turns out it is trivial to show that the 1 year mortality from the time of the shot is batch dependent, varying by a factor of 2 or more. That’s a huge problem for the mean mortality rates to have such a huge variation.​

​  New Zealand First lawmakers are insisting on an honest COVID vaccine inquiry. GAME CHANGING? We'll see.
​  There really is ONE party in NZ who appears to care about the thousands of New Zealanders left with sickness and injury after (mandated) Covid injections: NEW ZEALAND FIRST (
​  These lawmakers say they want to get to the truth about what happened and why, if the vaccines are so safe, there are so many “coincidences.”
​  The speaker is Tanya Unkovich, a New Zealand politician, representing New Zealand First as a member of parliament since the 2023 general election. She is the author of four books, and has previously worked in finance, as a life coach, and public speaker.
​  Wikipedia says this about Tanya:
During the campaign, she faced criticism for participating in a Nuremberg trials Telegram group that likened COVID-19 vaccines to Nazi war crimes.[8]
​  In other words, she not afraid to call people out. A rarity in politics today.​

​  FDA Blew Off Scheduled Meetings With COVID Vaccine Injury Victims, Emails Show
Private emails obtained by Children’s Health Defense via a FOIA request reveal more evidence that government officials knew of, and were concerned about COVID-19 vaccine adverse events, but that they eventually stopped corresponding with vaccine injury victims.​

​  Their Vaccine Injury Reports Disappeared From VAERS — So They Developed a Tool Anyone Can Use to Track Their Own Reports
After a group of people injured by the COVID-19 vaccine asked the FDA for an external audit of VAERS, they never heard from the agency again. Now they’re developing a system to audit vaccine injury reports in a continuing struggle to hold public health officials accountable.​

​  Updated Guidance for COVID-19 Boosters for the Fall and Winter 2024–2025 Season
Tallahassee, Fla. – The Florida Department of Health (Department) 
is reminding health care providers of the importance of remaining up to date with current literature related to COVID-19 vaccines and boosters, and the importance of providing patients with informed consent.
​  On August 22, 2024, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved and authorized updated versions of mRNA vaccines from Pfizer-BioNtech and Moderna. The FDA approved the vaccine for people 12 and older and provided emergency use authorization for children 6 months to 11 years old. The stated target of these boosters is the Omicron variant which is not causing a significant number of infections.
​  The most recent booster approval was granted in the absence of booster-specific clinical trial data performed in humans. Furthermore, this booster does not protect against the currently dominant strain, accounting for approximately 37% of infections in the United States. There are currently limited data to inform whether these boosters offer any substantial protection against the virus and subsequent circulating variants. Although randomized clinical trials are normally used to approve therapeutics, the federal government has not required COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers to demonstrate their boosters prevent hospitalizations or death from COVID-19 illness.
​  Additionally, the federal government has failed to provide sufficient data to support the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 boostersor acknowledge previously demonstrated safety concerns associated with COVID-19 vaccines and boosters, including:
​  prolonged circulation of mRNA and spike protein in some vaccine recipients,  
increased risk of lower respiratory tract infections, and  
​  increased risk of autoimmune disease after vaccination.
Health care providers are encouraged to share information in this guidance in discussions with patients regarding the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines and boosters.
​  Based on the high rate of global immunity and currently available data, the State Surgeon General advises against the use of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines.​

​  UN ‘Pact for the Future’: Digital IDs, Vaccine Passports, Massive Censorship
World leaders will convene later this month in New York to discuss proposals that critics believe will enshrine global digital ID and online censorship and give the U.N. secretary-general unprecedented emergency powers.​

​  Meryl Nass MD,  The disaster that is the Pact for the Future
Bear with me; I am trying to identify the most effective way of conveying this important material. Please share. Consensus on this document will be sought at the UN in 8 days!​

​  George Monbiot,  Out of 1,500 global climate policies, only 63 have really worked. That’s where green spin has got us
​  A paper published in Science last month reviewed 1,500 climate policies around the world, and found that only 63 have delivered significant benefits. These include fuel taxes, carbon floor prices, bans on damaging technologies, renewables mandates, energy efficiency mandates, strong building regulations and higher industrial performance standards. The paper should be a blueprint for action. But precisely because these policies generate real change, they cause conflict with powerful interests.​

  ​A Midwestern Doctor: The Unappreciated Benefits of Natural Light​,  Exploring the critical biological functions of a complete and balanced light spectrum
Sunlight's Hidden Benefits: Sunlight is crucial for our health, dramatically cutting the risk of dying or getting cancer, yet we’re always told to avoid it.
​  Beyond Vitamin D: While we recognize the importance of vitamin D, many other critical functions of light in plants, animals, and humans remain largely unknown and will be explored in this article.
​  Modern Light Exposure: Our constant exposure to artificial light is mistakenly seen as harmless, but forgotten research shows it's a root cause of many modern physical and behavioral issues.
​  Light and Blood: Blood plays a key role in conducting light throughout our bodies. Disruptions in this process (e.g., from wearing glasses that block certain parts of the light spectrum) can lead to serious health problems.

​Obtaining Natural Sunlight (pictured with seedlings from 3 year old collard plant, which are doing the same)

Friday, September 13, 2024

Awaiting World War

 Feeling Uneasy,

  Gilbert Doctorow,  Putin to reporter Pavel Zarubin: 'NATO will be at war with us and our response will be appropriate to the perceived threat'
  Pavel Zarubin, a journalist who seems to follow Vladimir Vladimirovich everywhere to gather material for his weekly Sunday evening show 'Moscow, the Kremlin, Putin' put to him the question that is as much on the minds of Russians as it is on the mind of us here in the West: how will Russia respond to the expected American and British go-ahead to Zelensky for use of their missiles to attack the heartland of RussiaPutin gave his answer speaking in a calm and deliberate tone. What he said has been picked up by global media, many of which have presented it to world audiences as being bellicose. It was not bellicose but it was open to various interpretations because its essence is that Russia's response will be calibrated to the level of threat to itself that it sees in any coming attacks from Ukraine.
​  But before getting to the 'punch line' that everyone awaited, President Putin explained Russia's understanding that what is at issue goes far beyond mere permission for Ukraine to use Western supplied long-range offensive weapons as it sees fit. Per Russian military evaluation, Ukraine by itself does not possess the satellite reconnaissance capability necessary to program the NATO-supplied missiles to target. For this it is totally dependent on NATO countries. More important still, Ukraine does not have the training, the skills to maintain and launch these missiles on its own. Two or three weeks training is utterly inadequate to manage these highly sophisticated weapons systems. Accordingly all of those functions must necessarily be carried out by technical people from the NATO country manufacturers of the weapons. For these reasons, Russia concludes that the missiles effectively represent NATO's direct involvement in the conflict. The status of the conflict moves on from a proxy war to a full-blown war by NATO countries on Russia. That change in the nature of the war requires a change in the way Russia conducts itself. As Putin said, Russia will calibrate its response to any attack to the level of threat it perceives. Period.​..
..The fact is that Russia is mentally prepared for anything that the West can throw at it today via Ukraine, up to and including, for example, a missile attack on the Kursk nuclear power plant. Due to its unprotected outer structure, a strike there could result in a leakage of radioactivity similar to the Chernobyl catastrophe. We should not doubt that a Russian response to such an incident will be memorable if any of us survives it.​

​  Britain and the United States are on the verge of allowing Ukraine to use long-range missiles against targets in Russia after accusing President Putin of “escalating” the conflict by accepting ballistic missiles from Iran.​

​  Will ‘Insane’ Biden Provoke World War III Before November Election?​  [Now being secretly negotiated in DC.]
​  Both countries nearly saw their worst fears realized during the Cuban Missile Crisis, when it appeared the US and USSR were unwilling to back down over the issue of nuclear missiles being placed just miles from each country’s border in Cuba and Turkey. The incident led to the establishment of a special hotline for US and Soviet leaders to communicate directly, and caused US President John F. Kennedy to remark that tensions between nuclear powers must never again rise to such a level.​..
​..“My fear is that [the United States] will try something really drastic like a false flag attack or maybe even a mini nuke,” said (former CIA Analyst, Ray) McGovern, concerned that the US could fabricate an episode such as the Gulf of Tonkin incident that drew the country into the Vietnam War. “Let's see what happens the next couple of weeks. I think Putin is right. It's only the smart thing to see who wins on the 5th of November. Till then, I'm still holding my breath.”​

  ​Simplicius,  Zelensky's Last Hail Mary Gets Off to Rocky Start
  It seems every news cycle there is now some major new development surrounding Ukraine, which threatens to plunge the war into some elevated state of risk and threat. This is by design because Zelensky and his curators need to constantly drum up a sense of advancement in the narrative, otherwise the increasingly dire situation on the front threatens to swallow the entire war effort whole.
​  Today that “shiny new object” meant to give UA supporters some small glint of hope is the information package surrounding permission for deep strikes into Russia.​..
​..Zelensky is traveling to the US to present his plan, which some sources have claimed has three points, which I outlined last time, but as reminder:
​ 1. Zelensky wants the US to allow long-range strikes into Russia with foreign missiles to destroy all military bases, airfields, ammunition and fuel depots within the European part of Russia.
​ 2. The West (US/NATO) must protect Western Ukraine with Polish and Romanian air defense systems from Russian retaliation strikes so Ukraine could transfer own air defense systems closer to the battlefield.
​ 3. The West must guarantee to be prepared to get more involved by sending ground troops to certain parts of Ukraine to free up Ukraine's manpower which could be sent to the front lines. Zelensky believes after this campaign Russia would be forced to retreat, at some point Putin's leadership would be destabilized and replaced, with the new leadership signing a peace deal.​..
..However, we already have some sand to throw on the above via another breaking story, which is that infamous Russian pranksters Vovan & Lexus had just caught Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski in their net. Sikorski directly addresses two of the points above, totally dispelling them. He was under the impression he was speaking to Ukraine’s Petro Poroshenko as part of the gag.​ Here he plainly states that right now there is no chance for Poland, and likely the rest of NATO, in shooting down any Russian assets or joining the war...  In the slightly longer version, at the end he actually states: “We don’t want to confirm what Medvedev, Putin, and Russian propaganda has been accusing us of.” He’s saying that Poland does not want to validate the very reason behind Russia’s war on Ukraine, which is that the West intends to use Ukraine to directly attack Russia.​.. The relief, of course, is that Sikorski confirms: “There is no willingness in Europe to have a war with Russia, this is an absolute red line.”​...
..One of the problems is: major transnational conglomerates like BlackRock and the Soros Empire have all signed deals with Zelensky’s regime—and it’s in their great interest to keep those contracts active. Should Zelensky be removed, they know a new leader could annul their deals, causing trillions in future losses. Thus, it serves the cabal’s interests to keep as corrupt a regime in Ukraine in power as long as possible...
..The US will likely attempt to “sit on both chairs” by acceding to Ukraine’s demands to give them some more leeway in strikes, but still hoping to not provoke Russia into an uncontrollable or runaway escalatory spiral. This would logically entail Ukraine given conditional permission to strike certain conventional targets, but not anything even remotely sensitive, with a long list of red-line “no-gos” which would of course include things like nuclear plants, but even likely governmental or institutional structures, for instance—at the extreme end of the case—striking the Kremlin...
​..You’ll recall a couple reports ago I had detailed how the US itself may only have 1000-1500 total ATACMS in its inventory remaining and Ukraine was said to have received upwards of 200-300 of them... People are underestimating just how expensive the ATACMS is. At upwards of $1.5 to $1.7 million each, the total complement of ~300 would have cost around $500,000,000 dollars. The problem with this is that the US has very little military aid left to Ukraine, and its recent “packages” have been only a couple hundred million each, and that is needed to pay for a vast array of different types of ammunition for all systems​...
..Of course, now there’s talk of JASSM missiles, and the above is merely the underscoring of the point I had made several articles ago where I stated that JASSMs do not represent some “new” wunderwaffe ability but rather the desperate measure of carrying over Ukrainian strike capability from the depleted ATACMS. The JASSMs are much cheaper, at reportedly $700k or so, and on top of that, the US has far more of them in stock—supposedly in the several thousands...
​..Lastly, let me state that despite the hubbub surrounding this, with many outlets reporting with near ‘certainty’ that permission is about to be, or has already been, granted, it seems to me like the opposite is the case, and Biden’s fear-stricken administration is flip-flopping as ever. The official statements today still resoundingly said “no policy change” is expected. My read is that they are desperately scrounging for some symbolic targets to allow Ukraine to hit, which can be approved with a secret backdoor handshake between Russia, where all parties can be satisfied.​..   
​..One of the most significant revelations is that Sikorski states that the Trump team has privately told him Trump’s big “plan” to get Russia to agree to a ceasefire would essentially be to threaten Russia with escalation. This appears to confirm the rumors we’ve heard for a while and means that there’s no chance Trump could get Russia to actually accede because threats would be the last possible thing Russia would care about, particularly because this ‘escalation’ is claimed to be in the form of vastly increasing financial support to Ukraine. That would do nothing whatsoever—and Russia knows this—because you can print funny money but you can’t print arms, and US has little of significance left to really give Ukraine that could in any way affect the calculus of the war.​

​  UK's Starmer, Canada's Trudeau, Pressure Biden To Escalate With Russia Despite Putin Warning Of 'War' With NATO
Update(1450ET): Kirby came out on Friday and told reporters that there's been no change in US policy regarding Ukraine using Western arms for long-rage strikes inside Russia. But the pressure is quickly ramping up: first Canada's Trudeau said he supports greenlighting this, despite Putin making clear this would mean 'direct war' between Russia and NATO, and now UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer is coming out in support. According to breaking reporting in The Wall Street Journal​.

​  Lavrov ridicules ‘divers on little boat’ Nord Stream-sabotage theory
Those who believe such stories are “afraid of truth” and are shielding the Kiev regime, the Russian foreign minister said​

​  Britain saved tens of millions of pounds by sending scrapped equipment to Ukraine – FT
​  It is noted that a significant amount of British military equipment provided to Kyiv had little military value. However, sending such cargo to Ukraine, according to the publication, "reduced waste or costs associated with disposal."​

South Africa to submit Gaza war crimes evidence to UN court​, The BRICS member accuses Israel of having committed multiple atrocities​

​  ‘Everything around me was getting torn apart’: Israel commits another massacre in Gaza ‘safe zone’
Israel committed another massacre in an area it has designated as a "safe zone." The airstrikes buried entire families in the sand.​

​  New video, witnesses challenge Israel’s account of U.S. activist’s killing
The IDF said Aysenur Eygi was shot “unintentionally” during a “violent riot.” A Post analysis shows clashes had subsided and protesters had retreated.
​  BEITA, West Bank — It was Aysenur Eygi’s first time at a West Bank demonstration, and she was nervous.
The 26-year-old Turkish American told fellow activists she hoped to be a “protective presence” for Palestinians at a time of spiraling violence across the Israeli-occupied territory.
​  “We had both decided we did not want to be near any action at all,” said Helen, a volunteer from Australia in her early 60s who was with Eygi throughout the day.
​  Eygi’s caution did not protect her. She was fatally shot in the head on Friday in the village of Beita, near Nablus, following brief clashes after Friday prayers. The Israel Defense Forces said Tuesday it was “very likely” she had been hit “unintentionally” by one of its soldiers“The incident took place during a violent riot,” the statement said, and the fire was aimed at “the key instigator.”
​  But a Washington Post investigation has found that Eygi was shot more than a half-hour after the height of confrontations in Beita, and some 20 minutes after protesters had moved down the main road — more than 200 yards away from Israeli forces. A Palestinian teenager, who witnesses say was standing about 20 yards from Eygi, was wounded by Israeli fire; the IDF would not say if he was a target.
​  Citing an ongoing investigation, the IDF also declined to answer questions from The Post about why its forces fired toward the demonstrators so long after they had retreated, and from a distance where they posed no apparent threat.​..
​..On Friday morning, activists said, Eygi and four other volunteers hired a taxi in Ramallah, the de facto Palestinian capital in the West Bank, and drove about 30 miles north to Beita, a familiar flash point.
​  Palestinians there have been battling for decades to hold off the steady advance of Israeli settlers.​..
​..Helen slipped and fell during “the scary race down the road,” at one point spraining her ankle, she said, but the younger woman stayed with her, “being a protective strength.”
​  A video filmed at 1:22 p.m. shows the road next to the olive grove. A shot rings out.
“They’re shooting with regular guns!” an activist says off-camera in Japanese. Steven Beck, an audio forensic expert who consulted for the FBI and reviewed the footage for The Post, said the pop heard on the video was consistent with a gunshot — a finding corroborated by a second audio expert, Rob Maher.
​  A minute later, the British activist called Eygi to check where she was, according to a call log viewed by The Post. Eygi told him she had already made it down the hill to the olive grove.​ “Stay there,” he recalls telling her.
​  Helen positioned herself behind a tree, she said, with Eygi to her left...​..“Gunshot!” an unseen woman can be heard screaming in the background. She pleads for an ambulance.
In the olive grove, Helen saw Eygi drop facedown to the ground beside her. The older woman rolled her over. Blood was pouring from the left side of Eygi’s head, she said, and she was unresponsive...
​..During her training with ISM, Eygi had spoken about her fear that she “wouldn’t make a difference,” fellow activists said. Her death has now become a test case for U.S.-Israel relations, after 11 months of growing tensions between the two allies over the war in Gaza and Israeli policy in the West Bank.
It certainly couldn't have been done without them. Dick Cheney helped, too...  Israel Did 9/11, W.M. Peterson

Migrant Population In Charleroi, Pennsylvania Explodes 2,000% As Crisis Unfolds​

Missed the special ​radio-coach-earrings at the debate, though... How to Steal an Election: US Conservatives Expose Democrats' Playbook Ahead of 2024 Vote​

​  Charles Hugh Smith on our new paradoxical subjugation.  What's "Free" About "Free Speech"?
Without being aware of it, we've privatized "free" speech in the form of digital monopolies.

Celia Farber explains Germany's "Red Queen" court proceedings: 
Analysis By Joseph Molitorisz: Fuellmich Defense Denied Clarification Of What The Charge Against Him Is At This Point—Told To Wait Until Trial's End?​

​  Another write-up about last week's "Attack On Food and Farmers and How To Fight Back" symposium:  
‘Don’t Eat the Bugs’: How to Reclaim Control Over the Food System
​  “Attack on Food and Farmers and How to Fight Back,” a two-day symposium featuring 40-plus speakers, brought together doctors, journalists, researchers, farmers and politicians to discuss what’s happened to the global food system — and how to fix it.​

​  They actually were not stupid, and they had both Polynesian and Native-American genetics, so the Polynesians had gotten to the New World before Columbus. European diseases appear to have killed off the islanders.   Genetic Evidence Overrules Ecocide Theory of Easter Island Once And For All

Survival Oriented (took this picture of co-survivalist, Jenny)